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Conversation topics. Discuss the following prompts and questions with your partner . Also ask further questions and see where the conversation takes you . Have you ever slept in class ?. Are you an organized person? Discuss . Define good music.
Conversationtopics Discuss the followingprompts and questions with yourpartner. Alsoaskfurtherquestions and seewhere the conversationtakesyou.
Namesomegoodways of making new friends. How canonelosefriends?
Should new drivershave a speedlimit of 80 km/h for a fullyear(the wayitused to be)?
Theysayifwomenruled the world, therewouldn’tbewars. Discuss.
How is informationtechnologychangingthe wayteachersteachandstudentslearn?
Talkaboutbandswhose music used to begoodbutwhohavenowlosttheirform.
What’syourBlues Name?Doyouevergetthe Blues?Whatdoyoudowhenyou’redown?