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Case Markers in Turkish

Case Markers in Turkish. EGE DABANSIZ 12-132-042 12.12.2016. What’s the Case. We can define the term case in two ways . These ways are syntactic and semantic .

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Case Markers in Turkish

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  1. CaseMarkers in Turkish EGE DABANSIZ 12-132-042 12.12.2016

  2. What’stheCase • We can define thetermcase in twoways. Thesewaysaresyntacticandsemantic. • Syntacticallythetermcaseusedtorefersurfaceinflectional form of a nounwhichindicatesgrammaticalrelations. • Semanticallythetermcaseshowsthesemanticrelationshipbetweentheverbanditsarguments (nouns).

  3. Kinds of CaseMarkers • Therearesixtypes of cases in Turkishlanguage. Theseare ; • Absolute: ‘Ev satıldı.’ - ‘Thehouse has beensold.’ : ‘Bir ev arıyoruz.’ – ‘Weareseeking a house.’ • Accusative : ‘Evi aldık.’ – ‘Wehaveboughtthe-house.’ • Genitive : ‘evin bahçesi’ – ‘thegarden of-the-house’ • Dative: ‘Eve geldim.’ – ‘I cameto-the-house.’ • Locative : ‘Evde kaldı.’ – ‘He has stayed in-the-house.’ • Ablative : ‘evden uzak’ – ‘far from-the-house’

  4. Usages of theCaseMarkers • A caseending is attachedonlytothe final element in a nominal group. • Turkishcase-endingsbehavelikeEnglishprepositions. Example 1: ‘iyi vatandaşlar’ : ‘goodcitizens’ ‘iyi vatandaşlar-ın’ : ‘of goodcitizens’ Example 2: ‘dört kere dokuz’ : ‘fourtimes nine’ ‘dört kere dokuz-un karekökü’ : ‘thesquareroot offourtimes nine’

  5. 1. Usages of theAbsolute Form • 1. 1. Nominative: As subject of a sentenceor as complement of a verbmeaning. Example 1: ‘Kapı açıldı.’ : ‘Thedoorwasopened.’ Example 2: ‘Ben Başbakanolmıyacağım.’ : ‘I shall not become PrimeMinister.’

  6. 1. 2. IndefiniteAccusative: It can be shown as the undefined object of a verb. Example 1: ‘Gazete çıkarmak zor bir iş.’ : ‘Publishingnewspapers is a hard job.’ Example 2: ‘Bilet satıyorlar.’ : ‘Theyaresellingtickets.’ Example 3: ‘O sigara içmez.’ : ‘He does not smokecigarettes.’ Example 4: ‘Öküz aldı.’ : ‘He boughtoxen.’ Example 5: ‘Bir öküz aldı.’ : ‘He bought an ox.’

  7. 1. 3. Parallel Word Sequences: Itmaystandforanycase in suspendedaffixationwhenonegrammaticalendingservestwoormoreparallelwords. • Example 1: ‘sıhhat ve afiyet-te’ : ‘in healthandwell-being’ Note: Thepropositions in parallelwordsequences can also be repeatable but thisusage is not usual. Example: ‘sıhhat-teve afiyet-te’ : ‘in healthand in well-being’

  8. 1. 4. Vocative: InTurkishtheabsolute form can also be usedtovocativesomeoneorsomething. Example 1: ‘Ahmet!’ Example 2: ‘Taksi!’ : ‘Taxi!’ 1. 5. InAdverbs of Time: Manyadverbs of time areoriginallynouns in theabsolute form Example 1: ‘bugün’ : ‘today Example 2: ‘yarın’ : ‘tomorrow’ Example 3: ‘dün’ : ‘yesterday’

  9. 2. Usages of theAccusative Form • 2. 1. By a DemostrativeAdjective: It can be usedafter a nounwhich is describedby a demonstrativeadjective. Example: ‘Bu gazete-yi çıkarmak zor bir iş.’ : ‘topublishthisnewspaper is a hard job.’ 2. 2. By a PersonalPronoun: It can be usedafter a personalpronoun, suffixedorindependent. Example: ‘Ev-imiz-i kiraladı.’ : ‘He has rentedourhouse.’ (Thesuffixmarked in red is a personalsuffix.) Example 2: ‘Bizim ev-i kiraladı.’ : ‘He has rentedourhouse.’

  10. 2. 3. ByNamesandPronouns: It can be usedbyitsnature as a place-name, a personal name ortitle, a personalordemonstrativepronoun. Example 1: ‘Adana-yı gezdik.’ : ‘Wetoured Adana.’ Example 2: ‘Hasan-ı hemen tanıdım. : ‘I recognized Hasan immediately.’ Example 3: ‘Profesör-ü selamladı.’ : ‘He greetedtheProfessor.’ Example 4: ‘Bu siz-i ilgilendirmez.’ : ‘Itdoes not concernyou.’ Example 5: ‘Bu-nu niçin yaptın?’ : ‘Whyhaveyou done this?’

  11. 2. 4. ByHavingBeenMentionedPreviously: It can be usedalso in situationswhereEnglishusesthe define articles. Example 1: ‘Öküz-ü aldı.’ : ‘He boughttheox.’ Example 2: ‘Kitab-ı okumadım.’ : ‘I have not readthebook.’

  12. 2. 5. Defined by a Participle: By being otherwise, adequately defined by a participle. Theuse of ‘bir’ theindefinitearticle in suchcircumstancesdoes not necessarilymaketheobjectindefinite. Note: A descriptiveadjectiveis not in itselfsufficienttomake an object define. Comparethattwoexamples; Example 1: ‘Bir mavi kumaş istiyor.’ : ‘Shewants a bluematerial.’ Example 2: ‘Mavi kumaş-ı istiyor.’ : ‘Shechosethebluematerial.’ Note 2: The second object of a factive verb, which is a complementary object, remains in the absolute form. Example 1: ‘O-nu vali tayin ettiler.’ : ‘Theyappointedhimgovernor.’ Example 2: ‘İstanbul’u İstanbul yapan budur.’ : ‘WhatmakesIstanbultheIstanbul is this.’ Example 3: ‘Senve ben-i arkadaş sanırdım.’ : ‘I thoughtyouandmewerefriends.’

  13. 3. Usage of theGenitive Form Thegenitivesuffixshowsthatthesubstantivetowhich it is attachedstands in a possessiveorqualifyingrelationshiptoanothersubstansive. Note: Thesubstantive in thegenitivecase can alsostandpredicately Example 1: ‘hakimiyet millet-in-dir’ : ‘sovereigntybelongsto (‘is’, ‘of’) thenation’ ( Thesuffixmarked in green is a time suffix.) Example 2: ‘Bütün suç siz-in.’ : ‘Alltheguilt is yours.’ Adding:Certain postpositions are construed with the genitive or personal pronouns.

  14. 4. Usages of theDative Form • 4. 1. TheİndirectObject of A Verb: It can be addedtotheobjectwhich is referredbytheverb of thesentence. Example 1: ‘Mektubu Ali’ye gösterdim.’ : ‘I showedtheletterto Ali.’ Example 2: ‘Hizmetçi-ye bir palto alacağız.’ : ‘Wearegoingto buy theservant a coat.’ Note: ItmaytranslatetheEnglish ‘for’ as in thenextexample. Example: ‘Hizmetçi-ye bir palto alacağız.’ : ‘Wearegoingto buy a coatfortheservant.’

  15. 4. 2. PlaceWhither: Example 1: ‘Türkiye’ye döndüler.’ : ‘TheyreturnedtoTurkey.’ Example 2: ‘Yer-e düştü.’ : ‘Itfelltotheground.’ Example 3: ‘Şişeyi masa-ya koydu.’ : ‘He put thebottle on thetable.’ Example 4: ‘Sandalye-ye oturdum.’ : ‘I seatedmyself on thechair.’ Example 5: ‘Bir orman-a gizlendiler.’ : ‘Theyhid in a forest.’

  16. 4. 3. DeclaringthePurpose: Example 1: ‘Kız çiçek toplama-ya çıkıyor.’ : ‘Thegirl is goingtopickflowers.’ Example 2: ‘Öğrenci sınav-a hazırlanıyor.’ : ‘Thestudent is preparingfortheexamination. 4. 4. ExpressingthePrice: Example: ‘Bunu kaç-a aldın?’ : ‘Howmuchdidyou buy this?’

  17. Adding: Turkishidiomrequires a dativewith a number of verbswhoseEnglishequivalentstake a directobject, amongthecommonestbeing • ForExample: ‘bir şey-e başlamak’ : ‘tobeginsomething’ ‘bir şey-e değmek’ and ‘bir şey-e dokunmak’ : ‘totouchsomething’ ‘biri-ne benzemek’ : ‘toresemblesomeone’ ‘bir şey-e devam etmek’ : ‘tocontinuesomething’ ‘bir yer-e ermek’ and ‘bir yer-e varmak’ : ‘toreachsomewhere’ ‘bir yer-e girmek’ : ‘toentersomewhere’ ‘biri-ne yardım etmek’ : ‘tohelpsomeone’

  18. 5. Usages of theLocative Form • 5. 1. To Specify the Location: Example 1: ‘tiyatro-da’ : ‘at the theatre’ Example 2: ‘su-da’ : ‘in the water’ Example 3: ‘yer-de’ : ‘on the ground’ Example 4: ‘Ben-de para yok.’ : ‘I have no money on me.’ Example 5: ‘Radyo-da bir vazo var.’ : ‘There is a vase on the radio.’ 5. 2. To Specify the Time: Example 1: ‘Ramazan-da’ : ‘in Ramadan’ Example 2: ‘beş eylül-de’ : ‘on 5 september’

  19. 5. 3. To Express AbstractSituations: Example 1: ‘Radyo-da bir konuşma var.’ : ‘There is a speech on theradio.’ Example 2: ‘ihtiyarlık-ta’ : ‘in oldage’ Example 3: ‘sağlık-ta’ : ‘in health’ Example 4: ‘gitmek-te’ : ‘in (theact of) going’ Example 5: ‘Bu fikir-de değilim.’ : ‘I am not of this idea.’

  20. 5. 4. ToDenoteTangibleFeatures of Something: Example 1: ‘yumurta şeklin-de bir taş’ : ‘a stone in theshape of an egg’ Example 2: ‘on metre uzunluğun-da bir ip’ : ‘a cord of (lit. İn) ten meters’ Example 3: ‘kahverengin-de bir şapka’ : ‘a browncoloured hat’

  21. 6. Usages of theAblative Form • 6. 1. PlaceFromWhich: Example 1: ‘Şehir-den ayrıldı.’ : ‘He departedfromthecity.’ Example 2: ‘rağbet-ten düştü’ : ‘it fellfromesteem’ (ceased to be in vogue) Example 3: ‘Bu gidiş onu yerin-den edecek.’ : ‘Thisbehaviourwillcosthim his job.’

  22. 6. 2. PlaceThroughWhich: Example 1: ‘Pencere-den girdi.’ : ‘He enteredfromthewindow.’ Example 2: ‘Oraya hangi yol-dan gidilir?’ : ‘Whichway is goingthere?’ Example 3: ‘Sizi telefon-dan arıyorlar.’ : ‘Youarewanted on thephone.’ Example 4: ‘Haber radyo-dan yayıldı.’ : ‘Thenewswasbroadcast.’ Example 5: ‘Hırsızı kolun-dan tuttum.’ : ‘I caughtthethiefby his arm.’ Note: It can be usedalso in the sense of ‘throughonemoreplace’. Example : ‘Kitabı bir yerin-den daha açtım.’ : ‘I openedthebookfromonemoreplace.’

  23. 6. 3. ToGiveReasons: It is also be addedafterthewords, whichstatesreasons. Example 1: ‘başarı-dan sarhoş’ : ‘drunkfromsuccess’ Example 2: ‘açlık-tan bitkin’ : ‘exhaustedfromhunger’ 6. 4. ComparativeUsage: It is also be added in thesecondmember of a comparison. Example : ‘Türkiye Lübnan’dan büyüktür.’ : ‘Turkey is biggerthanLebanon.’

  24. 6. 5. ToDenotetheMaterial: It is alsodenotesthematerialfromwhichsomething is made. Example 1: ‘naylon-dan yapılmış bir balık ağı’ : ‘a fishing-net made of nylon’ Example 2: ‘çelik-ten yapılmış bir kılıç’ : ‘a swordmade of steel’ Example 3: ‘meşe ağacın-dan yapılmış bir yay’ : ‘a bowmade of oaktree’ Example 4: ‘söz gümüş-ten, sükut altın-dan’ : ‘speech is silver, silence is gold’

  25. 6. 6. ThePartitiveUsage:It can be used to describe a part of something andoneorseveralmember of anygroup. Example 1: ‘komşular-dan biri’ : ‘one of theneighbours’ Example 2: ‘üyeler-den birkaçı’ : ‘several of themembers’ Example 3: ‘pasta-dan bir dilim’ : ‘a piece of cake’

  26. 6. 7. ExpressingthePrice: It is alsousedforexpressingtheprice but not synonymouslywiththedativeone. (in page 15) • Example: ‘Bu elmaları kaç-tan aldın?’ : ‘Whatpricedidyou buy theseapples?’ • Note: Expressingtheprice can be used in dativeandablative but theyhavedifferentmeanings. ForExample; Elmaları kaç-a aldın?: Thisdativeusagemeans ‘whatwasthe total amountyoupaidfortheseapples?’ Elmaları kaç-tan aldın?: Thisablativeusagemeans ‘whatpriceeachorperkilo orone?’

  27. Usages of thePersonalSuffixes: Thesuffixedpersonalpronouns, indicatingpossessionshowed in thetablebelow.

  28. Note 1: A singularnounwiththethird-personsuffix (el-leri, çocuk-ları) is identical in form withtheplural of thenounwiththethird-personalsingularsuffix (eller-i, çocuklar-ı) andwiththeaccusativeplural (eller-i, çocuklar-ı). • Note 2: Consonantstemwiththethird-singularsuffix (el-i, çocuğ-u) havethesame form as theaccusativesingular (el-i, çocuğ-u), whilewiththesecond-singularsuffixtheyhavethesame form as thegenitive (el-i-n, çocuğ-u-n).

  29. Consonant-stems

  30. Consonant-stems

  31. Vowel-stems

  32. Vowel-stems

  33. Note 1: Twoanomaliessu ‘water’ is treated as a consonant-stemwhileağabey ‘elderbrother’ (pronouncedâbiwiththeaccent on the ‘â’) behaveslike a vowelstem, though in thespelling.This is acknowledgedonlywiththesuffix of thethird-personsingular.

  34. Note 2: Thepersonalsuffixesfollowthesuffix of theplural, exceptthattwo ‘-ler’sneveroccurtogether, sothat ‘-i’ and not ‘-leri’ is usedforthethird-personpluralsuffixafterpluralnouns.

  35. Note 3: Thusçocukları can mean ‘his/her children’, ‘theirchildren’ or ‘theirchild’ as well as ‘thechildren’ (accusative), whileçocukların can mean ‘yourchildren’ or ‘of thechildren’. • Note 4: Inthecolloquial, kardeşimlermeans ‘mybrotherand his family’, teyzemlermeans ‘myauntand her family’, whereaskardeşlerimmeans ‘mybrothers’ andteyzelerimmeans ‘myaunts’.

  36. Thank you very much for listening to me

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