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Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises

Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises. “The providence of esthetics is the true and the beautiful.” Aristotle from the Poetics. Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises.

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Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises “The providence of esthetics is the true and the beautiful.” Aristotle from thePoetics

  2. Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises Hemingway strove for the discipline of double perception. Two layers of meaning… the simple surface over the complexities of the world. He tells a story of tragedy, but the context is resilience. The earth abideth even in the face of tragedy. Life moves on. Humanity is resilient.

  3. Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises Hemingway wrote slowly and revised carefully, cutting, editing, substituting, experimenting with syntax, to see what a sentence could most economically carry… throwing out what could be spared (Baker 72).

  4. Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises Three common fallacies against truth: Pathetic Apathetic Kinetographic

  5. Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises Pathetic An overuse or excess of emotion (Baker 59). “cruel, and crawling foam” Creating a silly, false emotional effect.

  6. Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises Apathetic Reason so tight that emotion is squeezed out entirely. Blank explanation… too much telling and not enough showing, or letting the reader get to truth through the effect.

  7. Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises Aristotle’s mean A balance between extremes. Pathetic and Apathetic are both extremes and if you find it in your writing you must revise.

  8. Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises Kinetographic Mere reporting. The fallacy that the best art comes from a recording of all observed action. The facts are distorted by looking to avoid distortion by including everything.

  9. Esthetic Beauty and The Sun Also Rises Hemingway Wrote the first draft of TSAR in 48 sessions. He let the manuscript rest while he skiied in the Voralberg in Schruns, Austria. He began to revise on his trip. The novel took nine months from start to finish. Hallmarks of TSAR: real people under a microscope. Not a report of a disintegration, or a chronicle. The lost generation is not really that lost.

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