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Student Miscue Analysis Presentation REA 628. Student Information. John* is a 6 year old Caucasian male. He is grouped in a lower level reading group. John is more interested in John Deere than reading!! * Not his real name. Assessment Information. STAR Reading ZPD=1.2-2.2 DRA level=6
Student Information • John* is a 6 year old Caucasian male. • He is grouped in a lower level reading group. • John is more interested in John Deere than reading!! * Not his real name
Assessment Information • STAR Reading ZPD=1.2-2.2 • DRA level=6 • DIBELS NWF (Nonsense Word Fluency)=46 • DIBELS ORF (Oral Reading Fluency)=33
What is DIBELS? DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of standardized, individually administered measures of early literacy development. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of pre-reading and early reading skills. Which skills do the DIBELS measures assess? The DIBELS measures were specifically designed to assess 3 of the 5 Big Ideas of early literacy: Phonological Awareness, Alphabetic Principle, and Fluency with Connected Text. The measures are linked to one another, both psychometrically and theoretically, and have been found to be predictive of later reading proficiency. **Information gathered from http://dibels.uoregon.edu
More about DIBELS Measures of Phonological Awareness: Phonemic Segmentation Fluency (PSF): Assesses a child's skill to produce the individual sounds within a given word. Measure of Alphabetic Principle: Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF): Assesses a child's knowledge of letter-sound correspondences as well their ability to blend letters together to form unfamiliar "nonsense" (e.g., fik, lig, etc.) words. Measure of Fluency with Connected Text: Oral Reading Fluency (ORF): Assesses a child's skill of reading connected text in grade-level material.
My Analysis Nonsense Word Fluency 1.3 • 141letter sound combinations Oral Reading Fluency 1.3.3 • Text-The Block Party • Number of Words-223
NWF • Number of letter sounds/words read-71 • Number of miscues-25 • NWF score-46
ORF Total number of words read-50 Number of miscues-17 WPM-33 DIBELS level-Intensive
Analysis • John depends largely on the beginning sounds of words. • He does not detect his miscues and their affect on comprehension. • John has difficulty being still and wanted to stand or fidget while reading. • After reading, John could not recall facts from the story.
Impact on Instruction • Based on John’s results, he continues to qualify for 30 minutes of intensive, pull-out reading intervention daily. • John should focus on sight words and word patterns to give him strategies to use when he comes to unfamiliar words. • Focus should also be put on his comprehensionand retelling skills.
Conclusions Based on John’s assessment data and history of weakness in areas of reading, his parents have begun discussing the possibility of retaining him in first grade next year. I believe that this would be a good choice for John. He is weak in the areas of basic reading skills and would benefit from an extra year working on and mastering these skills.