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English 1 Weekly Vocab. Week 1 – Define the following terms Use Webster.com or Webster app & use the first definition. commemorate eulogy predator sustenance dire immortality Quarry: one that is sought or pursued vital epitaph longevity.
Week 1 – Define the following termsUse Webster.com or Webster app & use the first definition. • commemorate • eulogy • predator • sustenance • dire • immortality • Quarry: one that is sought or pursued • vital • epitaph • longevity
Week 1 – Match each term to its definition • to do something special in order to remember and honor • extremely important • the quality or state of someone or something that will never die or be forgotten • a speech that praises someone who has died • something written or said in memory of a dead person • very bad : causing great fear or worry • one that preys, destroys, or devours • one that is sought or pursued • something that keeps someone or something alive • the length of time that something or someone lasts or continues • commemorate • eulogy • predator • sustenance • dire • immortality • quarry • vital • epitaph • longevity
Select the letter of the answer that best completes each sentence. 1. A eulogy probably would not contain ______. a. stories about good things the person had done diedb. an excerpt from a poem the person had written c. a detailed description of how the persond. reasons why the person will be remembered 2. An example of sustenance is ______. a. a bouquet of flowers b. a loaf of bread c. movies on videotaped. toothpaste 3. A person’s epitaph would probably contain ______. a. the person’s street address b. photographs from a recent vacation c. the person’s baseball card collectiond. the person’s birth date 4. You could commemorate someone by ______. a. ignoring all of the person’s faults b. taking the person out for lunch c. telling the person why you like him or herd. dedicating a building in the person’s honor 5. A predator would probably not be very successful if it ______. a. was much weaker than its prey b. could move very fast c. was able to hide itself and remain very still d. had large and powerful jaws
commemorate • eulogy • predator • sustenance • dire • immortality • quarry • vital • epitaph • Longevity • to do something special in order to remember and honor • a speech that praises someone who has died • one that preys, destroys, or devours • something that keeps someone or something alive • very bad : causing great fear or worry • the quality or state of someone or something that will never die or be forgotten • one that is sought or pursued • extremely important • something written or said in memory of a dead person • the length of time that something or someone lasts or continues
Week 2 – Prefixes & SuffixesWrite the prefix/suffix & draw a picture to describe it. • Im-:not, in, within, into • dis-/non-/im-/in-/ir-/un-: not • -ous: having, full of, identified by • Ex-: beyond, away from, without • -ist: a doer or follower of something • -able/-ible: able, capable of • Pre-:before • Post-:after • Mid-:Middle, during • Circu-, Circum-: Around • Trans-: Across or beyond • Sub-:under • Inter-:among or between
Nouns Adjectives Verbs Adverbs
Write an example with definition using 5 of the prefixes & suffixes. For Example: Gracious: very polite in a way that shows respect.
Use the grammar lesson from Tuesday and 8 examples from the vocab words to write a story entitled, "The Not!"
Videre– to see Mille - Latin Crux - Latin Hydr, hydro – Greek Viv, vit, vita - Latin dic/dict - Latin claim/clam - Latin Spir - Latin cede, ceed, cess - Latin
Week 3 – Greek & Latin RootsDefine the following root words • Videre - Latin • Mille - Latin • Crux - Latin • Hydr, hydro – Greek • Viv, vit, vita - Latin • dic/dict - Latin • claim/clam - Latin • Spir - Latin • cede, ceed, cess - Latin https://www.learnthat.org/pages/view/roots.html http://www.myvocabulary.com/dir-root-root_master#D http://www.macroevolution.net/root-word-dictionary.html#.UvownfldVFM
Write a word using each of the root words. Define each word.
In The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Mittyis both a hero and a victim.Do you agree with this opinion? Give a suitable reason for your answer. This is a SHORT ANSWER QUESTION. Keep it to a few short, yet complete senctences.
Week 4- Word Families A word family is made up of words that have a common origin or root. Many words in the English language trace their roots to Greek or Latin. The vocabulary words in this lesson belong to two Latin word families—claudere, meaning “to close,” and strictus, meaning “to bind.” All of the vocabulary words are related to the theme of facing limitations. cloister enclosure preclude strain close exclude restrict stricture constricting exclusion