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Early Resistance. Participants in Factory System. Factories required a lot of capital Three levels of participants: 1. Business people to invest in/own -Shared little of profit with workers 2. Mid-level employees to supervise 3. Low-level employees to run machines
Participants in Factory System • Factories required a lot of capital • Three levels of participants: 1. Business people to invest in/own -Shared little of profit with workers 2. Mid-level employees to supervise 3. Low-level employees to run machines -Little incentive to maintain quality
“Women’s Work” • Men expected higher wages • Men seen as not taking orders as readily • Unskilled jobs seen as inappropriate for men
Cottage Workers’ Unrest • Handmade goods more expensive than factory-produced • Some turned violent • Luddite Movement • Opposed machines “hurtful to the commonality” • Burned factories/smashed machines • Avoided hurting people • Ended quickly due to hangings
Role of the Government • Did not pass laws relating to work hours, safety or child labor • Incentive to work harder? • Not their job?
Labor Unions • Workers began organizing • Labor unions: organizations representing workers’ interests • Organized strikes: work stoppages to urge employers to raise wages/improve conditions • Initially banned by Parliament; later legalized (1871) • Eventually, pressure from public and unions brought change • Sadler Report (1832) • Laws limiting work hours • Children must be 9 years old
A New Class of Workers • Middle class growing • Middle income range between owners and workers • Managers and accountants • Engineers and mechanics • Salespeople
Development of Mass Production in the U.S. • Mass production: system of manufacturing large numbers of identical items • Known as “American System” • Some elements of mass production: • Interchangeable parts • Identical machine-made parts • Make production and repair more efficient • Assembly line • Product moves from worker to worker • Can make items quickly
Advantages & Disadvantages of Mass Production Advantages Increase in production Decrease in price Disadvantages Repetitious jobs