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Darwin and Genesis. Pacific Apologetics Center EvidenceandAnswers.org. Hawaii Apologetics Conference 2014 Friday, Feb 28, 6:30 – 9 PM Sat, March 1, 3-8:30 PM. Hawaii Apologetics Conference 2014 Feb 28- March 2 Kalihi Union Church. Schedule Friday, Feb 28, 6:30 – 9 PM
Darwin and Genesis Pacific Apologetics Center EvidenceandAnswers.org
Hawaii Apologetics Conference 2014 • Friday, Feb 28, 6:30 – 9 PM • Sat, March 1, 3-8:30 PM
Hawaii Apologetics Conference 2014Feb 28- March 2Kalihi Union Church • Schedule • Friday, Feb 28, 6:30 – 9 PM • Sat, March 1, 3-8 PM • Sunday Service at Kalihi Union • Seminar Topics • Is Jesus the Only way? • Resurrection: The Ultimate Proof • False Views of the Afterlife • Ghosts and Paranormal Activity • Near Death Experiences • The Wonder of Heaven • Shroud of Turin
Hawaii Apologetics Conference 2014Feb 28- March 2Kalihi Union Church Speakers Dr. Gary Habermas Dr. Ron Rhodes Dr. Bong Ro
Darwin and Genesis Pacific Apologetics Center EvidenceandAnswers.org
Most Founders of Modern Science were Theists • Johannes Kepler (1571‑1630) Celestial Mechanics, Physical Astronomy • Blaise Pascal (1623‑1662) Hydrostatics • Robert Boyle (1627‑1691) Chemistry,Gas Dynamics • Nicolaus Steno (1638‑1687) Stratigraphy • Isaac Newton (1642‑1727) Calculus • Michael Faraday (1791‑1867) Magnetic Theory • Charles Babbage (1792‑1871) Computer Science
Louis Agassiz (1807‑1873) Glacial Geology, Ichthyology • James Simpson (1811‑1870) Gynecology • Gregor Mendel (1822‑1884) Genetics • Louis Pasteur (1822‑1895) Bacteriology • Lord Kelvin (1824‑1907) Energetics, Thermodynamics • Joseph Lister (1827‑1912) Antiseptic Surgery • James Maxwell (1831‑1879) Electrodynamics Statistical Thermodynamics • William Ramsay (1852‑1916) Isotopic Chemistry
Johannes Kepler (1571‑1630): • "May God make it come to pass that my delightful speculation [in Mysterium Cosmographicum] have everywhere among reasonable men fully the effect which I strove to obtain in the publication; namely, that the belief in the creation of the world be fortified through this external support...." (cited by Holton, Origins, 84)
Sir Isaac Newton (1642‑1727): • “It is not to be conceived that mere mechanical causes could give birth to so many regular motions, since the comets range over all parts of the heavens in very eccentric orbits.... This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being." ("Scholium," 369)
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution • Darwinism is a comprehensive philosophy stating that all life can be explained by natural causes acting randomly – which implies no need for a creator. • If God did not create the world, then the entire body of Christian belief collapses.
Conclusions of Darwinism • Dr. Provine further states that Darwinism ultimately means, “No life after death, no absolute foundation for right and wrong, no ultimate meaning for life, no free will.” • Biologist, William Provine, Cornell University quoted in Case for a Creator p. 16.
Oxford Evolutionist • “The more you understand the significance of evolution, the more you are pushed away from an agnostic position and towards atheism.” • Richard Dawkins quoted in Case for a Creator, p. 21
In the Beginning God created … Created for a purpose Our life has meaning Life after death Cosmic accident No ultimate purpose for our existence Our lives have no ultimate meaning Death and extinction In the Beginning. . Genesis Darwinian Evolution
Defining Key Terms • Evolution • Micro Evolution • Macro Evolution • Common Descent • Intelligent Design
Defining Key TermsDarwinian Evolution • The diversity of life on earth is the outcome of evolution: an unsupervised, impersonal, unpredictable and natural process of temporal descent with genetic modification that is affected by natural selection, chance historical contingencies and changing environments. • American National Association of Biology Teachers 1995
Defining Key Terms: Evolution • Evolution - the belief that undirected mechanistic processes can account for all the diverse and complex living organisms that exists. There is no long range plan or purpose in the history of life.
“Man is the result of a purposeless and natural process that did not have him in mind.” George Gaylord Simpson(Architect of Neo Darwinism) “Man must understand that he is a mere accident.” Jacques Monod Darwinism
Defeating DarwinismDefining Key Terms • Micro-evolution - Refers to minor variations that occur within a species over time. • Macro-evolution - refers to the emergence of major innovations or the unguided development of new structures, new organs, and body plans. Includes changes above the species level, especially a new phyla or class
Microevolution within type Macroevolution across types
Defeating DarwinismDefining Key Terms • Common Descent - the theory that all currently living organisms are descended from a common ancestor • Intelligent Design - belief that the earth and biological life owe their existence to a purposeful, intelligent creator
Defeating DarwinismThinking Through the Issues • Evolution is missing the mechanism for change • Natural selection cannot account for macroevolutionary change in species • Mutations cannot produce macroevolutionary change in species
Drosophila fruit flies have been mutated endlessly. Geneticists have made some strange looking fruit flies but they are stillfruit flies.
Origin of Complex Adaptations “What is the use of their unceasing mutations? . . . a swing to the right, a swing to the left, but no final evolutionary effect.” Pierre-Paul Grasse’ quoted in Natural Limits, p. 88.
Recognized Neonatologist-pediatrician • “I have been a neonatologist-pediatrician for over 30 years, and I have seen hundreds of mutation affected infants, and read about thousands more in the medical literature. And I have never seen a real live “good” mutation. In fact, the medical literature is full of reports showing how even a small one amino acid mistake/mutation in the phenomenally complex DNA can cause a profound problem.” • Dr. Reginald Tsang, U of Cincinnati
Minor Changes, not Major Carp:Minor Changes Phyla:Major Changes Arthropods Molluscs Echinoderms
Defeating DarwinismThinking Through the Issues • Evolution is missing the mechanism for change • Natural selection cannot account for macroevolutionary change in species • Mutations do not create macroevolutionary changes • The Fossil Record
Recent Tertiary Cretacious Jurassic Triassic Permian Carboniferous Devonian Silurian Ordovician Cambrian Recent Cambrian Formation of the Earth 4.5 billion years 600 million years
Cambrian Explosion Corals Mollusks Arthropods Brachiopods Echinoderms Vertebrates 530 Million 570 Million 570 Million 550 Million 450 Million 440 Million PreCambrian 4 Billion Years
Time magazine (1995)Cambrian Explosion “New discoveries show that life as we know it began in an amazing biological frenzy that changed the planet almost overnight.”
Cambrian Explosion • “The major animal groups appear in the fossil record as Athena did from the head of Zeus - full blown and raring to go.” • Evolutionist Jeffrey Schwartz
Defeating DarwinismThinking Through the Issues • Evolution is missing the mechanism for change • Natural selection cannot account for change in species • Mutations cannot explain change in species • The Fossil Record • Cambrian Explosion • No evidence life came from non-life
Primordial Soup Theory There is no evidence of life arising from non-life. Scientist have never shown how life came from non-life
Flaws in Miller-Urey Experiment Urey assumed the earth’s atmosphere was the same as interstellar gas clouds (hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and water vapor) However, the earth’s atmosphere was formed by gases from volcanoes. Volcanoes release water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and hydrogen.
Flaws in Miller-Urey Experiment The earth’s atmosphere was different from the atmosphere of the experiment. The presence of Oxygen, no methane or ammonia!
Atheist Acknowledges a Divine Intelligence “ • Darwin saw that there was a problem with the origin of life. It is simply out of the question that the first living matter evolved out of dead matter and then developed into an extraordinary, complicated creature of which we have no examples. There must have been some intelligence.” (Antony Flew) • Christian Research Journal, Volume 28/No. 3/2005, p. 42-43.
Fazal Rana Their research seemed to turn up more dead ends than fruitful avenues to study. They also started probing the geochemical and fossil records of Earth’s earliest rocks – data that establish time constraints for beginning of life scenarios. In addition, researchers began applying information theory to the origin-of-life dilemma and started to understand life’s minimal complexity. Problems grew increasingly insurmountable. The thrills of early decades of research gave way to growing frustration and pessimism. FazalRana and Hugh Ross, 25.
Evidence for God Still Stands The Argument from First Cause – The Universe Has a Beginning The Design Argument – The Universe Displays Design The Moral Argument – There is a Universal Moral Law
Dealing with Evolution in the Classroom • Don’t challenge but listen (Proverbs 18:13) • Ask good questions (Proverbs 18:15) • Learn the evolution arguments • Parents know the issues and be able to discuss them intelligently