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D i r e c t M e t h o d

Explore the Direct Method in language teaching, focusing on communication, vocabulary, grammar, and student interaction. Learn how to convey meaning directly in the target language, emphasizing speaking and listening skills. This method promotes active student participation and immersion in the language learning process without translation.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Direct Method AjarnTeerapornPlailek Faculty of Education, SuanSunandhaRajabhat University

  2. Reference : Maviscinal,  ELT Department, Mersin University ,Turkey

  3. Goal Learning how to use another language to communicate Rule No translation Direct Method The meaning of vocabulary is to be conveyed directly in the target language through the use of demonstration and visual aids

  4. Lower-level Secondary school class in Italy. 1 hour 30 students At the ends of first year of English language instruction 3 times a week

  5. Principles of the Direct Method

  6.  The students read aloud a passage. Reading in the target language should be taught from the beginning of the language instruction.

  7.  The teacher points to the part of the map. Objects (realia or pictures) should be used to help students understand the meaning of vocabulary.

  8. The teacher uses the target language to • ask the students questions and encourage • the students to ask their questions. The native language should not be used in the classroom.

  9.  The teacher answers the students’ questions by drawing on the whiteboard or giving examples. The teacher should demonstrate, not explain or translate.

  10. The teacher asks questions in the target language, to which the students reply in • a complete sentence in the target language. Students should learn to think in the target language and use the vocabulary in full sentences.

  11.  The teacher works with the students on the pronunciation. Pronunciation should be worked on right fromthe beginning of the instruction.

  12.  The teacher corrects a grammar error by asking the students to make a choice. Self - correction facilitates language learning.

  13.  The teacher asks questions; students ask each other questions Lessons should contain some conversational activity

  14.  The students fill in blanks with prepositions practice. Grammar should betaught inductively.

  15. New Headway 4th Edition (Elementary)

  16.  The teacher dictates a paragraph. Writing is an important skillto be developed.

  17. All of the lessons of the week • involve United States geography. The syllabus is based on situations or topics.

  18. Reviewing the principles

  19.  What are the goals of teachers who use the Direct Method ? Students learn how to communicate in the target language.

  20.  What is the role of the teacher and students ? The teacher and the students are more likepartners.

  21.  What is the characteristics of the teaching/learning process ? - Demonstrate the meaning of words by using materials. - Students speak in the target language as if they were in a real situations. - Grammar is taught inductively. - The syllabus is based upon situations or topics. - Vocabulary is practiced.

  22.  What is the nature of student-teacher interaction and student-student interaction ? • The initiation of the interaction goes both way. The latter is often teacher-directed. • The students communicate • with one another.

  23.  How is language viewed ? The students study everyday speech in the target language.  How is culture viewed ? The students study the history of the people, the geography of the country.

  24.  What areas of language are emphasized ? Vocabulary is emphasized over grammar. The students practice oral first and then reading and writing exercises were given to them.  What language skills are emphasized ?

  25.  What is the role of the students’ native language ? The students’ native language should not be used in the classroom.

  26.  How is evaluation accomplished ? There is not any formal evaluation. [The students are asked to use the language both oral and written skills.]

  27.  How does the teacher respond to student errors ? The teacher tries to get students to self-correct whenever possible.

  28. Activity Choose a particular situation (such as at the bank, at the school, or at the doctor’s office) or a particular topic (such as clothing, holidays, or the weather) and write a short dialogue on the theme you have chosen. Now think about how you will convey its meaning to your friends without using their native languages. Reference : Diane Larsen-Freeman and Marti Anderson. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching.

  29. THE END

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