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The Constitution of the United States

The Constitution of the United States. U.S. History. Basic Principles of the Constitution. 1. Popular Sovereignty- government receives its power from the people. 2. Limited Government- government only has as much authority as the people give it.

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The Constitution of the United States

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Constitution of the United States U.S. History

  2. Basic Principles of the Constitution • 1. Popular Sovereignty- government receives its power from the people. • 2. Limited Government- government only has as much authority as the people give it. • 3. Separation of Powers- power is divided amongst 3 branches to avoid misuse of power. • 4. Checks and Balances- each branch has the ability to restrain (check and balance) the other 2. • 5. Judicial Review- courts have the power to review acts of the federal govt. and determine constitutionality. • 6. Federalism- sharing of power between federal (national) and state governments.

  3. Preamble “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America” • A brief introductory statement of the fundamental purposes and guiding principles that the Constitution is meant to serve.

  4. Articles of the Constitution • There are a total of seven articles: • Article 1 = Legislative Power • Article 2 = Executive Power • Article 3 = Judicial Power • Article 4 = State’s Powers and Limits • Article 5 = Amendments • Article 6 = Federal Power • Article 7 = Ratification

  5. Separation of Powers

  6. Checks and Balances

  7. The Federal System

  8. The Bill of Rights • 1st 10 Amendments to the Constitution • Protects and guarantees individual liberties. • 1. Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition • 2. Bearing Arms (weapons) • 3. Quartering of Troops • 4. Searches and Seizures • 5. Criminal Proceedings; Due Process; Eminent Domain • 6. Criminal Proceedings • 7. Civil Trials • 8. Punishment for Crimes • 9. Unemunerated Rights • 10. Powers Reserved to the States

  9. Other Amendments You Need to Know • 13th = Abolishes slavery • 14th = Rights of Citizens • 15th = The right to vote for all men regardless of race. • 19th = The right to vote for women. • 26th = Voting age is lowered to 18.

  10. Homework • Summary in D-L-I-Q format.

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