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Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative. in collaboration with. Kentucky Department of Education. English/Language Arts Leadership Network Orientation July 27, 2010. Welcome!. Kentucky Leadership Network Facilitators . Denise Amos – KDE ELA Content Specialist denise.amos2@education.ky.gov
Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative in collaboration with Kentucky Department of Education English/Language Arts Leadership Network Orientation July 27, 2010
Kentucky Leadership Network Facilitators Denise Amos – KDE ELA Content Specialist denise.amos2@education.ky.gov Carol Franks – KDE ELA Consultant carol.franks@education.ky.gov Starr Lewis – OVEC Higher Ed Representative (U of L) starr.lewis@louisville.edu Lori Norton Meier –OVEC Higher Ed Representative (U of L) lori.nortonmeier@louisivlle.edu Pam Scudder – OVEC ELA Specialist (Gallatin County) pam.scudder@gallatin.kyschools.us
Who’s In the Room? Oldham Henry Owen Gallatin Shelby OVEC KSB Spencer Eminence Franklin Carroll Grant West Point Trimble Bullitt Anchorage Jefferson
What’s in your binder? Organizing Your Binder
Bell Ringer What do you see as the purpose of the Leadership Networks?
Learning Targets (Morning Session) I can clearly articulate the vision and goals of the leadership networks. I can explain how the system of networks will work together to improve teaching and learning. I can identify and describe the four components of the leadership network. I can articulate my role in the leadership network.
Setting Network Norms Group norms are agreed upon ways in which we will work together so that productivity is maximized. They are posted and reviewed (verbally and in writing) at all meetings. Norms should clarify the expectations of each team member and should be stated as positive commitments.
Team Norms Activity Think individually, write down 3 positive norms that you feel should be included on our list (2 minutes). Share with your team and decide upon a group list of 3 norms you think are most important. Be ready to share whole group.
The Big Picture: Part 1 Senate Bill 1 Kentucky Regional Leadership Networks
Senate Bill 1 (March 2009) Reduce college remediation rates Overall readiness is a concern. According to ACT data, Kentucky high school students 40% met college ready expectations for reading 16% met college readiness for science less than 21% met readiness for college-level algebra
Senate Bill 1 (March 2009) Revision of the Standards to meet the needs of 21st century learners in a global society to prepare students for college and/or career be fewer, clearer, deeper, rigorous
Senate Bill 1 (March 2009) Revision of the Assessment System a balanced assessment system – formative, summative, interim program reviews for writing, arts & humanities and PL/CS
Senate Bill 1 Collaboration among many groups On standards development – CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers) & NGA (National Governors Assn) along with educators & state agencies & CPE (Council on Postsecondary Education) On program review development - Educators from across the state and from all grade levels (including Higher Ed.), business leaders, & KDE On college readiness & teacher prep programs - Higher Ed. staff, CPE, KDE
Senate Bill 1 (March 2009) A statewide professional development plan to impact current teachers and teacher prep programs to impact instruction at every level of the education system The networks are designed to implement the requirements of SB1
Senate Bill 1 (the bottom line) Senate Bill 1 is not just about new standards or new assessments. It is about improving instruction in all classrooms so that Kentucky students are prepared for college or the career of their choice.
A Plan for Consistency • Content Leadership Networks • Focus on teacher and teacher leaders • Administrator Leadership Networks • Building level administrators • Instructional Support Networks • District level leaders • Superintendents Network • Higher Education Participation/Networks
Kentucky Regional Content Leadership Networks NKCES M CKEC E OVEC M E M E KEDC M E WKEC M E M E KVEC SESC M E M E Mathematics English Language Arts GRREC FACILITATORS (4): KDE Staff (Content Specialists) Education Cooperative Consultant Higher Education Faculty PARTICIPANTS -75 (25 district teams) NETWORK GOAL: Ensure that every participant has a clear understanding of how to translate Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards into clear learning targets in order to design high quality formative and summative assessments and to plan/select rigorous and congruent learning experiences. The network approach is designed to build knowledge and leadership capacity within the district. Districts should utilize the membership of the networks to scale up pd at the local level. FACILITATORS (4): KDE Staff (Content Specialists) Education Cooperative Consultant Higher Education Faculty PARTICIPANTS -75 (25 district teams) NETWORK GOAL: Ensure that every participant has a clear understanding of how to translate Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards into clear learning targets in order to design high quality formative and summative assessments and to plan/select rigorous and congruent learning experiences. The network approach is designed to build knowledge and leadership capacity within the district. Districts should utilize the membership of the networks to scale up pd at the local level. This is you!
Content Leadership Network Vision Every school district in the Commonwealth of Kentucky has a knowledgeable and cohesive leadership team that guides the professional learning and practice of all administrators, teachers, and staff so that every student experiences highly effective teaching, learning and assessment practices in every classroom, every day.
The network approach is designed to build knowledge and leadership capacity to: • implement Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards • develop assessment literacy among all educators • work to ensure that every classroom is a model of highly effective teaching and learning practices.
Four Components of the Content Leadership Network • Leadership • Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards • Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning • Assessment Literacy – Classroom Assessment for Student Learning
Kentucky Leadership Network Tree visual
Big Picture: Part 2 Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities Education Cooperatives Higher Education Representatives KDE Network Content Specialists KDE Consultants Teacher Leaders Administrators
Cooperative FacilitatorsPam, Starr & Lori Regional Facilitators are affiliated with a cooperative or university and have proven content knowledge and/or pedagogical expertise in the content area. They will help facilitate the full day network meetings and collaborate with the Regional Content Specialists and KDE consultants to plan network activities.
KDE Regional Content SpecialistsDenise will provide planning, facilitation, consultation and technical assistance to Leadership Network Facilitation Teams and Leadership Network participants, schools and districts regarding highly effective teaching and learning around Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards.
KDE Consultants/FacilitatorsCarol KDE consultants collaborate with others to plan and facilitate network meetings and provide support to the networks. They also work to support the online community.
District Teacher Leaders - YOU As a Teacher Leader in one of the networks, your responsibility is to • collaborate with other leaders throughout your region to hone your own practice/knowledge, and • work collaboratively within your district to scale up highly effective practices in every classroom.
A Deeper Understanding Take a few moments to read over your handout: vision, standard, and learning targets. Talk Time: Where do you see the starting point for your district?
Big Picture: Part 3 Leadership Networks
The Important Book Written by Margaret Wise Brown
The important thing about the sun is that it shines.It is the center of the Solar System.It's hot.It sustains life.It gives us light.It gives us a tan.It gives us warmth.But the important thing about the sun is that it shines.
The Importance of this Network • Create your own “The Important Book” about this leadership network. • Use these indicators • The important thing about this leadership network is……….. • It’s like …………….. • It……………. • It’s………….. • And it……………. • But the most important thing about this leadership network is…
Revisiting our Learning Targets (Morning Session) I can clearly articulate the vision and goals of the leadership networks. I can explain how the system of networks will work together to improve teaching and learning. I can identify and describe the four components of the Leadership network. I can articulate my role in the leadership network.
Timeline of Meeting Dates Spring • January 20 • February 17 • March 17 • June 16 Fall • September 16 • October 21 • November 11
ReviseBell Ringer What do you see as the purpose of the Leadership Networks? What is your role?
Learning Targets (Afternoon Session) I can explain the organization and structure of Kentucky's Core Academic Standards for English/Language Arts. I can identify and explain the grade level progression within the standards. I can explain the value of implementing Highly Effective Teaching and Learning practices in classrooms.
Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards for English Language Arts
What you won’t see… • Strategy use • Instructional advice • Everything • G/T or advanced work Interventions Supports for students with special needs, ELLs The “whole” of College and Career Readiness (CCR)
What else do I need to know about these standards? A Design Summary • CCR vs. grade-specific Standards • Grade level standards for K-8 • Grade band standards for 9-10 and 11-12 • Emphasis on informational and persuasive text • A focus on results rather than means • An integrated model of literacy • Research and media skills blended into standards • Shared responsibility for students’ literacy development
Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards Focused on critical demands of the global economy Fewer, but more rigorous Easily communicated to stakeholders Based on research Considered international benchmarks Aligned from kindergarten through college entrance