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Indian Treaties of the 1800s

Indian Treaties of the 1800s. By Mrs. Sue Wallin. What is a Treaty?. a legal contract a binding agreement between two groups of people made when the U.S. was being settled most signed in early and mid 1800’s. Treaty of 1825. held in September at Prairie du Chien

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Indian Treaties of the 1800s

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Indian Treaties of the 1800s By Mrs. Sue Wallin

  2. What is a Treaty? • a legal contract • a binding agreement between two groups of people • made when the U.S. was being settled • most signed in early and mid 1800’s

  3. Treaty of 1825 • held in September at Prairie du Chien • 1st of grand intertribal treaties • defined Indian land and boundaries • helped stop wars between Indian tribes • laid groundwork for future land cessions

  4. Prairie du Chien 1825

  5. Indian Tribes in the Wisconsin, 1825

  6. Treaty of 1837 • known as the Pine Tree Treaty • held at St. Peter’s Agency in Minnesota • 1st of several treaties that sold land areas • provided government legal access to the land for lumbering • secured hunting and fishing rights

  7. Treaty of 1842 • known as the Copper Treaty • held inLa Pointe on Madeline Island • provided governmentlegal access to the land along Lake Superior for mining copper • secured hunting and fishing rights

  8. Land Cessions in 1837 and 1842 Treaties

  9. Present Day Indian Reservations in Wisconsin

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