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Attack of the Orcs…. A Pick-a-path Story. Sir Mandorallann , Sir Leldorin and their young ward Garion were riding down a quiet leafy lane in the forest when suddenly a gang of Orcs leapt onto the path in front of them – it was an ambush! . Should they… - stand and fight?
Attack of the Orcs… A Pick-a-path Story
Sir Mandorallann, Sir Leldorin and their young ward Garion were riding down a quiet leafy lane in the forest when suddenly a gang of Orcs leapt onto the path in front of them – it was an ambush! Should they… - stand and fight? - Turn and flee?
Sir Mandorallen and Sir Leldorin looked at each other and an unspoken agreement passed between them. Placing themselves bravely in front of the boy Garion, they drew their swords and prepared to engage the on-rushing Orcs… Should they… - charge the Orcs? - wait for the Orcs to reach them
The knights quickly realised that they were hopelessly outnumbered and that the only way to save them selves and the boy was to make a hasty retreat. Their horses, needing little encouragement, turned at the knights command, and began to flee back up the path. However Garion, young as he was, had not the skill to navigate the forest path and was thrown from his horse. Should the Knights… - turn to help him? - flee to save themselves?
The brash, courageous action of the two knights caught the Orcs by surprise and, using the superior height of their horses Sir Mandorallen managed to fell one of the Orcs as his horse met their charge. Sir Leldorin was similarly skilful as, lunging with his sword, another Orc fell to the ground. The remaining two Orcs turned to flee before this unexpected onslaught... Should they… - give chase to finish the Orcs - Stay with Garion
The Knights braced themselves to meet the onrushing Orcs. But despite their years of training the Orcs were well prepared. While one of the Orcs was slain by Sir Mandorallen, the two Knights were unhorsed and killed. Then the second group of Orcs that had been hiding further back down the trail arrived, capturing Garion as they came. The End Click to restart
The Knights, realising their misfortune and the hopelessness of their situation, never-the-less arrested their flight and returned to Garion who was lying injured on the track. At that moment a second group of Orcs burst from the forest. Surrounded and lost, Sir Mandorallen and Sir Leldorin prepared to sell their lives as dearly as possible… • The End • Click to restart
Despite their cowardly attempt to flee, The two hapless Knights ran straight into the second group of Orcs who were waiting to cut off such an ill-thought retreat. They were quickly overcome and eaten for tea. At least Garion survived though. All thoughts of the roast ahead made the Orcs forget the small boy who had managed to hide in the undergrowth. • The End • Click to restart
Sir Mandorallen and Sir Leldorin, emboldened by their success, allowed their enthusiasm to get the better of them. Momentarily forgetting Garion in the wake of their unexpected triumph they both urged their horses after the fleeing Orcs. At that moment a scream rang out from behind them… Should they - continue after the fleeing Orcs? - see what the screaming is about?
Being of cool head and sound mind, the Knight’s first thoughts were of Garion and his safety. Giving up the chase to ensure that the boy would not be left unattended, they returned to where they had left him on the track. ‘Twas not a moment too soon, for a second group of Orcs, more vile than the first, had sprung from the trees onto the track and was even now approaching the poor lad. Should they - Immediately attack this second group - pause to assess the situation
Sir Mandorallen and Sir Leldorin decided to gamble an being able to finish off the retreating Orcs and then return to help Garion from whatever was happening to him and indeed, they were quickly able to run down the survivors on their Mounts and dispatch them. However, by the time the were able to race back to Garion, all that was left was his hat and bag – another group of Orcs had grabbed him and melted back into the trees; gone without a trace. • The End • Click to restart
As Garion came in sight around the bend, The two Knights spied Garion being dragged from his horse by a second group of Orcs. Realising that speed was the only option left to them Sir Mandorallen yelled the order to charge. As he and Sir Leldorin bore down on the Orcs, Sir Mandorallen realised he had a choice to make… Should he - engage with the Orcs upon reaching them? - Attempt to grab Garion and fight past them?
Gambling that these Orcs might be surprised by an unexpected counterattack, just like the first group, Sir Mandorallen yelled the order to charge. As he and Sir Leldorin bore down on the Orcs, Sir Mandorallen realised he had a choice to make… • Should he • - engage with the Orcs upon reaching them? • - Attempt to grab Garion and fight past them?
Caught up in the thrill of battle, the two knights decided to engage in combat with these new Orcs. This was a grave mistake. Initially, they lost the momentum of their charge and the two of them were hard pressed to gain ground against superior numbers, although with their superior weaponry and height they held their own well enough. Shortly after though, the 2 remaining Orcs form the initial party joined in the fray and the three travellers soon fell to the foul Orcs. They did make a nice meal though • The End • Click to restart
Despite the thrill of the battle, Sir Mandorallen remained aware that there were still two Orcs unaccounted for and that he and Sir Leldorin would quickly be overrun if these two missing Orcs joined with the second group. Sir Mandorallen knew that they had to get away and reach help, or they were doomed. ‘To me!’ he roared and as he bore down on the Orcs he knew he would only get one chance. At the last moment, he unexpectedly threw his sword at the largest Orc. In that moment of distraction he grabbed the boy Garion and, crashing through the Orcs, he and Sir Leldorin headed off down the track as fast as possible. Safe at last, he knew that with help and reinforcements the invading Orcs would quickly be hunted down and killed. Congratulations… You win the game!