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नमस्ते !. Applying ISO/TC 211 Standards in the Development of Data Content Standards. Presented by Julie Binder Maitra At GSDI-7 Bangalore, India February 2004. Applying ISO/TC 211 standards in the development of data content standards. Topics ISO Standards of interest
नमस्ते ! Applying ISO/TC 211 Standards in the Development of Data Content Standards Presented by Julie Binder Maitra At GSDI-7 Bangalore, India February 2004
Applying ISO/TC 211 standards in the development of data content standards Topics • ISO Standards of interest • ISO/DIS 19109 Geographic information — Rules for application schema (slides 3-5) • ISO 19123 Geographic information — Schema for coverage geometry and functions (slides 6-7) • ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information — Metadata (slides 8-10) • Application in development of data content standards • Introduction to Geospatial One-Stop (slides 11-12) • Standards developed through Geospatial One-Stop (slide 13) • Application of ISO standards of interest (slides 14-17) • Links (slide 18)
ISO/DIS 19109 Geographic information — Rules for application schema • Presents General Feature Model for defining geographic features • Provides rules for defining an application schema in Unified Modeling Language (UML) • Provides rules for integrating schemas from other ISO/TC 211 standards into an application schema for a complete data structure • Pending registration as Final Draft International Standard (FDIS); targeted for publication as an International Standard (IS) in May 2004.
ISO/DIS 19109 Geographic information — Rules for application schema Extract of General Feature Model
ISO/DIS 19109 Geographic information — Rules for application schema • ISO/DIS 19109 provides specialized rules for integrating schemas from the following standards in the 19100 series of standards: • ISO 19115: 2003, Geographic information — Metadata (including data quality reporting) • ISO 19108:2002, Geographic information — Temporal schema • ISO 19107:2003, Geographic information — Spatial schema. • ISO/DIS 19110, Geographic information — Feature Cataloguing Methodology • ISO 19112:2003, Geographic information — Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers
ISO 19123 Geographic information — Schema for coverage geometry and functions • Defines coverage as a “feature that acts as a function to return values from its range for any direct position within its spatiotemporal domain.” • Data sets that can be represented as coverages include digital orthoimages, gridded elevation data sets, and thematic classification maps such as soils maps. • Coverages are of two types: discrete and continuous • Representation of geographic phenomena as discrete features or coverages is not mutually exclusive. A discrete feature or a coverage could represent the same phenomenon. • Pending registration as a Draft International Standard (DIS); targeted for publication as IS in May 2005.
ISO 19123 Geographic information — Schema for coverage geometry and functions Coverage geometry packages
ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information — Metadata The main package in ISO 19115 is Metadata entity set information. It is an aggregate of other packages: • Identification information – information to uniquely identify a resource or resources • Constraint information – restrictions on access and use of a resource or metadata • Data quality information – scope, lineage (information about events or source data used to construct the data), and data quality element information. • Maintenance information - scope and frequency of updating data. • Spatial representation information - information concerning the mechanisms (grid or vector) used to represent spatial information in a dataset. • Reference system information - description of spatial and temporal reference system(s)
ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information — Metadata (continued) • Content information – information about the feature catalogue used and/or information describing the content of a coverage dataset • Portrayal catalogue information - information identifying the portrayal catalogue used. • Distribution information - information about the distributor of and options for obtaining a resource. • Metadata extension information - information about user specified metadata extensions. • Application schema information - information about the application schema used to build a dataset. • Extent information – metadata elements that describe the spatial and temporal extent of the referring entity. • Citation and responsible party information - data types for citing a resource (dataset, feature, source, publication, etc.) and information about the party responsible for a resource.
Introduction to Geospatial One-Stop • E-Government (E-gov) Initiative • Component of President’s Management Agenda • Geospatial One-Stop is one of 24 E-gov initiatives • Objectives • Raise the visibility of the strategic value of geographic information and the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) • Accelerate implementation of the NSDI • Increase Federal agency accountability for the stewardship and sharing of geospatial resources • Make access to geospatial information faster, easier and less expensive for all levels of government and the general public
Introduction to Geospatial One-Stop • Develop standards for data themes used by many different GIS applications. These themes are known as NSDI Framework themes. • Inventory existing Framework data holdings and create metadata to enable data discovery through the NSDI Clearinghouse. • Create metadata for planned data acquisition and update of Framework data and serve metadata through the NSDI Clearinghouse to enable opportunities for partnerships. • Prototype and deploy enhanced data access and web mapping services for Federal Framework data. • Establish a (One-Stop) Federal Portal providing web services to extend the capabilities of the NSDI Clearinghouse Network.
Standards under Development through Geospatial One-Stop Rail Air Roads Elevation Transportation Transit Base Standard Waterways Cadastral Geodetic Control Governmental Units Orthoimagery Hydrography
Application of ISO 19109 UML Example: Government Units Boundaries
Application of ISO 19109 Excerpt from data dictionary for GUB_GovernmentalUnit class
Application of ISO 19123 Top Level Classes for Digital Orthoimagery
Application of ISO 19115 • Standards developed through Geospatial One-Stop will be compliant with ISO 19115 • Some elements listed as optional in ISO 19115 are mandatory for Geospatial One-Stop • examples: Metadata standard name, Metadata standard version, Dataset purpose, Dataset progress, Dataset maintenance and update frequency • ISO 19115 elements closely match elements in FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata, FGDC-STD-001-1998 (version 2.0); therefore, data standards will be compliant with FGDC standard • FGDC standard lacks metadata elements for language and character set
Links • ISO Technical Committee 211, Geographic information/Geomatics, www.isotc211.org • Geospatial One-Stop, www.geo-one-stop.gov • FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata, FGDC-STD-001-1998 (version 2.0), http://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/contstan.html
Thank you ! धन्यवाद् (Ms.) Julie Binder Maitra जूली मैत्र Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) 590 National Center 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, Virginia 20192 USA Email: jmaitra@usgs.gov Phone: +1 703 648 4627 Fax: +1 703 648 5755