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A2 Classical Civilisation. The next three weeks…. Everyone signing on to using @ classicsaquinas Introduction to the A2 course (unit 4) - Prezi Source work comparison activity Profile of the Emperors Research task of the two KEY writers Background context using .
The next three weeks… • Everyone signing on to using @classicsaquinas • Introduction to the A2 course (unit 4) - Prezi • Source work comparison activity • Profile of the Emperors • Research task of the two KEY writers • Background context using
The Emperors of RomeDuring the Julio-Claudian Dynasty(not including Nero)
The Four Emperors 27BC 54AD
The Ides of March - is the name of the 15th day of March in the Roman calendar. • Having no living legitimate children, Caesar had adopted his great-nephew Octavius as his son and main heir. • Upon his adoption, Octavius (Augustus) assumed his great-uncle's name, Gaius Julius Caesar.
Mark Anthony • Arriving in Rome on 6 May 44 BC, Octavian found the consul (the highest elected office of the Roman Republic) • Mark Antony, Caesar's former colleague, in an uneasy truce with the dictator's assassins; they had been granted a general amnesty on 17 March, yet Antony succeeded in driving most of them out of Rome with a scathing speech at his eulogy.
The Second Triumvirate • Antony formed an official political alliance with Octavian (the future Augustus) and Lepidus, known to historians today as the Second Triumvirate. • The triumvirate broke up in 33 BC. Disagreement between Octavian and Antony erupted into civil war, the final war of the Roman Republic, in 31 BC. Antony was defeated by Octavian at the naval Battle of Actium, and in a brief land battle at Alexandria. • He and his lover Cleopatra committed suicide shortly thereafter. His career and defeat are significant in Rome's transformation from Republic to Empire.
The Principate(27 BC – 284 AD) is the first period of the Roman Empire • When Antony died, Octavian became uncontested ruler of Rome. In the following years, Octavian, who was known as Augustus after 27 BC, managed to accumulate in his person all administrative, political, and military offices. • When Augustus died in 14 AD, his political powers passed to his adopted son Tiberius; the Roman Principate had begun.
Your next task! – Research the meanings of the following words • Consul • Censor • Tribune • Quaestor • Senate • Lictor • Plebian • Aediles • Magister Equitum • Imperator • Proconsul • Princeps • Imperium • Praetorian Guard • PontifexMaximus