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Undulator Magnet Systems

Detailed plan for procurement, fabrication, and assembly of undulator magnet systems. Includes scope, scheduling, costs, and vendor management. Ensuring completion by July 2007.

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Undulator Magnet Systems

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  1. Undulator Magnet Systems Scope/Plan/Schedule/Cost Marion M. White APS-ASD

  2. Scope – Undulator Systems • 33 Precision magnetic arrays with canted poles • 33 Support/alignment systems including: • Cradle that supports the undulator, BPM, and quadrupole magnet. • Precision CAM movers and motors enabling positioning, alignment, and adjustment of the cradle. • Rail system to move the undulator, facilitating manual retraction of an undulator out of the beamline and precision reproducible re-insertion. • 7 Spare Undulator Systems • 1 Undulator Transport Device for Installation

  3. Scope - Undulator Module BPM Quadrupole Magnet Assembly Rails CAM Movers Cradle

  4. Scope – Undulator Spares • 7 spare undulator units • 4 complete modules -- assembled, together with BPM and quadrupole, aligned, fiducialized, and stored in a temperature-controlled environment. • 3 modules are ready for installation at any time. • 1 is a reference module, maintained in a thermally stable environment and used for long-term stability monitoring. • 3 include just the undulator and support systems, no quadrupole or BPM; not final assembled.

  5. Plan – Undulators (1) • To meet schedule and funding profiles, and to ensure that the Undulator Systems are complete by July 2007, we plan to procure the following long-lead items as early as possible in FY05: • Precision-machined titanium strongbacks • Magnet blocks • Magnet poles • The same APS undulator experts, who were relied upon for design, construction, and assessment of the prototype, will finalize procurement packages for the LL items, in accordance with our Advance Procurement Plans [APP].

  6. Plan – Undulators (2) • Undulator magnet and support fabrication and assembly contracts will be awarded as early as possible in 2006, to at most two pre-qualified vendors who are competent in precision mechanical fabrication and assembly. • Awarding a 1st article undulator [per vendor] in late 2005 reduces the undulator schedule risk significantly, but advances the funding needs. • FY05 1st article undulators are not in the current baseline and funding plan.

  7. Plan – Undulators (3) • Responsibility for vendor management and vendor performance oversight rests with ANL-APS. • Periodic travel is required during the procurement and production phases for vendor pre-qualification, QA, process monitoring, and acceptance testing. • Undulator assembly vendors will be furnished with all “travelers” from the long lead-item production, and they will provide complete undulator documentation, information, and production travelers. Relevant data will be reviewed prior to “permission to ship.”

  8. Plan – Undulators (4) • The first two assembled undulators are: • Factory accepted at the vendor(s) and shipped to ANL • Tuned and measured (magnetic & mechanical) at ANL • Accepted officially by ANL • Shipped to SLAC • Re-measured at the MMF • Fiducialized • Assembled together with • Measured and fiducialized quadrupole, • Calibrated, cleaned, baked, and fiducialized BPM, • Cleaned, baked, and aligned vacuum chamber

  9. Plan – Undulators (5) • The first two assembled undulators (cont’d.): • The complete undulator module undergoes final alignment and is - • Declared Ready for Installation • It’s then either installed, or, if the building is not deemed an undulatorially-safe environment at the time, it is carefully transported to a long-term, temperature- and humidity-controlled storage area.

  10. Plan – Undulators (6) • All subsequent undulators are shipped directly to SLAC for tuning, measurement, fiducialization, final assembly, etc. • Some ANL-APS effort is associated with the SLAC activities, in a “Lead, Mentor, Consult” role. • Lead – ANL leads the effort; SLAC personnel observe/participate. • Mentor – SLAC leads the effort – ANL observes. • Consult –ANL personnel are available for questions, troubleshooting, brainstorming.

  11. Plan – Undulators (7) • Details of the interfaces between undulator modules and other systems will be documented with ICDs [Interface Control Documents] agreed upon by all relevant parties. • Acceptance criteria will be clearly documented. • APPs are in preparation at this time.

  12. Schedule – Undulators • Risks are decreased by having already constructed a prototype • and by early procurement of long-lead items. • Advancing 1st article undulators to later in FY05 would further decrease schedule risks. • All undulators are to be delivered to SLAC by end of March 2007, consistent with completion in July 2007. • Schedule @ end of the talk – continues to be refined.

  13. Cost – Undulators • Costs for the long lead items are based on vendor quotes. Details were presented by Den Hartog in the May 2003 DOE review. • Fabrication and Assembly costs are based on the cost to create the prototype, with additional money added for profit. The resulting number was cross-checked against actual costs for APS undulators, decreased to account for non-moving jaws, and increased to account for greater length. • Cost estimate refinement continues.

  14. Scope – Quadrupole Magnet Systems • 34 Quadrupole Magnet Systems - installed • Permanent Magnet Quadrupole • Support with Precision Translator [manually settable to 5 um; readout to 1um] • 4 Spare Magnet Systems • Separate steering is not included

  15. Plan – Quadrupole Magnet Systems (1) • The permanent-magnet quadrupoles, including supports and translators, will be procured from and designed by a vendor per our physics, engineering, and magnet quality specifications. • Procurement packages will be prepared by experienced ANL-APS personnel according to an APP.

  16. Plan - Quadrupole Magnet Systems (2) • Responsibility for vendor management and vendor performance oversight rests with ANL-APS. • Periodic travel is required during the procurement and production phases for vendor pre-qualification, QA, process monitoring, and acceptance testing. • The vendor will provide LCLS with complete documentation, information, and travelers from the production. Relevant data will be reviewed prior to “permission to ship.”

  17. Schedule – Quadrupole Magnet Systems • Quadrupole magnet production will be awarded in FY06. The 1st article will be measured at ANL. • Subsequent magnets are delivered to the SLAC MMF, measured, and fiducialized in time for undulator assembly and alignment. • Awarding a 1st article quadrupole assembly late in FY05 would reduce schedule risk, in that a 1st article could be more fully investigated prior to beginning the production run.

  18. Level 4 Roll-up schedule (1) Schedule

  19. Level 4 Roll-up schedule (2)

  20. Milestone (1) Oops 6/22/06

  21. Milestone (2)

  22. Milestone (3)

  23. Milestone (4)

  24. Milestone (5)

  25. Milestone (6)

  26. Milestone (8) The Magnet Measurement, Fiducialization, and Alignment detailed schedule is shown in Robert Ruland’s talk.

  27. Milestone (9)

  28. Summary • Significant effort has been devoted to planning, resulting in a detailed undulator construction schedule that is integrated with the BPM, quadrupole and vacuum chamber construction and testing. The undulator schedule and the magnet measurement schedule are mostly integrated, and are consistent with completion of undulator systems in July 2007. • A skeleton installation schedule exists; details are being added and integration with the rest of the schedule is ongoing. • Schedule refinement is ongoing. • Costs were estimated by in-house experts with relevant experience and were based on vendor quotes and previous experience. Cost scrubbing will continue. • The greatest schedule risks come from: • Design changes • Delayed funding

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