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Simfund PRO, 7.0: Distribution Data Enhancements – New Features & Functionality. Simfund 7.0 – New Features & Functionality. Look, feel and functionality of Simfund remains exactly the same both in original views & new views Select, Grouping, Column, etc.
Simfund PRO, 7.0: Distribution Data Enhancements – New Features & Functionality
Simfund 7.0 – New Features & Functionality Look, feel and functionality of Simfund remains exactly the same both in original views & new views Select, Grouping, Column, etc. Large majority of existing Simfund data flows seamlessly into new Views Mstar & Lipper categories, performance, ratings, fees, specialty flags, etc. Combined with new data from Access Data (AD) New AD data stored under Choices -- Distributor & Channel Items Distributor & Channel Assets and Flows (AD) Other distributor and channel data points
Simfund PRO, 7.0: Distribution Data Enhancements • New Data • New Views • Intuitive Switching • My Funds Analysis • Graphs & Reports Slide 3
Simfund PRO, 7.0: New Data Slide 4
What’s New to Simfund 7.0 Clients $6+ trillion long-term assets 900 Distributors 9 Distribution Channels Based on data from 140+ fund managers 45 ETF managers Monthly assets & net flows by channel & distributor U.S. Long-Term, Open-End Mutual Funds & ETFs Assets by Business Segment Enhanced Simfund 7.0 Distribution Coverage Approx. $10 Trillion Total Industry AUM Defined Contribution Plans 25% Intermediary- Sold 50% Other (*including a portion of DC Plan AUM) Direct-Sold 10% ETFs 12% This new data is sourced from SI’s partnership with Access Data, a Broadridge company. Simfund now contains data from Mstar (MS), Lipper (LI), ICI, SI and Access Data (AD) 5
Key Intermediary-Sold Data Characteristics –Comprehensive Scope to Create Your Distribution Road Map Wirehouse Independent / Regional RIA Private Bank Trust Companies Bank BD Dual-Registered RIA Retirement Platforms Discount 9 Distribution Channels 900 Distributors Slide 6 6
Supporting Product Management & Development, Business Strategy & Distribution Teams with Timely Market Intelligence • An integrated product + distribution competitive analytics tool • Promoting the increasing need for product, strategy & distribution teams to work more closely together • Refining the importance of “who to bring what message to” • And adding the “where” to the “what” and “how” of competitive analysis Sales Q’s Product Q’s • What distribution channels and distributors are growing? • How does my existing distribution footprint fit into this reality? • Where do we need to strengthen our existing efforts / where do new partnership opportunities exist? • What are the key demand features across different channels and distributors? • Where might my firm’s existing funds fit best w/in the FA community? • Where might my firm’s skill set translate to success with new products? Slide 7 7
Simfund PRO, 7.0: New Views Slide 8
New Views in Simfund 7.0: Distributor Analysis & Channel Analysis Views The 5 Original Views Remain Exactly the Same The Added Data & Features Are Housed in the 2 New Views Slide 9
The same universe of funds as Fund Analysis View, plus a new Easy Select and filters: Distributor Firm Type Distributor Total Assets Distributor Net Flows Share Class Type ETF Active-Passive *My Name (My Fund or My Portfolio) * With My Funds Analysis enabled Distributor Analysis View • Bank B-D • Clearing Firm • Discount • Independent • Investment Manager • Private Bank • Retirement Platforms • Trust Co • Wirehouse Slide 10
New Grouping Items: Distributor Firm Type Distributor Name Distributor Parent Name New Column Items: Distributor Net Flows Distributor Total Assets *My Distributor Net Flows *My Distributor Total Assets * With My Funds Analysis enabled Distributor Analysis View Analyze intermediary-sold mutual fund distribution at specific distributors. Slide 11
The same universe of funds as Fund Analysis View, plus a new Easy Select and filters: Detailed Channel Wirehouse RIA Dually Registered RIA Independent/Regional Retirement Platforms Private Bank Bank B-D Discount Trust Co Channel Total Assets Channel Net Flows Share Class Type ETF Active-Passive *My Name (My Fund or My Portfolio) * With My Funds Analysis enabled Channel Analysis View Slide 12
New Grouping Items: Channel Name Channel Type Broker Dealers RIA Bank & Trust Discount Retirement New Column Items: Channel Net Flows Channel Total Assets *My Channel Net Flows *My Channel Total Assets * With My Funds Analysis enabled Channel Analysis View Analyze intermediary-sold mutual fund distribution across the various distribution channels. Slide 13
Simfund PRO, 7.0: Intuitive Switching Slide 14
Intuitive Switching Simfund 7.0 will automatically change the data items between the new views Slide 15
Simfund, PRO 7.0: My Funds Analysis Slide 16
My Funds Analysis Analyze intermediary-sold mutual fund distribution for your funds or company’s share. Analyze specific distributors or across the various distribution channels. Slide 17
Sample Query 1: Analyze My Funds % of Competitor within Morningstar Category by Distributor based on Aug ‘12 assets My Funds Analysis Quick Tip: Since a “My” data item is NOT included the peer group, use My Distributor Total Assets and MY% of My Distributor Total Assets to calculate Market Share for My Fund Company. Analyze your assets vs. Competitors side by side for a Distributor. Grouping Items: Mstar Category Name Distributor Name Column Items: SUM (Distributor Total Assets) SUM (My Distributor Total Assets) MY% (My Distributor Total Assets) Row Filter: Rank (numeric – 1 to N) from 1 to 10 the SUM (Distributor Total Assets) Slide 18
Sample Query 2: Market Share for My Portfolios within Morningstar Category at Distributor based on Aug ‘12 assets My Funds Analysis Quick Tip: Since My Portfolio Name is included the peer group, use Share% of Distributor Assets to calculate Market Share for My Fund Company Grouping Items: MStar Category Name Distributor Name My Portfolio Name Column Items: SUM (Distributor Total Assets) Share (Distributor Total Assets) Slide 19
Simfund PRO, 7.0: Graphs & Reports Slide 20
Graphs Channel Analysis: • Channel Assets: Pie • My Channel Assets: Pie • Risk/Ret by MS Ctg, Chan Assets: Bubble • Risk/Ret by MS Ctg,MyChan Assets: Bubble • Risk/Ret by LI Cl, Chan Assets: Bubble • Risk/Ret by LI Cl,MyChan Assets: Bubble • My Channel Assets: Bar • Channel Assets: Bar • Channel Assets: Line • My Channel Assets: Line • Channel Assets vs. Market Share • My Channel Flows: Bar • Channel Flows: Bar • Channel Flows: Line • My Channel Flows: Line • Risk/Ret by MS Ctg, Chan Flows: Bubble • Risk/Ret by MS Ctg, MyChan Flows: Bubble • Risk/Ret by LI Cl, Chan Flows: Bubble • Risk/Ret by LI Cl, MyChan Flows: Bubble Distributor Analysis: Distributor Assets: Pie My Distributor Assets: Pie Risk/Ret by MS Ctg, Dist Assets: Bubble Risk/Ret by MS Ctg,MyDist Assets: Bubble Risk/Ret by LI Cl, Dist Assets: Bubble Risk/Ret by LI Cl,MyDist Assets: Bubble My Distributor Assets: Bar Distributor Assets: Bar Distributor Assets: Line My Distributor Assets: Line Distributor Assets vs. Market Share My Distributor Flows: Bar Distributor Flows: Bar Distributor Flows: Line My Distributor Flows: Line Risk/Ret by MS Ctg, Dist Flows: Bubble Risk/Ret by MS Ctg, MyDist Flows: Bubble Risk/Ret by LI Cl, Dist Flows: Bubble Risk/Ret by LI Cl, MyDist Flows: Bubble Slide 21