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Environment Fun!

Environment Fun!. - Monica Trujillo. Review of What You Know. Recycling helps save materials to be used again. Riding your bike or walking saves energy Pollution effects the whole environment Everyone can save the earth little by little!. So, what's next?. YOUR TASK!.

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Environment Fun!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Environment Fun! - Monica Trujillo

  2. Review of What You Know... • Recycling helps save materials to be used again. • Riding your bike or walking saves energy • Pollution effects the whole environment • Everyone can save the earth little by little!

  3. So, what's next? YOUR TASK! Our class will take a field trip to our local park to observe the different roles our environment plays. You will be put into groups; each group will be assigned a topic such as Pollution, Energy, the Water Cycle, and Recycling. You will study your topic using the parks materials and then complete a presentation on information you found at the park and on the internet. Good Luck! To begin this endeavor, we have to ask other questions.

  4. ? What can we do to recycle? Who else can get involved? ? What are the different recycling categories? How can we stop pollution? ? What is energy? ? ? How can we stop air pollution? What can we do to help? ? What is the water cycle? ??

  5. Design Challenge! You and your group will be responsible for constructing or drawing a product of your topic. For example, you can draw the water cycle or recycling chain on a poster for credit. If you choose to construct a model, I will provide the materials you need! Be creative! Work Ahead! Investigate the environment Use the following links to help: EPA Environmental Kids Club: Home Page Welcome to Improving Kids' Environment!

  6. Your Presentation Should Include: • Brief summary of your topic • Pictures, audio, and clipart • Fun Facts Don't Forget... Your design challenge, your presentation, challenge results, photos, and a brief summary of your experience. Lastly, don’t forget to have fun with your project!

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