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Is waste harmful to nature and economic ?. What is waste?. Waste means all objects and soild substance and also useless liquid substances which are not sewages but made by people during their everyday activities. Structure of waste in Poland (2000r). Solid :
What is waste? Waste meansallobjects and soildsubstance and alsouselessliquidsubstanceswhichare not sewages but made by peopleduringtheireverydayactivities.
Structure of waste in Poland (2000r) Solid : • industrial – 75 % • agricultural– 15 % • municipal – 7 % • dangereus– 3 % Municipal: • Organic part– 32 % • mineral – 21 % • paper– 19 % • glass– 8 % • plastic – 4 % • metal – 4 % • Other – 12 %
Floatingrubbishreducestheaccess to oxygeninwaterwhichmakesorganismslivingtheredie. • Dangerous chemical waste mixedwithwater, whichisdrunk by waterorganism , pratlleanials. • Wateranimalthinkrubbishisfood and theyeat for example : Turtlesthinkfoilsbagisjellyfish, theyeatitwhichclogalimentarycanal, how to dieinverysuffering. • Waves, salt water and ultravioletradiation make crush plastic. Crus plastic looklikesand. Theyfloating on a watersurface mix withthingwhatswiminwater . In efectfish , bird and anotheranimalseathugeaccount of plastic, and theydie .
Rubbishpoisonsthesoil, so plantsdieortheyarecontaminated. Ifanimalseatcontaminatedplantstheydie. • In waste there is a lot of pathogenic bacteries and mushroom which attack people and animals. • Landfull are the place of insects, birds and rodent, who delivers microorganisms. • Animals think rubbish is food and they eat for example : foil which clog alimentary canal, how to die in a great suffer.
Birds build their nest with plastic strings that people unconsciously throw away and those strings block the access of blood to their limbs which causes swelling or even death.
When we combustmanytypes of waste in homefurnace, therearisecarcinogenic dioxins orothers chemicals, which combined with atmospherecauseacidrain.
Decomposition of waste Garbage on landfills, orthe thrownout in forestsoranywhere, decompose for a longtime. Thatiswhysecondaryprocessingissoimportant. It hashugeeffect on ournaturalenvironment. beveragecarton:10-30 years tincan: 40-80 years soda can: 50-100 years plastic bag: 100-120 years car tire: 300-500 years plastic bottle: 500-1000 years glassbottle: severalthousandyears; practicallydoes not decomposeatall
Garbage in parks, on the beachesand in similarplacesdiscouragetouristto visitcontaminatedcity. Garbage lead to manydiseases, whicheffectisabsenceatwork. Costs of treatment of diseasesinduced by garbageis high. Waste pollutedrinkingwater, and peopledon’t want to movehouse to suchareas.
Photos: • http://www.zdroweklimaty.pl/pl/zalety_rekuperacji • http://www.biznes.banzaj.pl/galeria/polska-natura-3-galdok-26004-263822-jpg.html • http://topdycha.pl/zaskakujace-fakty-z-glebi-oceanow/sea-turtle-sunburst/ • http://mytwopiasters.wordpress.com/2011/01/24/swimming-in-a-linguistic-ocean/ • http://poloniabarcelona.pl/co-czytaja-polacy-w-barcelonie-wywiad-z-dariuszem-wilkiem-zalozycielem-i-opiekunem-biblioteki-polskiej/ • http://img2.cda.pl/PV9vdnJac257MF8nMzdkeDk0MyBjPDAqPDhjJGJjMyprNjByYTdmLj9hZjpqdWdDPDIzOjE3MzI8MjNLMTM1Kj80MCEyNGJxxxxPw%3D%3D/332dd4434c90618c0bf36f60fa2f22af.jpg
http://www.tapeta-blask-niebo-chmury-slonce.na-pulpit.com/zdjecia/blask-niebo-chmury-slonce.jpeghttp://www.tapeta-blask-niebo-chmury-slonce.na-pulpit.com/zdjecia/blask-niebo-chmury-slonce.jpeg • http://static.twojapogoda.pl/2011/12/23638_chmura26x-210cx158.png • http://tvp.info/informacje/biznes/polska-wsrod-liderow-wzrostu-gospodarczego/3476897 • http://poprostufootball.blox.pl/2011/02/A-mialo-byc-tak-pieknie.html • https://www.google.pl/search?q=zdj%C4%99cia+odpady&client=firefox-a&hs=xHx&rls=org.mozilla:pl:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=1JbZUtjlLu_X7AaGmoCgCA&ved=0CCwQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=729#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=NSdjDf-3n6g3NM%253A%3BDiE2qwHn4pfa Sources: • encyklopedia Świat Wiedzy • http://www.lasy.gov.pl/dokumenty/edukacja/nie-wyrzucaj-smieci-do-lasu • http://trzebiez.w.interia.pl/wypracowania/gospodarowanie_odpadami.htm