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Lifestyle Factors Influencing Heat Stress Response: A Review. Tomi Zlatar 1 , Felipe Mendes da Cruz 1 , Bianca Maria Vasconcelos Valério 1 , Ana Rosa Bezerra Martins 1 , Eliane Maria Gorga Lago 1 , Laura Bezerra Martins 2 , João Santos Baptista 3 , Béda Barkokébas Júnior 1
Lifestyle Factors Influencing Heat Stress Response: A Review • Tomi Zlatar1, Felipe Mendes da Cruz1, Bianca Maria Vasconcelos Valério1, Ana Rosa Bezerra Martins1, Eliane Maria Gorga Lago1, Laura Bezerra Martins2, João Santos Baptista3, Béda Barkokébas Júnior1 • 1 University of Pernambuco, Brasil • 2 Federal University of Pernambuco, Brasil • 3 University of Porto, Portugal
1) Introduction • Global temperatures - fastincreasingtrendduringthepastdecades(Carlowicz 2017) • Exposure to hot thermalenvironment: • A) indoor: allseasons • (foundries, steel mills, bakeries, smelters, glass factories, and furnaces, and highly humid laundries, restaurant kitchens, and canneries) • B) outdoor: summerseasonandallseasons in regionsneartheEquator • (road repair, marine, army, agriculture, forestry, mining, factory work, construction work, among summer sport athletic disciplines)
1) Introduction • Heat exposure related illnesses • (heat edema, heat rashes, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat syncope and heat stroke; and with aggravation in some cases lead to death) • Six basic factors (K.C.Parsons 2003): • (air temperature, radiant temperature, relative humidity, air movement, metabolic heat generated by human activity and clothing worn by a person) Which are additional factors?
1) Objective Investigate on lifestyle factors influencing human heat stress response (smoking cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, tea, water and food intake, spicy food intake, sleeping hours, human physical condition and body fat)
2) Methodology • PRISMA (Liberati et al. 2009) • 46 keywords/expressions • 31 with (“hot thermal environment*”, “hot temperature*” AND exposure*”, “hot exposure*”, “metab* AND exposure* AND hot”, “disease* AND exposure* AND hot”, “illness* AND exposure* AND hot”, “injur* AND exposure* AND hot”, “accident* AND exposure* AND hot”, “death AND exposure* AND hot”, “clothing AND hot AND exposure*”, “physi* AND exposure* AND hot”, “psycholog* AND exposure* AND hot”, “productivity AND human AND hot”, “performance* AND human AND hot”, “heat stress AND work*”, “hot thermal condition*”) • 15 by replacing the word “hot” with word “warm” • CAPES (Brazilian Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel) • 251 electronic databases • (including PubMed/MEDLINE, Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science) • Exclusion/Inclusion Criterias • only English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and Croatian • construction workers exposed to heat stress
3) Results • Identification process (1142) Screening (1142) - excluded 301 by language - excluded 303 by title and if repeated - excluding 523 by abstract Eligibility (15 + 5 references) - excluded 2 as not research articles • Included (18) • - only 12 considered lifestyle factors
3) Results Table 1. Included studies and considerate participant’s lifestyle factors *x = variable considered by the study; **MC = Phase of the Menstrual Cycle
4) Discussion • 4.1. Smoking cigarettes (7) • - respiratory and circulatory impairment to the heart, brain and legs • - lower aerobic power • - higher respiratory exchange ratio • - greater thermoregulatory response 4.2. Alcohol consumption (5) • - depends on dosage • - artery vasodilatation • - increased skin blood flow, chest sweat rate, sympathetic nerve firing rate, heart rate, and cardiac output • - core temperature was found to decrease and the whole body thermal sensation to increase
4) Discussion 4.3. Coffee and Tea consumption (3 and 1) - depends on dosage - alter metabolism - decrease muscle sensitivity - increase endurance - diuretic effect 4.4. Poor water consumption and dehydration (8) - plasma volume reduction - challenge to the cardiovascular homeostasis - increased physiological strain (core temperature and heart rate, decreased blood volume, reducing central venous pressure and cardiac output)
4) Discussion • 4.5. Food consumption (1) • - increased HR and cardiac output • - decreased BP • 4.6. Sleeping hours (3) • - reduced core temperature • 4.7. Physical condition and body fat (2 and 3) • - differences as great as 0.9°C with different fitness levels • - high level of aerobic fitness -> tolerate higher core temperatures • - high body fat -> high body mass -> lower heat capacity (higher core temperature)
5) Conclusions • Six basic factors – considered by most studies • Cigarette smoking and water consumption – mostly considered • Tea and food consumption, physical condition – poorly considered • Future studies should consider analyzed lifestyle factors • (smoking cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, tea, water and food intake, spicy food intake, sleeping hours, human physical condition and body fat) • To reduce a risk of bias and reliability in the interpretation of results
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Lifestyle Factors Influencing Heat Stress Response: A Review Obrigado pela atenção! Dr. Tomi Zlatar tomi.zlatar@gmail.com