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23 June 2010- DPKO/DFS Gender Unit. DPKO and Gender Mainstreaming. Implementing resolution 1325 and related resolutions. Presentation covers DPKO’s mandates and objectives on gender mainstreaming and gender equality. DPKO’s structure on Gender and Peacekeeping.
23 June 2010- DPKO/DFS Gender Unit DPKO and Gender Mainstreaming. Implementing resolution 1325 and related resolutions
Presentation covers • DPKO’s mandates and objectives on gender mainstreaming and gender equality. • DPKO’s structure on Gender and Peacekeeping. • Activities and mechanisms for the implementation of the mandates. • Impact-study.
DPKO Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Equality Mandates: • SCR 1325 (2000) and SCR 1889 (2009) on Women, Peace and Security • Report of the Secretary General to the General Assembly on Gender Mainstreaming in Peacekeeping Activities (Feb 2003) • ECOSOC Agreed Conclusion on Gender Mainstreaming in all policies and programs of the United Nations (1997) • SCR 1820(2008), SCR 1888 (2009) and SCR 1960 (2010) on Sexual Violence in Situations of Armed Conflict and their aftermath.
23 June 2010 Policy Framework and Action Plan: • DPKO/DFS Policy Directive (2010): to incorporate a gender perspective in the development of policy, planning, implementation and monitoring of peacekeeping operations. • Take into account gender in the structure, the resources and the budget of the mission. Gender to be mainstreamed in all policies, programs and activities of the mission. • HQ Action Plan adopted by ESMT in March 2006
Objectives of the HQ Action Plan for SCR 1325 • 1) Policy guidance on gender equality in post-conflict transitions • 2) Better operational support for gender mainstreaming • 3)Increased participation of women in peacekeeping (in the military, in the police and at political level)
THE GENDER TEAM IN DPKO New York Headquarters: • The DPKO Gender Unit: 4 staff members+1 trainer+ 1 policy officer on sexual violence. Provide policy and training guidance and checklist for the implementation of the mandates. Assist and backstop Gender Advisors in the field. Undertake Research and gender analysis. Monitor and report the implementation of the mandate. • Since 2006: Gender Focal Points appointed in other DPKO areas (UN Police, Judicial, Human Rights, Elections, military components).
In the field: • Gender Advisors appointed in 9 multidimensional peacekeeping missions : MONUSCO (DRC), UNMIT (Timor-Leste), UNMIL (Liberia), MINUSTAH (Haiti), UNOCI (Cote d’Ivoire), UNMIS (Sudan), UNAMID (Darfur), UNAMA (Afghanistan), UNIFIL (Lebanon). Mission: Provide gender expertise to the Head of the Mission and senior management, reporting and monitoring, capacity-building of women’s groups, Liaison with national governments, local and international NGOs and other UN entities and agencies. • Gender Focal Points in traditional missions MINURSO (Western Sahara), UNFICYP (Cyprus), UNMIK (Kosovo), UNTSO (Middle East), UNDOF (Syria) and UNMOGIP (India and Pakistan). To facilitate gender mainstreaming in the mission.
Fields of action to implement Gender Mainstreaming: Gender Resource package (2004)
Tools: DPKO/DFS Guidelines: • Gender Mainstreaming Policy Guidelines – 2006 • Gender and Political Affairs Guidelines and checklist for Desk Officers – 2006 • DPKO/DFS-DPA Joint Guidelines on Enhancing the Role of Women in Post-Conflict Electoral processes – 2007 • Police Guidelines for the mainstreaming of gender perspectives • DPKO Gender Guidelines for Political Affairs - 2007 • Guidelines for Gender Advisers and gender Focal Points – 2008 • Checklist for Senior Management – 2008 • Military Guidelines – 2010 • Gender Guidelines for Mine Action Programmes- 2010 • Gender Equality in UN Peacekeeping Operations- 2010
Mechanisms • Gender Training modules for Military, Civilian and Police Personnel (at HQ and the field). • Partnerships with national peacekeeping training centres, regional organizations and local organizations. • Two UN frameworks for action: UNITE Campaign to end violence against women UN Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict.
ACTIVITIES OF PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR): • Ensuring the presence of female staff. • Lobbying for the inclusion of women ex-combatants in the DDR programs • Taking into account the specific needs of women in cantonment camps • Support women reinsertion programs Security Sector Reform: Support to national security entities to increase the number of female staff (military and police) and to train personnel on human rights, gender issues and sexual and gender-based violence.
Political Participation and Elections: • Ensure Women’s participation in peace negotiations and peace Agreements: awareness, workshops, training and technical assistance to women’s groups • Support women’s participation in political processes and elections both as candidates and voters: coaching, civic education. Legal and Judicial Sector Reforms: • Promote the end of discriminatory laws and the increased participation of women in the judiciary sector. • Ensure that judicial reforms protect women and girls against SGBV and put an end to impunity.
Sexual Violence. • A sexual violence specialist in the DPKO Gender team. • Sexual violence is a cross cutting issue like gender Rule of Law Protection of Civilians Corrections Police Special Units • Resolution 1960 (2010): Monitoring Analysis Reporting Arrangement (MARA), dialogue for commitments with parties in conflict, listings (naming and shaming). Developing an early warning system.
Ten-year Impact Study on Implementation of SCR 1325 Liaison and cooperation with NGOs: Empowerment and participation. Both International and National NGOs are gender’s best friends and partners at both HQ and Field Level. Areas of cooperation: • Advocacy • Capacity building and Training • Political participation-Constitutional /legislative reforms • Peace negotiation and mediation • Peace building • Referral services to victim/survivors of violence • Early warning and prevention of violence • Monitoring and reporting
IMPACT STUDY ON IMPLEMENTING 1325 • Study commissioned to mark 10th anniversary of resolution 1325 • First global review of impact of peacekeeping missions in advancing women’s rights and gender equality in line with resolution 1325 • 12 peacekeeping and Special Political missions in 11 countries participated in the Study • A total of seven thematic issues relevant to resolution 1325 were reviewed: Women’s participation in peace negotiations, political participation, DDR, SSR, Legal and judicial reform, sexual and gender-based violence, protection of IDP and refugee women) • Each mission reviewed five themes • Cross-cutting issues were also reviewed, including: Representation of women in peacekeeping, accountability of senior managers and role of gender advisers
CURRENT ACTIVITIES • The DPKO-Gender Team is currently working on a new Action Plan for the implementation of SCR 1325 • Drafting a new five year DPKO/DFS Forward Looking Strategy for Gender Mainstreaming and the Implementation of resolution 1325 • Gender and POC • Gender Responsive Budgeting • Finalizing Guidance for Implementation of SCR 1820, 1888, 1889 and 1960 for military, police and civilian components.