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Lions. Lions. Presented by : Patrick Ward Taylor Alton Lukus Ferguson. Where do lions live?. Lions live in parts of Africa and India. Asiatic lions live only in just the one forest in India. Types of lions. Angolan Zimbabwe, Angola. Asiatic Gir Forest.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lions

  2. Lions • Presented by : • Patrick Ward • Taylor Alton • Lukus Ferguson

  3. Where do lions live? • Lions live in parts of Africa and India. • Asiatic lions live only in just the one forest in India.

  4. Types of lions • Angolan Zimbabwe, Angola. • Asiatic Gir Forest. • Masai East Africa • Senegalese West Africa • Transvaal South Africa

  5. How does body structure help lions to survive? • The body structure helps it survive because its got a heavy and strong body. • Lions have strong jaws to lock around the neck of their prey and kill it. • The lions tongue is like sandpaper it is used to scrape meat off of their prey bones.

  6. How plants affect lions. • Plants allow lions to hide in them to catch their prey. • Plants allow lions to hide in them when getting attacked by humans.

  7. How other animals affect lions. • Humans affect lions by when the lion is in peace and the human attacks and the human will kill the lion.

  8. How lions communicate • At dawn and dusk the roar of lions can be heard across the savanna. • Roaring is one way that lions stay in contact with each other. • Male lions roar to warn other males to stay away. • Lions use roars to call their cubs . • Including moans, grunts, snarls, and growls.

  9. 4 interesting facts we have learned. • The lion cubs feed on their mother’s milk for about six months. • A Lion’s eyes are the biggest of any cat. • Lion cubs have blue but they change to amber when they are older. • Ten years ago there were 100,000 lions in Africa but now there are just 17,000 .

  10. What lions prey upon • Hyenas • Leopards • Water buffalo • Deer • Humans

  11. How plants affect lions • Plants allow lions to hide in them to catch their prey. • Lions can hide in plants to hide from humans that are hunting them.

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