1. Charan Lal Sahu v. Union of India (The Bhopal Case) Mindy Goeres
CSA 6470
2. Judicial Body and Facts Judicial Body: The Supreme Court of India
Facts: The plaintiffs are the alleged victims of the Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster, of 2 December 1984, who had cases brought before US and Indian courts.
3. Facts Govt. of India passed the Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster Act, to ensure it had standing, a locus standi, to sue Union Carbide in US Courts
The Act subrogated the plaintiffs in the US and Indian Courts
Plaintiffs contend the Act is unconstitutional based on violating Article 14 of the Indian Constitution, by creating special treatment for a group of citizens which may be to their disadvantage.
4. Legal Issues Parens Patriae doctrine, originating in English law, creates both rights and responsibilities for the sovereign.
Under parens patriae, the sovereign must look out for citizens who are non sui juris, i.e., disabled, insane, or incompetent.
5. Decision Court found requirement to act according to the parens patriae doctrine in the preamble to the Constitution and the Directives Principles of State Policy.
Court compared the relative position and resources of Union Carbide and the individual plaintiffs as well as the remoteness of the US courts and found the victims were relatively disabled in that sense of the relationship.
6. Take aways: Dont assume your subsidiary form of organization will protect the parent corporation.
Dont assume a host government cant sue you in the US.
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