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The early 1950s regime shift in temperature in Taiwan and East Asia

The early 1950s regime shift in temperature in Taiwan and East Asia. R98229014 Kirsten Feng 2009.11.26. 9-year Gaussian running mean Taiwan temperature.

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The early 1950s regime shift in temperature in Taiwan and East Asia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The early 1950s regime shift in temperaturein Taiwan and East Asia R98229014 Kirsten Feng 2009.11.26

  2. 9-year Gaussian running mean Taiwan temperature

  3. Time series of 9-year Gaussian running-mean temperature in Taiwan, China (100E–120E, 30N–50N), and the western North Pacific (140E–160E, 25N–30N): • a undetrended • b detrended

  4. Differences between two 15-year periods: namely, 1951–1965 and 1935–1950: • a temperature and • b precipitation. • Contour intervals are 0.2C and 10 mm for temperature and precipitation, respectively. Solid and dashed lines denote positive and negative values, respectively. • Values that are statistically significant at the 0.1 level are shaded

  5. MSLP plots for a the difference between 1951–1965 and 1935–1950, and the total field in b 1935–1950 and c 1951–1965. • Shading in b and c represent the MSLP climatology. Contour intervals are 0.4 and 1 hPa in a and b, c, respectively. Solid and dashed lines in a denote positive and negative values, respectively. • Values that are statistically significant at 0.1 level are shaded in a

  6. NRSI time series for the CRU + HadISST in the (90E– 140E, 20N–50N) region, based on: • a Rodionov, • b simple moving t-test method, • c Mann–Whitney–Pittitt method. • The NRSI at each year represents the total number of points with positive RSI over a 5-year period centered at that year.


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