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Future Trends and Impact on eLearning
Future Trends and Impacton eLearning Presenter: Puneet Dhawan Vice President –Sales HurixSystems
Thewaylearninghappenedhastransformedovertheyears Complex Layouts -Sophisticated design, layout,typography Enable multimedia andinteractivity Global languageSupport eBooks PrintBooks Digital Natives demand better content Evolvingcontent requirements The rise ofeBooks Aided by rise oftechnology 42% 42% increase insmartphone usersglobally 2.2mn (2009) - 10.46mn(2014) increase in digitallearners 1bn+ Tabletusers
ResultinginnewtrendsacrosstheeLearningdomain Use ofVideos BYOD PersonalizedLearning IntegratedPlatforms Cloud basedLearning CollaborativeLearning
Thesetrendshavechangedthewaycontentwascreatedanddistributed TechnologyPlatform Printer Learner Distributor ContentCreator Print Digital ContentCreator Learner Mobile CloudPlatform Creation and consumption onmobiles The PDMParadigm Learner ContentCreator
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KITABOOistransforminghoweLearningisexperiencedglobally 3mn+ students and teachersglobally 10mn+ rich and interactive eBookpages UnitedStates India Spain Australia Portugal Norway
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