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2. Topics. FGDC StandardsANSI/INCITS L1ISO TC 211Web sites and Points of Contact. FGDC Standards. PresentedbyJulie Binder MaitraFGDC Standards Coordinator. 4. TopicsFederal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) standards activitiesHarmonization of FGDC standards with ISO and ANSI/INCITS standards and OGC specifications.
1. 1 "GIS Standards in the USA withRegional Perspectives"2002-10-26/30 Presented by
Julie Binder Maitra
Norman Andersen
2. 2 Topics FGDC Standards
ISO TC 211
Web sites and Points of Contact
3. FGDC Standards
4. 4 Topics
Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) standards activities
Harmonization of FGDC standards with ISO and ANSI/INCITS standards and OGC specifications
FGDC Standards OMB Circular A-119 governs the use of voluntary consensus standards by Federal agencies and Federal participation in standards development bodiesOMB Circular A-119 governs the use of voluntary consensus standards by Federal agencies and Federal participation in standards development bodies
5. 5 The FGDC develops geospatial data standards for implementing the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), in consultation and cooperation with State, local, and tribal governments, the private sector and academic community, and, to the extent feasible, the international community.
FGDC Standards Activities
6. 6 Who uses FGDC standards?
Federal agencies:
EO 12906 requires Federal agencies to ensure that data comply with FGDC-endorsed standards prior to obligating funds
OMB Circular A-11 requires Federal agencies to indicate if geospatial data to be acquired as part of budget request comply with FGDC-endorsed standards
Data producers doing business with Federal Agencies - The FGDC is developing boilerplate language for procurements or grants for data collection
State and local agencies: FGDC standards are freely available and save State and local agencies time and expense of developing their own FGDC Standards Activities
7. 7 Accomplishments
20 FGDC Endorsed Standards
First standard endorsed in 1995: Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (revised 1998)
Most recent standard endorsed in October 2002:
Extensions for Remote Sensing Metadata
Other endorsed standards include:
Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS)
Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards
Various thematic data standards FGDC Standards Activities Metadata
Input into ISO 19115, Metadata
Base standard endorsed as ANSI standard (INCITS 320)
Point, Image, and CADD Profiles of SDTS have been endorsed as FGDC standardsMetadata
Input into ISO 19115, Metadata
Base standard endorsed as ANSI standard (INCITS 320)
Point, Image, and CADD Profiles of SDTS have been endorsed as FGDC standards
8. 8 FGDC Standards
18 other Standards in various stages of the FGDC Standards Process:
Proposal Stage
Project Stage
Draft Stage
Review Stage
For more details, visit Status of FGDC Standards, http://www.fgdc.gov/standards/status/textstatus.html FGDC Standards Activities
9. 9
10. 10 Standards organizations
11. 11 FGDC participates in the OpenGIS Consortium to develop common implementation specifications to improve access to spatial information
Users benefit from vendor support of information access specifications and integration of solutions into GIS workflow
12. 12 ANSI is conduit into ISO standards
ANSI itself not a standards development organization, but accredits other organizations such as INCITS to develop standards by its rules
ANSI is conduit into ISO standards
ANSI itself not a standards development organization, but accredits other organizations such as INCITS to develop standards by its rules
13. 13 L1, Geographic Information SystemsAUG 2002
14. 14 InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) Sponsored by the Information Technology Industry Council
Accredited by the American National Standards Institute
Mission is to produce market-driven, voluntary consensus standards in the area of Information Technology
35 Subcommittees
15. 15 INCITS Subcommittee L1Geographic Information Systems Established 1993 to develop, adopt, or adapt national standards for Geographic Information Systems
U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO/TC 211 - Geographic Information/Geomatics
Members from industry, government, academia, professional associations
16. 16 L1 Standards (1) INCITS 93-R
X3.61:1986 [R1997] - Representation of Geographic Point Locations for Information Interchange (new INCITS 61)
X3.145:1986 [R1997] - Codes for Identification of Hydrologic Units in the U.S. and the Caribbean (Outlying) Areas (new INCITS 145)
X3.31:1988 [R1999] - Identification of the States, the District of Columbia, and the Outlying Areas of the U.S. for Information Interchange (new INCIT31)
X3.47:1988 [R2000] - Structure for the Identification of Named Populated Places, Primary County Divisions and other Entities of the U.S. and Its Outlying Areas for Information Interchange
17. 17 L1 Standards (2) INCITS 987 M
INCITS 320:1998 - Information technology - Spatial Data Transfer
INCITS 353:2001 - Information Technology - Geographic information systems - Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE)
A/I 6709:1993[1999] Standard Representation of Latitude, Longitude and Altitude for Geographic Point Locations
A/I 19105:2000[2001] Geographic information - Conformance and testing
18. 18 INCITS L1 Projects INCITS - Various (37 +)
ISO/TC 211- Geographic Information- Currently 37+ Work Items/Standards
Content Standards for National Framework Data
IS 19101 Geographic Information - Reference Model
Imagery and Gridded Data Components
19. 19 INCITS L1 Pending Projects INCITS 1148 D
Spatial Data Quality
Geospatial Objects
MOU - North American Geospatial Profiles
20. 20 INCITS L1 - Officers
21. 21 INCITS L1 Membership American Association of Geographers (AAG)
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM)
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)
Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)
George Mason University
Lockheed Martin
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
US Census Bureau
U.S. Geological Survey
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
22. 22 Liaison Activities From L1 To L1
incits H2, Database John R. Herring Paul Scarponcini
Oracle Corporation Bentley Transportation
jrherrin@us.oracle.com paul.scaponcini@bentley.com
incits L8, Metadata Norman Andersen Dan Gillman
Lockheed Martin Bureau of Labor Statistics
Norman.c.andersen@lmco.com gillmand@bls.gov
Federal Geographic Data Richard Hogan Julie Binder Maitra
Committee (FGDC) - USGS FGDC
Data Content Standards rlhogan@usgs.gov jmaitra@usgs.gov
FIG Location Services Larry Hothem Larry Hothem
(Intl Federation of Surveyors) USGS USGS
Lhothem@erols.com Lhothem@erols.com
incits H3 - Computer Graphics Laura Moore Laura Moore
& Image Processing NIMA NIMA
Moorela@nima.mil Moorela@nima.mil
23. 23 ISO/TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics
24. 24 The goal of ISO/TC 211... ... is to develop a family of international standards that will
support the understanding and usage of geographic information
increase the availability, access, integration, and sharing of geographic information, enable inter-operability of geospatially enabled computer systems
contribute to a unified approach to addressing global ecological and humanitarian problems
ease the establishment of geospatial infrastructures on local, regional and global level
contribute to sustainable development
25. 25 ISO/TC 211 organization
26. 26 External liaisons, 1 of 2 CEOS, Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
DGIWG, Digital Geographic Information Working Group
EPSG, European Petroleum Survey Group
FIG, International Federation of Surveyors
GSDI, Global Spatial Data Infrastructure
IAG, International Association of Geodesy
ICA, International Cartographic Association
ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
IHB, International Hydrographic Bureau
ISCGM, International Steering Committee for Global Mapping
ISPRS, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
JRC, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
OGC, Open GIS Consortium, Incorporated
27. 27 External liaisons, 2 of 2 PCGIAP, The Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific
UN Economic Commission for Europe, Statistical Division
UNGIWG, United Nations Geographic Information Working Group
WMO, World Meteorological Organization
PC IDEA, Permanent Committee on Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Americas
SCAR, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
UNGEGN, United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names
CEN/TC 287, Geographic information
28. 28
29. 29 Spatial data infrastructures- where standards fit in ...
30. 30 Spatial data infrastructures- where standards fit in ...
31. 31 Agreement ISO/TC 211 - OGC common objectives
similar work programmes
complementary approach
joining resources gives strength
avoiding inconsistent standards - de jure / de facto / industrial
and more
32. 32 ISO TC 211 Implications for local governments and regions incits L1 anticipates a considerable number of geographic information (system) standards emerging from both domestic and international venues in the near future.
The development of these standards and possible adoption will assist in assuring consistent content and format of geospatial information
Metadata, Geospatial One-Stop, and North American profile projects will be conformant to these standards
33. 33 Your Involvement U.S. Participants
Call for volunteers
Membership in FGDC
FGDC Standards Working Group
Membership in incits L1
For ISO TC 211 work
National standards
International Participants
Your national standards body
34. 34 Key Web Sites
35. 35 L1, Geographic Information Systems Points of Contact