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COUNTY DUBLIN VEC ADULT AND FURTHER EDUCATION EQUALITY MAINSTREAMING PROJECT 2009/2010. 28 th May 2010. AIMS OF PROJECT. To promote a culture of reflective practice in relation to equality Desired outcomes A shared conceptual equality framework A strategic equality planning framework
AIMS OF PROJECT To promote a culture of reflective practice in relation to equality Desired outcomes • A shared conceptual equality framework • A strategic equality planning framework • Upskilling of key staff in understanding of equality issues County Dublin VEC May 2010
COUNTY DUBLIN VEC EDUCATION PLAN 2009-2013Strategic Aims and Objectives
CONSULTATION PROCESS • Consultants • Steering group • Consultation group (Senior management, County Co-ordinators, Adult Education Officers, CFE management, Youthreach Co-ordinators, Senior Traveller Training Centre Directors, Adult Literacy Organisers, CEFs, AEGI, programme co- ordinators, Youth Service) County Dublin VEC May 2010
CONSULTATION PROCESS Consultation meeting Steering group meeting Consultants’ reports Planning for next consultation County Dublin VEC May 2010
CONSULTATION MEETINGS November 2009 What is equality? December 2009 Applying our understanding of equality to adult and further education February 2010 Creating a culture of equality in our setting County Dublin VEC May 2010
CONSULTATION SESSION 1 WHAT IS EQUALITY? Aims: To introduce the Consultation Group to the County Dublin VEC Equality Mainstreaming Project To explore a shared understanding of equality To draft an initial equality statement for Adult and Further Education within County Dublin VEC. County Dublin VEC May 2010
CONSULTATION SESSION 2 APPLYING OUR UNDERSTANDING OF EQUALITY TO ADULT AND FURTHER EDUCATION Aims: To introduce the draft statement of equality for County Dublin VEC Adult and Further Education To explore the application of the statement within the context of Adult and Further Education across access, participation, progression and transfer To reach some consensus in relation to how this can be applied to assist with strategic planning. County Dublin VEC May 2010
CONSULTATION SESSION 3 CREATING A CULTURE OF EQUALITY Aims: To review the work to date To reach some consensus in relation to the draft statement and principles To look to future means of integrating equality into County Dublin VEC and the development of an Equality Development Group County Dublin VEC May 2010
OUTCOMES • A set of principles underpinning an understanding of equality • A draft equality statement • Organisational Equality Proofing Points – the 7 P’s • A draft Equality Framework • The establishment of an Equality Development Group County Dublin VEC May 2010