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Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the first and second letter. ELL II.R.1.5. Order. What does that mean?. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the first letter. ELL II.R.1.5. Just like we put the letters of the alphabet in order.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the first and second letter. ELL II.R.1.5 Order What does that mean?

  2. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the first letter. ELL II.R.1.5 Just like we put the letters of the alphabet in order... a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z We can put words in order by looking at the first letter... a b c d e ant bug cat dog egg

  3. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the first letter. ELL II.R.1.5 These words are NOT in ABC order grape orange apple banana plum a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

  4. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the first letter. ELL II.R.1.5 grape orange apple banana plum a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z apple banana grape orange plum Now they are!!!

  5. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the first letter. ELL II.R.1.5 You Try it... use the abc line to help you a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z red green purple blue yellow

  6. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the first letter. ELL II.R.1.5 You Try it... use the abc line to help you a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z red green purple blue yellow blue green purple red yellow

  7. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the second letter. ELL II.R.1.5 Let's see if we can put these words in ABC order... two five three four Wait a minute, some of these words have the same first letter... f t four five two three How can I figure out which word comes first?

  8. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the second letter. ELL II.R.1.5 When you have words that begin with the samefirst letter, then you have to look at the second letter f t three four five two i o h w three four two five

  9. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the second letter. ELL II.R.1.5 First put the words in order by their first letter... f t four five two three Then put the words in order by their second letter... i o h w three five four two

  10. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the second letter. ELL II.R.1.5 Let's put these words in ABC order... black purple pink brown First, by their first letters... black brown purple pink Then, by their second letters... black brown pink purple

  11. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the second letter. ELL II.R.1.5 Let's put these words in ABC order... black purple pink brown First, by their first letters... brown black purple pink black brown purple pink Then, by their second letters... black brown pink purple black brown pink purple

  12. Given a series of words, YWBAT alphabetize the words to the second letter. ELL II.R.1.5 You Try It!! Put these words in ABC order... head foot hand finger First, by their first letters... head hand foot finger Then, by their second letters... hand head finger foot

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