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Health and Safety in the Workplace. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) since 1971 underfunded, under-resourced ~ 1100 inspectors, budget < $500 million 115 million workers at 7.2 million worksites Standards on bloodborne pathogens, machine guarding, chemical hazard
Health and Safety in the Workplace • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) • since 1971 • underfunded, under-resourced • ~ 1100 inspectors, budget < $500 million • 115 million workers at 7.2 million worksites • Standards on bloodborne pathogens, machine guarding, chemical hazard communication, fire prevention, safety • General duty clause: every man and woman provided with a safe and healthful workplace Public Employees Safety and Health (PESH) • since 1980 • New York state plan • public sector employees • Standards are equivalent to OSHA or more stringent • No standards on tuberculosis, temperature extremes, indoor air quality, stress or ergonomics • OSHA General Duty clause applies
PSC Environmental Health and Safety(aka Health and Safety Watchdogs) Campus-based Health & Safety Committees PSC Environmental Health and Safety Cross campus Committee Via campus rep PSC Environmental Health and Safety Coordinators Campus-based Health & Safety Committees Via campus rep Via campus rep Campus-based Health & Safety Committees PSC Membership
Workplace health and safety issues • indoor environmental quality (temperature, mold, dust, poor ventilation) • chemistry laboratories • art studios • biologic hazards (bloodborne pathogens) • construction/renovation (noise, dust, vibration) • building deterioration • workplace violence • workplace bullying • green products/building materials
Contact PSC Environmental Health and Safety Coordinators to: ☼ Report problems ☼ To schedule training workshops and speakers ☼ On-site assistance in investigating problems at your campus ☼ New/renovated building walkthroughs By email: hswatchdogs@pscmail.org By telephone: 212 354 1252 (ask for Health and Safety)
H&S Committee survey affected members walkthrough H&S coordinators interviews measurements issue Alerts photographs history Addressing Health and Safety IssuesRaise awareness of issue and increase participation Unresolved Health and Safety problem of local, area, building or campus origin Investigate/organize Who? Does what? Elicit CUNY action Contact campus-based PSC Environ- mental Health and Safety or Chapter Chair Contact PSC Environmental H&S ¤ 212-354-1252 or ¤ hswatcdogs@pscmail.org Convey requests for action Labor Management H&S Labor Management Meeting Grievance Contract language PESH NIOSH Health Hazard Invest.