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España 6/19/14-6/28/14. Why travel?. Educational objectives . To promote international understanding and a respect for a variety of cultures To clarify and deepen our understanding of the American identity and its values and beliefs through intercultural experience
España 6/19/14-6/28/14
Educational objectives To promote international understanding and a respect for a variety of cultures To clarify and deepen our understanding of the American identity and its values and beliefs through intercultural experience To expand our knowledge about culture and history and the basis for different values and beliefs To develop the interpersonal skills necessary to navigate a new environment with confidence, maturity and flexibility
Our meeting agenda EF Education First • Who are they? • Why did we choose them? Safety on tour Our tour package • What’s included? • What isn’t? Passports and visas Our tour itinerary Pricing, Monthly Payment Plan How to enroll Questions and answers
Why EF? • Best value • Most educational • Safety first EF’s Peace of Mind Program
Study Abroad: SpainFive Course Elements.25 elective credit • Pre-travel sessions • Trip logistics • Travel tips • Foreign customs & etiquette • Cultural overview • Research project • Class work abroad • Travel • Reflection
Wherever we learn, EF is there EF has 34,000 staff and teachers in more than 400 offices in over 50 countries
What’s included? Round-trip flights on major carriers Hotels with private bathrooms Comfortable motorcoach Breakfast and dinner daily *plus tips for guides Full-time Tour Director Licensed local guides Entrance fees to select attractions All-Inclusive Coverage Plan Educational Itinerary
All-InclusiveCoverage Plan This plan is mandatory and the plan covers your child for: Emergency tour cancellation and interruption Illness and accident Baggage and property Flight delay 24-hour access to an English-speaking representative See pg. 12 in Enrollment Booklet For more information visit eftours.com/coverage or call EF’s Customer Service Department at 800-665-5364.
Our approach to safety 6-to-1 chaperone to student ratio CB drug and alcohol policy enforced Violation of CB or EF policy • immediate departure and consequences upon return to school 0% Tolerance
What are you responsible for? Spending money forsouvenirs, beverages, lunches and snacks ($25-$65) Passport and/or visa fees Understanding CB expectations
Passports and visas All travelers are responsible for securing necessary documentation Valid passports are required for all travelers Passports may take up to 14 weeks to process Some destinations may require travel visas Non-U.S. citizens may require special visas or other travel documents Important note: Passports must be valid for at least six months after our scheduled return date *DEADLINE FOR PASSPORTS TBA
Paying for your tour Program Price: $3056 Weekend Travel: $35 Insurance: $145 Tips: $81 Total Price = $3317
The EF Price Guarantee Once you enroll your price will never change. Enroll today to get the lowest price.Pay in full or use Monthly Payment Plan: Enroll in the Monthly Payment Plan with a $95 non-refundable deposit now. Don’t worry about further payment until next month! Automatic monthly payments deducted from your checking account or credit card.
How do I enroll? Parent approval form Apply – write an essay that is due in September. Why do you want to go? Make sure that you are enrolled in a Spanish course for 2013-2014. Get one recommendation from your Spanish teacher. Get one recommendation from a non-Spanish teacher. Turn in recommendations and essay to the group leader in your school or your Spanish teacher by September 2013. If you would like to enroll be 6/24 and do not get accepted, EF will refund your deposit. Tour Numbers: • East – www.eftours/1449099XW • South – www.eftours/1370262DF • West – www.eftours/1449106HK
Stay tuned… • Students will be informed about their acceptance. • Parents will receive an email in September 2013 about the next meeting.