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-IRE Verbs. What is an INFINITIVE?. An INFINITIVE is a verb that still ends in –ARE, – ERE or –IRE. Examples of -IRE INFINITIVES (Type 1). dormire – to sleep partire – to depart / leave aprire – to open servire – to serve offrire – to offer. Examples of -IRE INFINITIVES
What is an INFINITIVE? An INFINITIVE is a verb that still ends in –ARE, – ERE or –IRE.
Examples of -IRE INFINITIVES(Type 1) • dormire – to sleep • partire – to depart / leave • aprire – to open • servire – to serve • offrire – to offer
Examples of -IRE INFINITIVES (Type 1) • soffrire – to suffer • seguire – to follow • divertire – to have fun • mentire – to lie • sentire – to hear / feel
Examples of -IRE INFINITIVES (Type 2 -isc verbs) • finire – to finish • capire – to understand • suggerire – to suggest • costruire – to construct • preferire – to prefer
Examples of -IRE INFINITIVES (Type 2 -isc verbs) • spedire – to send / mail • inserire – to insert • proibire – to prohibit • pulire – to clean • restituire – to give back
Step 1: Find the stem. (TYPE 1) Remove the –IRE from the INFINITIVE to isolate the STEM. Examples: dormire dorm partire part servire serv
Step 2: Add a new ending.(Type 1) Add a new ending to the STEM, depending on WHO is doing the action: (I) io -o (you) tu -i (he) lui -e (she) lei -e (you) Lei -e (we) noi -iamo (you) voi -ite (they) loro -ono (you) Loro -ono
Dormire = to sleep 1. What is the STEM? D O R M 2. What are the different forms of DORMIRE? dormo dormi dorme dormiamo dormite dormono
Type 2 -isc verbs To know if an –ire verb is a Type II verb, you must count BACKWARDS five letters from the end of the verb. If that letter is a vowel, it is a Type II –ire verb, which are called –isc verbs. F I N I R E 5 4 3 2 1
Step 1: Find the stemStep 2: Add -isc Once you remove the –ire from the infinitive, you must then add –isc to each stem EXCEPT for NOI and VOI. These two forms DO NOT get –isc.
Step 3: Add a new ending(Type 2) Add a new ending to the STEM, depending on WHO is doing the action: (we) noi -iamo (you) voi -ite (they) loro -iscono (you) Loro -iscono (I) io -isco (you) tu -isci (he) lui -isce (she) lei -isce (you) Lei -isce
Pulire = to clean 1. What is the STEM? P U L 2. What are the different forms of PULIRE? pulisco pulisci pulisce puliamo* pulite* puliscono