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Organizational Development & Lifelong Learning : An Educational Approach. Yi, Byung Jun (Department of Education / Pusan National University South Korea / bjyi62@hotmail ). I. The Concept and Approaches of Organizational Development. ● “Organizational development” (OD).
Organizational Development & Lifelong Learning : An Educational Approach Yi, Byung Jun (Department of Education / Pusan National University South Korea / bjyi62@hotmail)
I. The Concept and Approaches of Organizational Development
● “Organizational development” (OD) is “the process of increasing organizational effectiveness and facilitating personal and organizational change through the use of interventions driven by social and behavioral science knowledge." (Anderson, 2010: 3)
● Approaches of OD 1. Approach of management & administration : Efficiency, Productivity 2. Approach of organizational psychology : Motivation 3. Approach of (Educational) Technology : Systematic teaching-learning design (focused on micro level of the teaching-learning) 4. Educational approach : Subjective ability & competence (focused on all levels of learning & appropriation in cultural context )
Ⅱ. Organizational development - a viewpoint of education science
● What is “educational approach”? 1. Educational approach has a “independent” & “own” viewpoint and focus on educational action (päd.Handeln). (E. Weniger / W. Flitner) 2. Educational action means “to help, promote & support being possible to think, feel, reflect, judge and act by oneself/itself”.
● F.D. Schleiermacher <educational lecture, 1826 > - The main issue of education science : “Maintenance/preservation” (erhalten)? or "Improvement” (verbessern)? - (related to the OD) maintenance/preservation of the organization? or improvement of the organization? or to find the optimum point between 1 and 2 by the situation and the scene?
● Th. Litt <lead or let grow, 1927 > - The main issue of education science : "Leading” (Führen)? or "letting them(it) develop” (Wachsen lassen)? - (related to the OD) To lead organization with leadership? (top-down) or to let the organization (member, culture etc.) develop itself/themselves? (bottom-up) or to find the optimum point between 1 and 2 by the situation and the scene?
● John Dewey <democracy & education, 1900/1930 > - The main issue of education science : to realize the democratic value as like “to promote the free communication and exchange”. - (related to the OD) To make free communication and exchange practicable within an organization
● “democratic concept in education” “Not only is social life identical with communi- cation, but all communication is educative. To be a recipient of a communication is to have an enlarged and changed experience. One shares is what another has thought and felt and in so far, meagerly or empty, has his own attitude modified.” (Dewey, 1955:16)
● “democratic concept in education” “There must be a large variety of shared undertaking and experiences. Otherwise, the influences which educate some into masters, educate others into slaves. And the experience of each party loses in meaning, when the free interchanged of varying modes of life-experience is arrested." (Dewey, 1987:133)
● John Dewey “When an individual moves from one situation into another situation, his world and environment can be expanded or shrink. However, he comes to realize that he still lives in the same single world, but in its different part or in its another aspect. The knowledge or skills he learned in one situation can be a tool to effectively understand and deal with other situation following the existing situation. Such process ceaselessly takes place, as an individual’s life continues and his learning continues. Otherwise, individual elements which participate in establishment of an experience come to be separated with each other, so the path of experiences will be disordered. Dispersed world, that is to say, the world where its various components and aspects are not combined with each other and not to shape a single form, immediately becomes a sign of fragmented personality. At the same time, such world becomes the cause for fragmentation of personality.” (J. Dewey)
S S O ≠ S Act of Thinking Experience Drawing Up Introspection S – Subject O – Object O ≠ S S Action (Figure 1) Action Structure of Human Thinking (Benner, 1987: 70)
● Norbert Elias <The society ofindividuals, 1939/1991> - The main issue of education (interpreted) : To help to balance between "I” (personal identity) and “We” (social identity) - (related to the OD) To help to find the balanced point between “personal/individual development (ID)" and “organizational development(OD)"
Ⅲ. Organizational Development - new view of the education science (cultural learning approach)
● Ch. Wulf <Anthropology, 2004/2013> mimesis performativity ritual imagination body
● P. Alheit et al. <Biographical/narrative Approach, 1983> (Figure 2) Layers of Social Memory (Alheit/Hoerning, 1983: 141
Ⅳ. Theorizing of Organization development - based on cultural learning theory -
● organizational development in a viewpoint of cultural learning theory means ● to develop an organization with the aspect of organization culture and ● to pay attention to learning culture within and surrounding organization
● “A pattern of shared basic assumptions that was learned by a group as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valued and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problem.” (Schein, 2004: 17; Anderson, 2010: 27)
● “They argued, as did Deal and Kennedy (1982) in Corporate Culture, that organizations can improve productivity and profits by changing the culture, accomplished by changing cultural values. Some organizational values, such as believing that the organization is impervious to competitive threats, jeopardize certain adaptive behaviors (such as environmental scanning and a driven toward transformative change).”(Anderson, 2010: 27)
● “The commonsense culture perspective as a lens on organizational life began to dominate practitioner and academic literature as managers and consultants became interested in strategies to intervene and change organizational culture.” (Anderson, 2010: 28)
● “learning culture” is material conditions for formation of learning course (ex: learningenvironment, materials, space, behavior etc.) and associative relation of symbolic instruction (ex: interpretation tool, the characteristic of socio-cultural environment, relation of power etc.) anddesign which is based on imagination(a idea about education, an appearance of community, development model, body image etc.) (Ch. Wulf et al,2007).
appetizer … asican viewpoint Paradigm 1. (Yang) Paradigm 2. (Yin) ID OD individual development competency development organizational development learningculture arrangement
Thank you. Byung-woo Bae<Pinetrees>