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Inspire policy making by territorial evidence. ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme EU Stakeholder consultation 27 March 2013. ESPON renewal, refocus and upgrade: Mission, Priority Axes, Specific Objectives, Actions, Activities and Preliminary Budget. Agenda. Welcome
Inspire policy making by territorial evidence ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme EU Stakeholder consultation 27 March 2013 ESPON renewal, refocus and upgrade: Mission, Priority Axes, Specific Objectives, Actions, Activities and Preliminary Budget
Agenda • Welcome • Presentation of the current draft ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme • Roundtable discussion providing views of EU stakeholders • The next steps for the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme • End of consultation
Renewal, refocus and upgrade of ESPON • Key messages from policy arena and evaluations: • Improve the transfer of European territorial evidence • Offer more policy relevant analyses upon demand, also to ESIF programmes • Ensure effective outreach and more users • Ensure rapid deliveries to ongoing policy processes • Improve validation of scientific quality and data comparability • Enhance the in-house capacity related to science, knowledge transfer and communication • Lower the administrative burden • Apply leaner administrative procedures and renewed set up • Use public procurement, calls for tender and service contracts only
Context in EC Legal Framework • European Territorial Cooperation Regulation 1299/2013, Art. 2, litra (3d) calls for reinforcing the effectiveness of cohesion policy by promoting: • “analyses of development trends in relation to the aims of territorial cohesion, including territorial aspects of economic and social cohesion, and harmonious development of the European territory through studies, data collection and other measures”. • In addition, the ETC Regulation requests that interregional cooperation support the: • “strengthening the evidence base in order to reinforce the effectiveness of cohesion policy and the achievement of the thematic objectives through the analysis of development trends.” • Thematic Objective 11 selected: • “Institutional capacity building & efficient public administrations”.
Target Groups • Primary target groups • European policymakers (Cohesion Policy, sectoral and thematic policies and programmes). • National policymakers and practitioners (responsible for territorial cohesion, ETC programmes, macro-regional strategies and Cohesion Policy implementation). • Authorities implementing ESI funded programmes and preparing periodical reporting. • Secondary target groups (important receivers and users of territorial evidence) • Organisations promoting different regional/urban interests at EU level. • Practitioners and actors in multi-level governance systems. • Policy officers and planners (regional and local level, larger territories). • University academics (researchers and students). • The private sector and wider European audiences.
Mission and 5 Specific Objectives • Mission statement • “ESPON 2020 shall continue the consolidation of a European Territorial Observatory Network and grow the provision and policy use of pan-European, comparable, systematic and reliable territorial evidence”. • 5 Specific Objectives • Specific Objective 1: Continued production of territorial evidence. • Specific Objective 2: Upgraded knowledge transfer and analytical user support. • Specific Objective 3: Improved territorial observation and tools for territorial analyses. • Specific Objective 4: Wider outreach and uptake of territorial evidence. • Specific Objective 5: Leaner, effective and efficient implementation provisions and proficient programme assistance.
Priority Axes • Two Priority Axes • Priority axis 1: • Territorial Evidence, Transfer, Observation, Tools and Outreach • (implemented by the single beneficiary – the ESPON EGTC) • Priority Axis 2: • Technical Assistance (TA) • (implemented by the ESPON Managing Authority)
Actions and Activities (1) • Specific Objective 1: Continued Production of Territorial Evidence Through Applied Research and Analyses. • Defined by the demand of policymakers • Cross-thematic and thematic on territorial structures and trends • Prospective visions and scenarios • Territorial impact studies of EU policies • Themes listed so far by policy makers: • Territorial aspects of the Europe 2020 strategy • Economic potential of EU regions. • Access to Services of General Interest (economical and geographical). • Mapping green infrastructure. • Potentials and Challenges of Island Member States and other types of territories with geographic specificities. • Cross-border territorial observation methodology. • In depth territorial impact assessment. • Territorial impact of fiscal consolidation policies. • Territorial dimension of energy supply. • Urban dimension, cities, urban areas, functional regions and territorial dimension of urban processes.
Actions and Activities (2) • Specific Objective 2: Upgraded Knowledge Transfer and Use of Analytical User Support. • Targeted Analyses defined by stakeholders at national, regional and local level (expression of interest) • Territorial evidence support to ETC, other ESIF programmes and macro-regions (interest driven) • Short territorial policy briefs/working papers, fast and timely (upon demand) • Specific Objective 3: Improved Territorial Observation and Tools for Territorial Analyses. • ESPON Database focusing on data update and user-friendliness. • European territorial observation and monitoring system with custom-made macro-regional and transnational systems (upon demand). • European monitoring reports for policy development. • A reviewed ESPON Toolbox, fine-tuning and promotion of tools. • User support related to tools (hotline, TIA, etc.)
Actions and Activities (3) • Specific Objective 4: Wider Outreach and Uptake of Territorial Evidence. • Events at European level(conferences, seminars, workshops, training sessions etc.) • Events at transnational and national level in cooperation with national ESPON Contact Points • Active participation at events at European, transnational and national level. • Publication of thematic and synthetic results from applied research and analyses as well as related to tools and scientific progress. • Publication of short easy-understandable reports on themes of particular political interest. • Translated material targeting regional and local policy makers and practitioners • Web-based communication efforts, including use of social media, ‘apps’, e-learning, etc.
Preliminary Budget The budget table below is preliminary as the contributions of Member States are still under discussion.
Key questions for the roundtable • From your policy perspective, what are the themes that Europe needs more territorial evidence on and which should be addressed by ESPON 2020 in pan-European applied research? • Do you have advice on the proposed involvement of stakeholders in targeted analysis provided by ESPON 2020? • Do you have views on themes for rapid policy briefs? • What would you from your policy perspective find useful in 2014-2020 in terms of support by ESPON tools? • Do you have advice on how ESPON 2020 should ensure a stronger outreach and use of territorial evidence? • Could your organisation foresee being involved in transmitting ESPON findings to a wider audience?
ESPON Territorial Evidence Thank you for your attention Inspire policy making by territorial evidence www.espon.eu Please do as well fill in the online consultation questionnaire