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Premier Nikita Khrushchev. About the capitalist states, it doesn't depend on you whether we (Soviet Union) exist. If you don't like us, don't accept our invitations, and don't invite us to come to see you. Whether you like it our not, history is on our side. We will bury you . -- 1956.
Premier Nikita Khrushchev About the capitalist states, it doesn't depend on you whether we (Soviet Union) exist.If you don't like us, don't accept our invitations, and don'tinvite us to come to see you. Whether you like it our not, history is on our side. We will bury you. -- 1956 De-Stalinization Program
The Suez Canal Controlled by a French-British Company Egypt Nationalizes the Canal Egypt and Israel Go to war U.K. and France use war as an opportunity to occupy canal. USSR vehemently opposes action US refuses to support Allies British and French have to withdraw Proof that US and USSR control international politics. United Nations Introduces “Peace Keepers” The Three Crisis of 1956
Puppet Prime Minister Dies Lack of consumer goods lead to uprisings Poland refuses to ascend Soviet nominee Poland elect their own candidate, Gomulka Soviets approve after Gomulka agrees to cooperate with USSR Maintained military alliances but modifies economic policy Improves Relationship with R.C.C. Russia mobilizes troops at the boarder but Gomulka reassures Khrushchev of his good intentions 2. Poland Strives for Independence 1956
Gomulkan Reforms Spread to Hungary Student Demonstration in Budapest escalates into revolution Imre Nagy put in power, wants more independence for Hungary Soviets invade and execute Nagy The USSR and USA are the Hegemonic powers of the world. Hungarian Uprising 1956
The Hungarian Uprising: Cont. Imre Nagy, HungarianPrime Minister • Promised free elections. • This could lead to the end of communist rule in Hungary.
United States and The Soviet Union compete to explore space Origins in Military Rockets (German V2) The ability to deliver Nuclear Warheads drive the race (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) ICBM Also opportunity for espionage Russians take the early Lead Space Race
Sputnik I (1957) The Russians have beaten America in space—they have the technological edge!
Nixon-Khrushchev“Kitchen Debate”(1959) Cold War ---> Tensions <--- Technology & Affluence
U-2 Spy Incident (1960) Col. Francis Gary Powers’ plane was shot down over Soviet airspace. Socialist revolution is being split between China and USSR. Thwarts 1960 Paris Conference between Eisenhower and Khrushchev Demonstration of Soviet Revolutionary Zeal
Vienna, 1961 Khrushchev & JFK meet to discuss Berlin and nuclear proliferation. Khrushchev thinks that JFK is young, inexperienced, and can be rolled.
The Berlin Wall Goes Up (1961) Goal: Stop the Refugee Crisis From East to West CheckpointCharlie
Ich bin ein Berliner!(1963) President Kennedy tells Berliners that the West is with them!
Khrushchev Embraces Castro,1961 Castro: Revolutionary and Opportunist
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) We went eyeball-to-eyeball with the Russians, and the other man blinked!
An Historic Irony: Sergei Khrushchev, American Citizen Son is a Citizen of the United States and a Professor at Brown University
Supreme Soviet from 1964-1982 Invasion of Czechoslovakia 1968 Remembered as the Prague Spring Dubcek experiments with liberal communism USSR and allies invade an promote the pro-Moscow Husak He reversed all of Ducek’s reforms The Brezhnev Doctrine: USSR will intervene in all communist countries in the name of preserving the revolution Brezhnev Stagnation: Economic Recession, Ignored Cold War: Brezhnev and Gorbachev
Brezhnev attempts to reach out to Americans, while promoting socialist expansion Period characterized by a reduction in arms and the understanding of spheres of influence Helsinki Accords: Supported by NATO, recognized Human Rights USSR and US continue to promote their agendas around the world Arms Race Continues USSR has largest military force in the world, and nuclear parity with the US Relations deteriorate after USSR invades Afghanistan. US Boycotts Soviet Olympics(1980), provides aid and arms to the Taliban. US Soviet Relations: Détente 1964-1980
European Empires Post WWII Decolonization: the achievement of independence by the various western colonies and protectorates in Asia and Africa following World War II.
French Second Indochina War Democratic Republic of Vietnam (Communist) v. Republic of Vietnam (US Supported) French ask for US support in finance and small arms French are defeated at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. As part of the Geneva Convention, Laos Cambodia and Vietnam are given independence. Vietnam was partitioned temporarily at the 17th parallel . Political turmoil ensues Vietnam War 1959-1973
The Domino Theory The pro-western regimes of Laos and Cambodia align with communist movement. US pledges aid to Diem and South Vietnam Later fell in a coup, and was executed Political chaos follows Kennedy increases “advisors” from 800 to 16,000 Throughout the 60’s the crisis escalates Only was America has ever lost. To Be Continued if time allows! Vietnam War: Cont.
Extreme Poverty Political instability Civil War Famine Poverty Disease Regions with natural wealth but human poverty. Legacy of Decolonization
Reagan puts pressure on the Soviets Increases defense spending and develops “Star Wars” Communist economic problems plague the eastern bloc (Poland) Gorbachev and Perestroika Attempt at Economic Revival Glasnost: A Communist Debate Easing of political and economic restrictions 1989 New Constitution and Elections Gorbachev’s economic policies fail but he opens the door for future democracy. Brandenburg Gate Speech Reagan and Gorbachev
Poland: 1980 restrictions relaxed The Elections of 1989 end the dominance of the Communist Party Gorbachev approves the Solidarity Parties nominee Hungary: 1989, opened its boarder with Austria Mass exodus of East Germans Democratic elections by October Romania: 1989 Violent Revolution Gorbachev Renounces the Brezhnev Docterine The End of The Cold War: Revolutions in Eastern Europe
Popular Movements in East Germany call for unification Protests and demonstrators force the communist government to step down. In November of 1989, West and East Germans embrace and begin the long hard struggle of tearing down the political, social and economic wall that was the greatest symbol of the cold war The Day the Wall Came Down
Gorbachev recognizes the need for reform Eliminates the Single Party State Republics wage a “War of Laws” Gorbachev allies with the conservatives, Bad Move! August 1991 the Conservatives attempt a coup and place Gorbachev under house arrest. The People Speak: the largest protest in the History of Russia, The Communist Party disintegrates Yeltsin gains favor December 1991, under a revised constitution the Soviet Union ceases to exist: The Cold War is Over! The Fall of the USSR