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Explore the relationship between momentum and speed in various scenarios involving colliding carts, with equal and unequal masses. Determine the effects of springs and sticky collisions.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Momentum Two carts of equal mass begin at rest, then a spring between them releases, sending them in opposite directions. After this, do the carts have the same magnitude of momentum? __ Do they have the same speed?__ yes, yes yes, no no, yes no, no

  2. Momentum Two carts of UNequal mass begin at rest, then a spring between them releases, sending them in opposite directions. After this, which cart has larger magnitude of momentum? __ Which has larger speed?__ neither, neither neither, lighter heavier, neither heavier, lighter

  3. Momentum One cart begins at rest, the other cart is moving toward it with speed, v. They collide and stick together. What is the speed of the two (together) just after they stick together? 0 v <v >v

  4. Calculus Are you planning to take Calc II next term (winter)? yes no maybe – leaning toward yes maybe – leaning toward no

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