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    3. Agenda/Topics to Be Covered Department Staff Types of leave Payroll deduction options Benefits review Required paperwork


    5. As a permanent employee of the Madison county board of Education you are entitled to the following benefitsAs a permanent employee of the Madison county board of Education you are entitled to the following benefits

    6. SICK LEAVE Sick leave is earned one day per month worked.Sick leave is earned one day per month worked.

    7. PERSONAL LEAVE You will earn 1 state personal leave day per semester: 2 per year. You may also take 1 days of board personal leave per semester at a cost of $50 for certified, $19 for support personnel: according to the number of years of service.You will earn 1 state personal leave day per semester: 2 per year. You may also take 1 days of board personal leave per semester at a cost of $50 for certified, $19 for support personnel: according to the number of years of service.

    8. VACATION 12 month employees earn 5/6 of a day vacation per month. No more than 10 days can be carried over January 1.12 month employees earn 5/6 of a day vacation per month. No more than 10 days can be carried over January 1.

    9. SICK LEAVE BANK Sick leave bank is an optional benefit. You may join the sick leave bank by depositing five of your sick days and upon approval you are allowed to borrow fifteen days. These will be paid back with your next fifteen days of earned sick leave upon returning to work.Sick leave bank is an optional benefit. You may join the sick leave bank by depositing five of your sick days and upon approval you are allowed to borrow fifteen days. These will be paid back with your next fifteen days of earned sick leave upon returning to work.

    10. OTHER LEAVE Family Medical Leave up to twelve weeks without pay Leave for an extended period of time would fall under 3 categories: Family Medical Leave, Extended Leave of Absence or Catastrophic Leave. To apply for any of these types of leave you must first meet the requirements and complete the necessary forms from the personnel office.Leave for an extended period of time would fall under 3 categories: Family Medical Leave, Extended Leave of Absence or Catastrophic Leave. To apply for any of these types of leave you must first meet the requirements and complete the necessary forms from the personnel office.

    11. DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAMS 403B Annuities: VALIC Security Benefits Corp. Payroll deduction for deferred compensation plans such as: 403B annuities and 457 plans allow you to defer, or to put aside a portion of your earnings each pay period into an account for your retirement.Payroll deduction for deferred compensation plans such as: 403B annuities and 457 plans allow you to defer, or to put aside a portion of your earnings each pay period into an account for your retirement.

    12. AEA MEMBER BENEFIT PROGRAMS Automobile, Homeowners Disability, AD&D, Term Life, Universal Life Long-Term Care Deferred Compensation Plans Critical Care Cancer Legal Services Through payroll deduction you may purchase any of the listed policies offered and administered by Alabama Education Association.Through payroll deduction you may purchase any of the listed policies offered and administered by Alabama Education Association.

    13. OTHER SAVINGS PLANS It is very advantageous to enroll your child as young as possible in the PACT program since the contract cost increases with the age of the child.Open enrollment is the month of September only. The first monthly deduction will be made on your check at the end of November. Applications for these deductions can be printed from our website @ www.madison.k12.al.us.It is very advantageous to enroll your child as young as possible in the PACT program since the contract cost increases with the age of the child.Open enrollment is the month of September only. The first monthly deduction will be made on your check at the end of November. Applications for these deductions can be printed from our website @ www.madison.k12.al.us.

    14. All employees must participate in the Teachers Retirement Systems of Alabama. Please notify payroll if you are transferring from the Employees Retirement System for example: if you have worked for the State of Alabama or Madison County.All employees must participate in the Teachers Retirement Systems of Alabama. Please notify payroll if you are transferring from the Employees Retirement System for example: if you have worked for the State of Alabama or Madison County.


    17. PEEHIP OPEN ENROLLMENT July 1st thru August 31st All other July 1 Sept. 15 Open enrollment is the time for all current employees to make changes to their hospital/medical, supplemental, Aflac, and/or life insurance policies.Open enrollment is the time for all current employees to make changes to their hospital/medical, supplemental, Aflac, and/or life insurance policies.

    18. MEDICAL INSURANCE The Madison County Board of Education offers each employee the option of enrolling in hospital medical insurance. Less than full time certified and support working less than 20 hours per week may enroll in health insurance but with a higher out of pocket cost. Please notify the insurance department if you are transferring from another Alabama School system or if your spouse is employed with Madison County or another Alabama School System.The Madison County Board of Education offers each employee the option of enrolling in hospital medical insurance. Less than full time certified and support working less than 20 hours per week may enroll in health insurance but with a higher out of pocket cost. Please notify the insurance department if you are transferring from another Alabama School system or if your spouse is employed with Madison County or another Alabama School System.

    19. SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE SOUTHLAND NATIONAL Dental Cancer Vision Indemnity Optional insurance policies may be purchased in a addition to medical insurance at a cost of $38.00 per policy. If medical insurance is not needed, these four policies are at no cost to the employee.Optional insurance policies may be purchased in a addition to medical insurance at a cost of $38.00 per policy. If medical insurance is not needed, these four policies are at no cost to the employee.

    20. LIFE INSURANCE Board Paid $14,000 Policy on full time employees Employee Can Purchase Additional Coverage Up to $300,000.00 Madison County Board of Education pays the premium on a $14,000 life insurance policy on each full time employee. Additional coverage may be purchased up to $300,000.00.Madison County Board of Education pays the premium on a $14,000 life insurance policy on each full time employee. Additional coverage may be purchased up to $300,000.00.

    21. INSTRUCTIONS USE BLACK OR BLUE INK READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY When completing your packet please use black or blue ink only, do not stack the forms when completing and always read the instructions carefully.When completing your packet please use black or blue ink only, do not stack the forms when completing and always read the instructions carefully.

    23. Be sure to complete both sides of this form. Your school secretary or payroll personnel can notarize upon completion of form. Be sure to complete both sides of this form. Your school secretary or payroll personnel can notarize upon completion of form.

    24. To process this application a voided check is needed. Your check will not go direct deposit until the month following your completed application. You will then receive your direct deposit statement via e-mail. Every employee with the Madison County Board of Education is assigned an e-mail address. You can check your e-mail at work on the network or at home on the Madison County Board of Education web site www.madison.k12.al.us.To process this application a voided check is needed. Your check will not go direct deposit until the month following your completed application. You will then receive your direct deposit statement via e-mail. Every employee with the Madison County Board of Education is assigned an e-mail address. You can check your e-mail at work on the network or at home on the Madison County Board of Education web site www.madison.k12.al.us.

    25. You have several options when completing this form. On Line 6 you can have an additional amount deducted, a fixed amount, or a percentage each pay period. You have several options when completing this form. On Line 6 you can have an additional amount deducted, a fixed amount, or a percentage each pay period.

    26. You have several options when completing this form. On Line 4 you can have an additional amount deducted, a fixed amount, or a percentage each pay period. You have several options when completing this form. On Line 4 you can have an additional amount deducted, a fixed amount, or a percentage each pay period.

    28. Required Paperwork Life Insurance Enrollment Form Teachers Retirement System of Alabama Member Information Record Direct Deposit Application W-4 Federal Tax Withholding A-4 State Tax Withholding

    29. Summary In order for you to be processed in our payroll department we would like to remind you to submit all paperwork as soon as possible. Information can be obtained in more detail by accessing the specific area in question on our website. We are glad to have you as employees of the Madison County Board of Education and hope you have a great year.

    30. Other Resources Benefits Handbook Quarterly Newsletter Website: www.madison.k12.al.us

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