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Internet Access Implementation to Labor Congress of Thailand (LCT) Proposed by

Internet Access Implementation to Labor Congress of Thailand (LCT) Proposed by Wassana Siangdung LCT, Thailand. Problem. Poor communication among LCT sites and between LCT and other Trade Unions because of high communication costs especially cost of the telephone call.

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Internet Access Implementation to Labor Congress of Thailand (LCT) Proposed by

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Internet Access Implementation to Labor Congress of Thailand (LCT) Proposed by Wassana Siangdung LCT, Thailand

  2. Problem • Poor communication among LCT sites and between LCT and other Trade Unions because of high communication costs especially cost of the telephone call. • LCT also has a limited budget. • It brings to slow labor movement and poor solidarity.

  3. Present Situation and Resources • At LCT Head Office, there are • 4 full time officers (including a president) with lack of English and IT skill • 3 personal computers without internet connection • 3 telephone lines; 2 for regular call and 1 for fax

  4. The Desired Situation • To drive the labor movement, internet access would be provided as a tool to serve the internal communication within LCT and among trade unions as well.

  5. The Objectives 1. To fully utilize the internet access within LCT head office and LCT local offices in one year. 2. To nationally communicate among Trade Unions via internet.

  6. Expect Outcomes • Short term Plan (1 year) • The internet system / LANs will be installed in LCT office and LCT local sites. • LCT leaders and activists must be able to use email and internet to provide and contribute their activities to other members by using Solicomm email and conference.

  7. Expect Outcomes (cont.) • Long Term Plan (3-5 years) • IT can be utilized for trade union movement at the national and international level.

  8. Target Group 1. LCT officers (a pioneer) 2. LCT activists and LCT leaders 3. Trade union activists from other trade unions (in future).

  9. Activities 1. Survey the current resources; human resource and facilities. 2. Upgrade PCs (if needed) and modem installation. 3. Add one more telephone line for dial-up connection (if needed). 4. Set up the networking system (LANs / WANs)

  10. Activities (cont.) 5. Survey LCT officers’ computer skill. 6. Provide IT training to LCT officers (in Thai platform). 7. Follow up 8. Set the next IT training for LCT activists.

  11. Evaluation System 1. After one year, the cost of communication will be decreased by 50%. 2. Labor activities will be increased. 3. Economical evaluation in terms of Return on Investment (ROI).

  12. Risk 1. Attitude of leadership 2. Budget 3. LCT officers cooperation.

  13. Preliminary Budget : $900 • Modem / PC card modem • Ethernet LANs and cable • 1 telephone line and its accessory • Upgrading computers • High Speed Internet Connection (or dial-up) • Other operating and maintenance cost

  14. Alternative Solution • Use computer and internet access from Thai Labour Museum (with some expense) to train LCT officers on IT.

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