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RURAL COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE CORPORATION www.rcac.org. RCAC. Mission Statement: RCAC provides technical assistance, training and financing so rural communities can achieve their goals and visions. RCAC. Programs & Services: Environmental Housing Loan Fund
RCAC • Mission Statement: • RCAC provides technical assistance, training and financing so rural communities can achieve their goals and visions.
RCAC • Programs & Services: • Environmental • Housing • Loan Fund • Comprehensive Community Development, Leadership and Economic Development
RCAC • Incorporated 1978 as a spin-off from Self-Help Enterprises • 120 staff working in 13 western states • 13 Board Members from 10 states
RCAC • Operating budget–$16 million • Assets $77.5 million, Net Assets $21.3 million (most of this is in the loan fund)
Western RCAPRural CommunityAssistance Corporation916/447-2854www.rcac.org Midwest RCAPMidwest Assistance Program952/758-4334www.map-inc.org Southern RCAPCommunity Resource Group479/443-2700www.crg.org Northeast RCAPRCAP Solutions800/488-1969www.rcapsolutions.org Great Lakes RCAPWSOS Community Action Commission800/775-9767www.glrcap.org Southeast RCAPSoutheast Rural Community Assistance Project866/928-3731www.southeastrcap.org The RCAP Network Rural Community Assistance Partnership800/321-7227www.rcap.org
RCAC Environmental Why do this work • RCAC works with those communities and projects that serve low-income and small populations that do not have the resources available to help themselves • Rural communities are at a competitive disadvantage when trying to secure funding to improve their infrastructure. • The cost of basic utilities in small communities is significantly greater than in larger communities. • Underserved populations are targeted through our technical assistance, training and access to resources • Help communities achieve safe and reliable drinking water, wastewater and solid waste systems
RCAC Environmental TMF • What is TMF? • T stands for Technical and is the operations side of a water, wastewater and solid waste utility • M stands for Managerial which is the management, board, council and decision makers • F stand for Financial which is the money side of the utility and its assets and capital improvements
RCAC Environmental Who are our clients? • RCAC’s clients are very small low-income communities, with populations up to 50,000 and median income levels around $30K • Technical assistance is provided to tribes in most of our states, especially in CA, AZ • RCAC works with national organizations, state agencies, communities, tribes and Colonias to help build capacity through TMF
RCAC Environmental Example Case Study • Lower Rio Grande Public Water Works Authority • Five water systems – eight Colonia communities south of Las Cruces, NM along Rio Grande River • Water systems have water quality (Arsenic, Nitrate threats) and individual infrastructure capacity challenges • RCAC worked with all the systems to form a regionalization of all five systems and helped develop special legislation to form new water authority • Under RCAP Technitrain funding, a fee for service contract with and engineer and through a state contract, RCAC helped develop the framework of the new utility and a sustainable operating structure accepted by the community.
RCAC Environmental Example Case Study – Cont’d • Lower Rio Grande Public Water Works Authority • RCAC helped develop the regional entity to develop: • Merger Plan – integration of assets, liability and personnel • Strategic Plan – identify and prioritize infrastructure development planning • Asset Management Plan – integrated all 5 system assets • Financial Plan – includes budget, rates and reserve set asides • Personnel Plan – employee benefits • Governance Documents – legislative structure, rules and regulations, and policies and procedures • Assisted with the development of the district designation and election policy • RCAC assisted with the public outreach and facilitation to gain community support.
RCAC Environmental RCAC Environmental Funding • We have national funding through RCAP which is includes USDA, EPA and a small portion from Health and Human Services (HHS) • We have a large grant of HHS funding for work with the poorest and most disadvantaged groups, which we compete for as an RCAP • We have a large EPA contract to work with tribes in CA and AZ and hopefully in NV in the future • We have small and large state contracts under the EPA state revolving fund (SRF) that fund anything from water circuit riders in Hawaii, to most of the CA water and wastewater training and financial technical assistance and training in other states
RCAC Housing Self-Help Technical Assistance • RCAC has: • A contract with Rural Development to work with self-help grantees in 11 states. • Currently working with 55 grantees who are implementing two year grants of nearly $55 million and expect to build 2,500 self-help homes. • Self-Help Grantees receive RD funding under Sec. 523 to assist low and very low income families in financing and building their own homes under the mutual self-help method. • Assist RD in managing self-help grants, advise grantees on RD requirements and regulations, and provide TA.
RCAC Housing HOME and CHDO TECHINICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM • Currently RCAC has contracts to work in 8 states, AZ, CA, CO, HI, MT, NV, NM, and WY. • Received awards of about $900,000 annually for the past several years. • Goals: to increase housing production, build organizational capacity and ensure compliance with program regulations • HOME TA focuses on TA to the state recipients and sub recipients, also funds larger state-wide trainings • CHDO TA focuses on building CHDO capacity and specific HOME funded projects usually one-on-one
RCAC Loan Fund • Established in 1988 • Currently Capitalized at $65 million • Designated CDFI • Approved USDA Guaranteed Lender • Offer Short term and Long Term Financing
RCAC Loan Fund • Loan Fund operations are self-supporting. • Revenue from interest, fees and investment income. • Try to maintain a spread of at least 250 basis points between our cost of funds and loan rates
RCAC Loan Fund Sources Amount Equity * $17,713,415 Bank $8,126,165 Federal Loans $6,327,295 Foundation $26,684,869 Non Profit $1,150,000 Religious $4,400,000 LLC$700,000__ TOTAL $65,101,744 *Includes $3,043,065 in temporarily restricted federal grants (CDFI Fund)
RCAC Loan Fund • Loan Types • Single Family Housing • Multi Family Housing • Manufactured Home Parks • Community Facilities • Environmental Infrastructure: • Water • Wastewater • Solid Waste Systems
RCAC Loan Fund • Loan Purpose • Development Financing (Short term – up to 3 years) • Land acquisition • Predevelopment (arch, eng., etc) • Site Infrastructure (streets, utilities, etc.) • Construction (take-out source normally required) • Intermediate and Long-Term Financing • Community Facility Loans (USDA Guaranteed Loans) • Emergency Repair Water/Wastewater
RCAC Loan Fund Loan Example: Affordable Housing • Borrower a non-profit Self Help Housing Developer in Utah proposing to build 14 homes through the USDA Mutual Self Help housing program. • RCAC provided $1.4 million loan for land acquisition and site development. • Security – First trust deed on land and improvements • Interest reserve and loan fee included in loan. • Repayment of loan from the sale of lots to Self Help program participants.
RCAC Loan Fund Environmental Infrastructure • RCAC made a $45,000 loan to a non-profit water association with 23 members in central Washington. Level of copper and lead in water exceeds State Dept. of Health limits. RCAC loan to finance upgrade to the water system to properly treat water. • 20 year term, fully amortized, 5% interest rate • Security – assignment of revenues Loan Example:
Comprehensive Community Development and Leadership Development • Communities need more than water, wastewater, solid waste and housing to be sustainable. RCAC works with and develops community leadership to address the community needs and create sustainable communities.
RCAC Loan Fund For more information visit www.rcac.org Olga Morales Tel: 575/382-6992 Email: olgams@rcac.org