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Transnational methods and models for Self - Evaluation of non-formal personal competencies in the context of Self-Emanzi

Transnational methods and models for Self - Evaluation of non-formal personal competencies in the context of Self-Emanzipation. Wiebke Petersen, Gerald Heidegger (biat / Universität Flensburg, Germany) Leonardo da Vinci Project, Reference Material.

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Transnational methods and models for Self - Evaluation of non-formal personal competencies in the context of Self-Emanzi

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  1. Transnational methods and models for Self-Evaluation of non-formal personal competencies in the context of Self-Emanzipation Wiebke Petersen, Gerald Heidegger (biat / Universität Flensburg, Germany) Leonardo da Vinci Project, Reference Material

  2. Transnational methods and models for self-evaluation of non-formal personal competencies Seen in the context of • Policies and perspectives on the problem of social exclusion/inclusion in Europe • Individual self-emancipation and societal liberation from externally imposed limitations

  3. General orientation of the emancipatory models • To provide • opportunities, space and time for • Learning and • Livingprocesses

  4. Self-evaluation of non-formal (and informal) personal competencies • Point of view of the individuals:Opportunities for „moving on“ • Point of view of the socio-economic conditions: Opportunities to enter or to continue long term employment?? • Together: individual self-emancipation and societal liberation

  5. Aims of the Self-Evaluation Project • To investigate and improve support for people in evaluating their own possible competences • To improve opportunities to re-enter the labour market possibly in a different field: - more suitable to personal interests and wishes - higher success, better options to stay in the job • To support seeking fields of interests for times of unemployment - related to networking and citizenship

  6. Target group • Unemployed, other difficult life circumstances • Women returners • Employed, seeking new field of activity • Learners with interrupted occupational or learning careers, with the purpose of returning to work or learning Self-evaluation and self-recognition of their personal skills and competences are crucial - to broaden their career plans - to open up fields of activity outside employment - to contribute to self-emancipation

  7. Pedagogic approaches for Self-Evaluation Self-Evaluation module usually embedded in more comprehensive courses: • special courses for confidence building of women returners, long term unemployed, people in other difficult life circumstances • general courses (or opportunities in learning centres) for continuing education for - spare time activities (sports, ICT- competences, furniture construction) or - liberal arts (languages, political discussions for future activities, demonstrations, fine arts)

  8. „Flensburg model“ - Pedagogic approach for Self-Evaluation Combination of different approaches: • action orientation (learning about one´s abilities, interests and wishes through carrying through related practical tasks) • individual personal counselling • individual Self-Evaluation and reflection in pairs or groups

  9. Aim: Comprehensive picture of one´s competences: Occupational, social and personal competences (with regard to future occupations): • Occupational abilities, interests, wishes • Social abilities, interests, wishes • Personal abilities, interests, wishes • Take into account: Flexibility and traits of personality with their development

  10. Topics of discussion during the self-evaluation process • Former learning contexts • Present experiences and life circumstances • Realistic planning of the future - Aims: • Self-reflection, self-confidence supports • Realistic self-image self-emancipation • Realistic appraisal of opportunities

  11. Opportunities for future learning and actions!? Future learning contexts and methods • job placements • formal CVT-courses • courses more related to spare-time activities, including continuing courses in the liberal arts • learning opportunities in informal settings Possible future activities • Individual activities • Networking activities in groups • Activities for furthering “civil society” (citizenship) • Fostering self-emancipation and societal liberation

  12. Action orientation (learning about one´s abilities, interests and wishes through carrying through related practical tasks) • The „Flensburg method“: • Carrying out and experiencing practical activities: • Emotional experiences: important! • In groups: social responsibilities!? • „feeling“ the own „self“ with regard to actual tasks – together with others • ….Way of stimulating self-emancipation and societal liberation – particularly for „disadvantaged“ people

  13. Self-Evaluation ofexperiences, interests and wishes – the „Flensburg module“ • To find out about one´s „type of personality“ • Based on HOLLAND´S „typology of personalities“ • Take into account: „mixed“ cases Matching of types of personality and dimensions of job profiles – or of „spare time“ activities Basic idea of matching: Individuals with a certain „Holland code“ supposed to be optimally suitable for occupations/activities with the same code

  14. Six types of personality according to HOLLAND´s theory (including combinations)

  15. The Flensburg-method for searching your „self“ and thinking out a new future • Examples for the activities: 2-3 alternatives for each main type of personality Additionally one can be created by the participants themselves Realistic: model railway sewing model ships or steam engines Investigative:comparing and choosing an office chair for people with a bad back investigating a fault in a car researching into the cheapest ingredients for a meal

  16. The Flensburg-method for searching your „self“ and thinking out a new future artistic: Building an object for a model railway landscape Preparing and decorating a plate with bread roles (Canapés) ??? social: Role playing – intervention in a conflict Organising a party for people with different interests ??? enterprising: Organising a political demonstration Organising the preparation of a large meal in a team with a limited budget ??? conventional: Book keeping about expenditures for a household Filling in transfers for one´s own bank account ???

  17. Conventional activity: Calculating expenditure for foodChristina (shop assistant): no hope to experience somethingnewTim (plasterer Meister): is familiar with calculations

  18. Realistic activity: building a model railwayMilan (roma, showman on a fairground, low literacy and numeracy skills): no special interests, but high motivation

  19. Artistic activity: Landscape for the model railwayBarbara (without qualification): likes being creative

  20. Common reflection in groups (possibly with support)Barbara (without qualification): difficulties in oral expressionVladimir (electrician, from Russia): speaks nearly no German

  21. The Flensburg-method for searching your „self“ and thinking out a new future • experiencing activities with different characteristics/demands • common reflection in groups (possibly with support) • creative thinking out new possible fields of occupation (and even „recreation“ – for the long term unemployed) • Contribution to self-emancipation and societal liberation

  22. Contact • www.biat.uni-flensburg.de • heidegger@biat.uni-flensburg.de • niemeyer@biat.uni-flensburg.de • wiebkepetersen@biat.un-flensburg.de

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