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Telemark University College. 5th largest of the 25 state university colleges in Norway About 6500 students and 600 employees Four different locations in Telemark (170 km) Faculties: Arts, Norwegian Folk Culture and Teacher Education Arts and Sciences Health and Social Studies Technology
Telemark University College 5th largest of the 25 state university colleges in Norway About 6500 students and 600 employees Four different locations in Telemark (170 km) Faculties: Arts, Norwegian Folk Culture and Teacher Education Arts and Sciences Health and Social Studies Technology Degrees: Bachelor (3 years) Master (2 years) PhD (3 years) 1
Магістерська програма по спеціальності Енергетичні та Екологічні Технології, Технологічного факультету (осінній семестр 2012 року) • ModelingandSimulationofDynamicSystems – Моделювання і симулювання динамічних систем (BerntLie, SveinLinge) (10 кредитів) • Thermodynamics– Термодинаміка (Carlos Pfeiffer, Lars-Erik Øi) (10 кредитів) • TransportProcesses– Транспортні процеси (Lars-Andre Tokheim) (10 кредитів)
EET course details http://curriculums.hit.no/Study-Programmes-2012-2013/Nettvisning/Technology-Engineering/Master-of-Energy-and-Environmental-Technology-master
ITsystems • Fronter • interface between students and lecturers/administration • one virtual classroom per course • should be checked daily • Schedules: Timetables for all courses • should be checked weekly • class codes: 940-1 = 1PT; 942-1 = 1EET • Student email • used for communication between lecturers and students etc • should be checked daily • M: Common storage and program disks • StudentWeb • to register for exams (in electives ++), check marks etc • in case of problems/questions, ask Dina Lundgren Kleiva
Екскурсія на завод з виробництва мінеральних добрив «Yara»
Лабораторна робота з курсу «Transport Processes» - «Пластинчатийтеплообмінник»
Навчальний курс по програмному забезпеченню «Matlab»