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Attend the 2nd Grade Parent Orientation Night for an overview of daily schedules, volunteer information, attendance goals, and important policies. Learn about the 7 Habits program, math and literacy curriculum, and ways to support your child's education.
Cibolo Green Elementary 2nd Grade Parent Orientation Night 2019-2020
2nd Grade Teachers 2019-20 Mrs. Morris emorri1@neisd.net Miss McKeentmckee@neisd.net Mrs. Schwarz lschwa@neisd.net Mrs. DeLeonsdeleo1@neisd.net Mrs. Stevens dsteve3@neisd.net Mrs. Bradford cbradf2@neisd.net Mrs. Elseth aelset@neisd.net Mrs. LaCombeplacom@neisd.net Mrs. Love plove@neisd.net
Attendance As part of our 7 Habits, we are trying to work on attendance and the importance of being at school. Please help your child meet our goals of improved attendance. Our school has the opportunity to receive a state distinction this year if we all focus on attendance together. .
Daily Schedule 7:25 Students enter the classroom 7:30 Announcements 7:35-8:00 Morning Meeting/7 Habits/team build 8:00-8:30 WIN/ Stations 8:30-9:00 Reading 9:00-9:30 Phonics/Handwriting 9:30-10:00 Writer’s Workshop 10:00-10:15Snack/brain break/movement 10:15-10:45 Math intro/number talks 10:45-11:35 Enrichment 11:35-11:55 Math 11:55-12:40 Lunches 12:40-1:30 Math Stations 1:30-1:50 Recess 1:50-2:35 Science/Social Studies 2:35-2:45 Pack up/ Dismissal
Lunch Schedule • Mrs. Morris 11:55-12:25 • Mrs. Stevens 11:55-12:25 • Mrs. Schwarz 12:00-12:30 • Miss McKeen 12:00-12:30 • Mrs. DeLeon 12:05-12:35 • Mrs. LaCombe 12:05-12:35 • Mrs. Bradford 12:10-12:40 • Mrs. Elseth 12:10-12:40
Parent Volunteers • Must be approved for clearance by the district. Applications are online at the NEISD or PTA website. Field trip volunteers must be DPS cleared prior to trip. Lunch Visitors • Cleared visitors mustsit at the adult/child table with their child only.
Consent to Share • If you would like us to share information with any one other than the legal guardians, you must fill out a consent to share form. This can include step parents, grandparents, etc. • You can get this form from Ivette Aguilar, the data processor in the front office.
Notice of Release • If you need us to discuss your child and their progress with any one (doctors, tutors, babysitter, karate), you must fill out a notice of release form first. • You can get these forms from the data processor in the front office.
Transportation • Any changes to transportation MUST be submitted by a written note or a phone call to the office by 2:00pm. • Due to our rigorous learning schedule, teachers are not always able to check email before dismissal.
Snacks & Birthdays • All edible items served for celebrations MUST be store-bought. • Please let your child’s teacher know at least 2 days before the celebration so that they may adjust their lessons and schedule. • Please be sure to bring all necessary supplies (napkins, forks, plates). • Celebrations begin at 2:25. • No goody bags. • There are many students with food allergies so please see teacher about appropriate snacks to send. • We have snack time every day. Please send your child with a healthy snack that is easy to clean up. • We can have birthday celebrations for your child. Healthy snacks are preferred. If you are planning on sending a sweet treat, only a single serving cupcake, donut, or cookie may be served.
Agendas • All students need to have a Cibolo Green Agenda. • We will be using it daily to send home notes or daily papers. • They can be purchased for $10 in the office. • Please review your child’s agenda nightly and initial with your child. • Teacher may add comments under the comments section.
7 Habits • The 7 habits is a program developed by Stephen Covey that helps students realize that they are leaders. By learning the different habits successful people demonstrate will help them become better leaders. The 7 Habits are: 1. Be Proactive 2. Begin With the End in Mind 3. Put First Things First 4. Think Win-Win 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 6. Synergize 7. Sharpen the Saw.
Math . • A combination of Go Math and other resources are used for our math curriculum. • Many lessons include “hands on” activities in which no paper will be brought home that day. • Math 4 Today reviews math skills previously taught. Concepts are reviewed during the week and tested on some Fridays. • Problem solving is practiced with POPS • Number Talks are daily activities that engage students and promote sharing problem solving strategies using mental math
Math Goals • Our Math goals: • To offer students meaningful mathematical problems • To emphasize mathematical thinking on a deeper level • To create mathematical thinkers • Implement problem solving skills • Provide hands on activities • Expand on number sense
Reading/Writing • We use literacy stations, small groups, and Lucy Calkins writing curriculum. • Literacy stations are a way to practice cross curricular skills. • Book bags will begin after assessment of reading levels. • Appropriate books will be sent for reading practice. Please keep these in backpacks. If lost, a $6 book fee will be collected to replace books.
Enrichment Programs Physical Education teachers are Coach Criswell and Coach Rizzo. The students will have P.E. daily. Students MUST wear (or bring) tennis shoes for PE and Recess. NO flip-flops Music teachers are Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Stern. The students will have music 2 to 3 times per week as they rotate with enrichment activities. Our librarian is Ms. Oldham. The students will have the opportunity to visit the library each week to check out 2 books. Parents are also encouraged to check out books for their child.
Enrichment • Some students may qualify for our Gifted and Talented program and will be pulled out of the class for special G/T classes one day per week. Our G/T facilitator is Mrs. Massey. Please feel free to contact her with any questions you have regarding G/T. • We will be going to the computer lab and/or utilizing our computers on cart to complete several assignments. Technology TEKS will be our focus. If your child is not cleared for internet usage, we highly encourage you to reconsider. They will be monitored at all times.
Student Formal Assessments • District Benchmarks given in Math, Reading and Writing • Fountas and Pinnell reading benchmark • NEISD will now use MAP testing as an assessment tool to find ZOPD (zone of proximal development) • This assessment will be given in the beginning, middle and end of the year. We will use data to track what your student is ready to learn and what growth they are making throughout the year.
Grades • 2nd grade students will receive numerical grades. • Please help your child understand the importance of grades. • Completing class work on time is vital. • Grades will be posted in a timely manner.
Progress Reports • Progress reports will be issued on the following schedule: • 3rd week of the 9 weeks—all failing grades • 6th week of the 9 weeks—all students • 9th week of the grading period—all students receive a report card.
Requests • NO toys from home • NO electronics from home • NO basketballs, footballs or other sports equipment • NO stuffed animals
Homework • Homework is due back every Friday starting in September. • Your child’s homework for the following week will be posted on Friday. Any questions about the homework can be asked through email. Please verify that our office has your current email address. • Homework will be posted to each teacher’s page every Friday. • Homework will be in a Tic Tac Toe format. Please have your child complete the middle square first and then choose two additional boxes to make three in a row. • Please spend 20 minutes reading with your child and 10 minutes completing the activities. If it takes longer than 10 min. to complete the activities, have your child stop and complete the following day.
Quick Reminders • Please have your children bring books each morning as they wait for pick-up in the common area. • Drop off area downstairs is locked at 7:25. • Upon arrival, all students are to sit quietly in their class’s line. • Please be sure that your children bring a water bottle and a healthy snack each day.
We are going to have a great year! We are looking forward to working with all of our students and parents. Feel free to contact us at anytime by email or written communication. Our conference time is 10:45-11:35 Thank You for Coming!