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60 Tips in 75 Minutes. Presented by Ivan Hemmans. Mobile: Attend web conferences. Attend GoToMeeting, WebEx, or other web conferences from a mobile device. The apps are free and allow you to join an existing meeting.
60 Tips in 75 Minutes Presented by Ivan Hemmans
Mobile: Attend web conferences • Attend GoToMeeting, WebEx, or other web conferences from a mobile device. The apps are free and allow you to join an existing meeting. • These apps do not allow you to host a meeting or share your mobile device’s screen.
Office: Interactive Guides • Leverage your knowledge of Office 2003 to find your favorite commands in Office 2010. • Search the web for • “Microsoft Office Interactive Guides.”
Outlook: View conversations • Conversation view allows you to see all related messages in a thread, including those messages in the sent items folder. • Click View, then check “Show as Conversation.”
Word: Quick redlining • In Word 2010, redlining got a whole lot better. Some firms are even using it in lieu of 3rd-party tools. • On the Review tab, click Compare.
Excel: Build formulas • Excel will help you find your formulas and help you build them, if you know where to look. It's called "Insert Function." • Click the Fx button to the left of the formula bar.
PowerPoint: Press Ctrl + Enter • Press Ctrl + Enter to move the insertion point to the next object without using the mouse. Press it at the last object to create a new slide.
Mobile: Conduct presentations • Newer phones and tablets can connect to projectors or HD televisions. With software like Keynote, Prezi or DocsToGo, you can conduct PowerPoint-style presentations right from your device. • VGA dongle: http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC552ZM/B • HDMI dongle: http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC953ZM/A
Office: Add to Quick Access Toolbar • Customize the Quick Access Toolbar to keep your most-used commands available. • Right-click a button on the Ribbon, then click “Add to Quick Access Toolbar.”
Outlook: Quick Steps • Quicksteps automate common Outlook tasks. Outlook comes with a few defaults and you can create your own. Quick Steps allow you to chain actions together to automate a workflow. • For example: • Create a new message to a group of people with a predefined subject and default message text • File a message to a folder, mark it as read, then categorize it.
Word: Navigate document content • The Navigation Pane in Word had an overhaul. Now, with it enabled, you can drag a heading to move it and its subordinates around in a document, without the need to cut, copy, or paste.
Excel: Page Break Preview • The Page Break Preview in Excel allows you to see how each page in your workbook will print. You can drag natural page breaks or the print area. You can also insert page breaks at the active cell.
Outlook: Reading Pane Options • In Outlook, you can adjust the Reading Pane options so that messages do not automatically get marked as read when you traverse messages. • Click View > Reading Pane > Options, then uncheck the first two checkboxes.
Mobile: Remote desktop • Remote desktop apps (e.g. Pocket Cloud) make it possible to control a full desktop computer from afar. With remote desktop software, you can work in the full, desktop versions of any installed applications.
Office: Minimize the ribbon • Minimize the Ribbon to maximize avaliable screen space. • Click the ^ at the end of the ribbon; or • Double-click the Tab label
Outlook: Control Quick Contacts • By default, when you send or receive messages to people for whom you don’t have a contact card, Outlook creates a Quick Contact for you. You can turn this off to keep your Contacts folder trim. • File > Options > Contacts > Suggested Contacts
Word: Dialog box launchers • Dialog box launchers are small allow buttons at the bottom of many Ribbon groups that open a dialog box full of related tools. Click one to see the old-style dialog boxes from previous versions of Office.
Excel: Fit all columns to one page • In Excel 2010, Microsoft put a button for one of the most common functions related to printing in Excel. There is a button that squeezes all columns in a workbook to fit on a single horizontal page.
PowerPoint: Run a show • Press F5 to start your presentation from slide 1.
Mobile: Make a hotspot • For just a few dollars more a month, you can enable the wireless hotspot feature on your iPhone or Android phone. The hotspot feature allows you to turn your phone into a mobile Wi-Fi network that can share Internet access with several devices, including laptops.
Office: Customize Cut & Paste • In Office, you can customize the behavior of Cut, Copy, and Paste. This is most useful in Word. • Click File > Options > Advanced > Cut, Copy, & Paste
Outlook: Mark messages as read • Change the behavior of the Reading Pane to make marking messages as read more deliberate. • Press Ctrl and “Q” to mark messages read. • Press Ctrl and “U” to mark messages unread.
Word: Word count • In the Word 2010 status bar, see a count of the number of words in a document. Select a passage to see the number of selected words compared to the total. Or, click the Word count to launch a dialog box that gives you word, page, line and character counts.
Excel: Adjust page margins • In Excel 2003, there was a feature that allowed dragging to adjust margins. In 2010, the feature exists, but in a different place. • File > Print > Show Margins. • The button is located in the lower, right-hand corner of the Print window in Backstage view.
PPT: Start show from current slide • When drafting a presentation, it is often useful to start from the slide you are editing. • Press Shift + F5.
Mobile: Dictate messages • With the iPhone 4S or Android phones, you can press the small microphone icon on the left of the keyboard and dictate your e-mail or text messages. Dictation requires an Internet connection, but it can definitely save your thumbs from extensive tapping on lengthy messages. • There’s an app for older iPhones: Dragon Dictation
Office: Change paste behaviors • Each time you paste, the Paste Options button appears. Click it for options to change how an item is pasted into your document.
Outlook: The Scheduling Assistant • With the Outlook Scheduling Assistant, you can see a limited view of colleague calendars, which can help ensure you choose meeting times that don’t conflict with preexisting appointments.
Word: Add Style to the QAT • In Word 2010, the style box has gone missing. You can add it to the Quick Access Toolbar so you always know the style of the selected paragraph. • Customize the Quick Access Toolbar > More Commands > Style.
Excel: Create Tables • Group related data together as a “Table” in Excel 2010 and 2007 — or a “List” in Excel 2003. Once grouped, Excel enables a small collection of features designed to make managing your table easier.
PowerPoint: Navigate a show • While your presentation is running, click in the lower, left-hand corner for controls to help you navigate it.
Mobile: Organize apps • Group like apps into folders and save yourself a bit of time finding them in the future. • For iOS, press and hold an app until it starts to jiggle. Then, drag one app atop another. • For Android, press and hold an empty spot on the home screen, then choose New Folder. Drag apps into the new folder. • For BlackBerry, press the menu button and click Add Folder.
Office: Create PDFs • Office 2010 ships with the ability to create PDFs without the need for any additional software. • File > Save and Send > Send as PDF.
Outlook: File messages away • Leverage the power of your keyboard and file messages away at the speed you type. • Press Ctrl, Shift, and “V” to launch the “Move to Folder” command. Type a folder name to move to the folder, then press Enter to file the massage.
Word: Browse by objects • For lengthy documents, browsing by objects can help you find exactly what you are looking for in a short time. • You can browse by: Sections, Pages, Find, Edits, Tables, Fields, and more. • Press Ctrl, Alt, and Home
Excel: Print areas • For each worksheet in a workbook, you can specify a region for Excel to print.
PowerPoint: Presentation tips • While your presentation is running, press F1 for a list of all shortcut keys available while your presentation is running.
Mobile: Sync Exchange data • iPhones, iPads, and Androids can sync Exchange data. In environments that require hardware-level encryption, some Androids may not be able to comply … without an App • There are 2 apps that can comply with Exchange encryption requirements • Moxier Mail • Touchdown
Office: Slide to zoom • In the lower right-hand corner of each Office 2010 window is a zoom slider. Click and slide to adjust the zoom.
Outlook: Navigate messages • Leverage the power of your keyboard and move through your mailbox at the speed you type. • Press Ctrl and “Y” to launch the “Go to Folder” command. Type a folder name to select the folder, then press Enter to browse to it.
Windows 7: The Snipping Tool • Capture easy screenshots with the Snipping Tool. • Click Start, then type “snipping” to locate the Snipping Tool.
Excel: Table total row • Enable a Total row in your table. A Total row is a special row at the end of your table where you can enable pre-defined functions by selecting from a dropdown list.
PowerPoint: Jump to a slide • While your presentation is running, press a slide number, then Enter to jump to that slide. In this way, you can run through your presentation in an arbitrary order.
Mobile: Sync Exchange notes • The iPhone and iPad make it easy to sync e-mail, calendar, contacts, and tasks. However, they don’t sync notes. • IMExchange 2 is a free app that brings this functionality to your mobile device.
Windows 7: Scroll to zoom • Press and hold CTRL, then scroll the mouse wheel to change the zoom of the active program.
Outlook: Create Smart Folders • For searches you run often, consider creating a Smart Folder. These folders, when activated, perform a real-time search in the background and will count unread messages that meet the conditions you specify. • Default Search Folders include: “Unread” and flagged for “Follow-up”
IE 9: Default search provider • Internet Explorer has Bing as the default search provider. You can, of course, change it. I changed mine to Google. • Click Tools > Manage Add-ons > Search Providers > Find more search providers
Outlook: Delay Message Delivery • In Outlook, you can delay the delivery of a message by visiting the Options tab in a message you are composing. • Click Options > Delay Delivery • Set a Do not deliver before date and time • Compose and send your message Note: Outlook must remain open for the message to be sent. The message remains in the Outbox until it is delivered.
Mobile: BB messages by thread • Press “J” or “K” on BlackBerry smartphones with a QWERTY keyboard to move to the next or previous related message. • Press “*” on BlackBerry smartphones with a SureType keyboard.
Windows 7: Connect a projector • Press and hold the Windows key, then press P to display different monitor modes. This is especially useful for connecting to projectors or for setting up an extended monitor.