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Things You Need to Know About Coconut Oil Before Purchasing It!

All coconut oils are not unrefined or additive free. Preservatives and additives are added to increase their shelf-life.

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Things You Need to Know About Coconut Oil Before Purchasing It!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KLF- Nirmal VCO

  2. Things You Need to Know About Coconut Oil Before Purchasing It!

  3. Opt for Unrefined Coconut Oil All coconut oils are not unrefined or additive free. Preservatives and additives are added to increase their shelf-life. Unrefined coconut oils like virgin coconut oil are unbleached, natural and chemical free. They are free from preservatives and additives unlike ordinary coconut oils and therefore are a healthier choice to make.

  4. Check Packaging Correct packaging ensure less chances of the oil being contaminated thereby increasing its shelf life. While buying VCO from a store make sure that the container is leak-proof and tamper-proof. If it is an online purchase, shop only from a reliable vendor.

  5. Read the Label on the Container Coconut oil is widely known for its purity and naturalness. However, refined coconut oils have very little health benefits. Buy unrefined or virgin coconut oils for maximum nutrients. Check labeling for words like ‘cold pressed coconut oil’, ‘unrefined’ or ‘virgin’, on the label.

  6. Choose Cold-pressed Coconut Oil Coconuts are covered by extremely thick husks. After dehusking, some coconuts undergo heat extraction while others do not (cold-pressed). There is a great difference in the chemical exposure of the two types of coconuts after extraction. Cold pressed coconut oils do not affect the natural composition of the coconuts and hence the overall properties of the pure coconut oil are intact.

  7. Coconut Oil- Good for both Health & Beauty Coconut oil is a multi-purpose oil that can be used for the nourishment of hair & skin as well as consumption. It consists of natural antioxidants and anti-protozoal properties. It is a natural oil that can replace chemical-laden products for skin and hair and can significantly improve immunity and health.

  8. Coconut Oil Secrets! Shop now: Amazon, Flipkart and Bigbasket! To know more visit: https://www.facebook.com/nirmalvco/?ref=bookmarks

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