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Social Media Workshop Produced by Oklahoma Conference Communications

Social Media Workshop Produced by Oklahoma Conference Communications. What is Social Media ? A collective term for different platforms and applications allowing user-generated content to be created/shared electronically. Here are a few categories:. 1. Social Network – Facebook; LinkedIn

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Social Media Workshop Produced by Oklahoma Conference Communications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Social Media WorkshopProduced byOklahoma Conference Communications

  2. What is SocialMedia?A collective term for different platforms and applications allowing user-generated content to be created/shared electronically. Here are a few categories: 1. Social Network – Facebook; LinkedIn 2. Bookmarking Sites – Delicious; StumbleUpon 3. Social News – Dig; Reddit 4. Media Sharing – YouTube; Flickr 5. MicroBlogging - Twitter

  3. United MethodistFacebook Examples: Oklahoma City St. Luke’s UMC

  4. Oklahoma Conference Communications

  5. UMCOR

  6. Rethink Church

  7. Facebook Facts: • 2013 - 1 billion+ users • 23% of Facebook users check their accounts 5+ times daily

  8. Why do we Facebook? • Meet needs of the congregation • Share information • Build relationships • Nurture connections

  9. How will people find your Facebook page?

  10. Instead of only broadcasting your events… ASK A QUESTION

  11. Twitter

  12. Twitter Facts: • In 2013, 230 million-plus people tweeted monthly 230,000,000+

  13. Twitter asks, “What are you doing right now?”

  14. Should your church use Twitter? • Identify followers:
Poll the congregation to establish who tweets • Create a purpose: Start a dialogue to engage your followers • See what the congregation thinks • Be creative…

  15. • In New York City, a church turned the Passion play into a Twitter event. Characters tweeted his or her “part” between noon and 3 p.m. on Good Friday. The church advertised the Twitter account, allowing people who could not attend services to participate. • Oklahoma United Methodists’ Circle of Care provides residential and foster care services to at-risk youth. Its Twitter account manager thanks each person who signs up to follow the organization.

  16. Marion, N.C., Providence UMC tweets about upcoming events, its mission, the outcome of fundraising projects, and thanks participants

  17. Steve Burton of Owensboro, Ky., each week asks followers of the church he attends to “Come worship with Settle Memorial United Methodist Church . . . on Ustream TV.” Followers can click on his link and see a digital recording of the worship service.

  18. For more details on the technical side of Twitter visit – http://tweeternet.com/

  19. Other Social Media outlets • Pinterest • Foursquare • YouTube • Google+ • Instagram • Yelp • Mass-texting • Blogging • Social news sites: Digg, Sphinn, Mixx, Reddit and Tip’d

  20. Social Media Etiquette

  21. Facebook • Greetings and salutations • Avoid unsolicited marketing • It’s not all about the church calendar • Prayer requests – privacy matters

  22. Twitter • I will follow • Keep it short • Give them love

  23. YouTube • Let YouTube do what it is designed to do. Frequently asking others to view your videos is unnecessary.

  24. Posting videos and photos online

  25. The Oklahoma Conference YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/okumcCommunications

  26. Whenever using video or photographs of anyone—adults or children—seek written permission from the adult, or the parent/guardian.  • Always have written permission from a parent/guardian before posting an image of a child (under age 13).

  27. If you already have video or photos, backtrack to get the permissions you need BEFORE you post it online. • Post videos and photos without identifying the people or only use first name/first name and initial.

  28. If the video or photo was not taken by you, make sure you have permission to post it by the person who did take it. • It is great to promote your church. However, it’s important to be safe and respectful of the members of the congregation and visitors. More information: http://okumc.org/photopolicy If your church currently does not have a CVLI license, go to http://www.umc.org and search CVLI

  29. Thank you for coming today and for your interest in using Social Media to share Christ with the world.

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