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By: Mark Hammett 5 th period 5-12-11. My ABC Book of History. A. Adams, Samuel- He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He lead the Boston Tea Party. He is also an American hero. . Annex- An annex is when a person adds territory to the territory he already has.
By: Mark Hammett 5th period 5-12-11 My ABC Book of History
A Adams, Samuel- He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He lead the Boston Tea Party. He is also an American hero. Annex- An annex is when a person adds territory to the territory he already has. Ambush- An ambush a surprise attack!
B Boycott- A boycott is a refuse to buy items from certain a country. Burgesses-Reps. Elected for an assembly. Bounty- Money rewarded for catching a certain person
C Canal-An artificial waterway Canal-An artificial waterway Casualty-A wounded or killed military man Cede-To give up by treaty
D Demilitarize-To remove from a military force Draft-To force a person in the military to move or change locations Drought-A complete lack of water in a particular area
E Effigy-a rag figure representing a popular person. Export-To sell goods while aboard a vessel Emancipate-To free from slavery
F Frigate-Warship Federalist-Supporter of the Constitution Famine-Extreme shortage of food
G Global Warming-increase of world temperature (average) Greenback-Early Am. money Guerrilla Tactics-Sneak attacks
H Horizontal Integration-combining two separate companies into one. Habeas Corpus-Legal inquiry to determine a prisoners life or death sentence Holocaust-Mass slaughter of the Jewish people
I Iron Clad- armored naval vessel Internet-Worlds interlinking of all computers Import-buy/sell goods
J Joint occupation-joining to separate companies into one Judge-public official who rules over a court Journey Man-Worker who has learned a trade
K Kettle-Metallic vessel for boiling liquids King-Male ruler of a land owned by him and his people K Ration-Emergency ration supply
L Literacy-Ability to read and write Landslide-An easy and big win Lynching-Punishment for mobbing people
M Maize-Early way to grow corn Martyr-Sacrifice of yourself for personal reasons Mission-Religious settlement
N Neutral-No side Nullify-Cancel Nativist-A person who is racist to those not born in same county as him/her
O Offensive-Attack mode Ordinance-Law of regulation Over Ride-Over turn a law
P Partism-Favoring a side Petition-Formal request Plurality-Largest share
Q Queen-Female ruler Qualm-Sudden illness Quarrel-Actively dispute
R Radical-Extreme Recruit-Enlist in military Repeal-Cancel a law
S Secede-Leave union Suffrage-Right o vote Sectionalism-Loyalty over only one region
T Tariff-Tax on imported goods Tribute-Money paid for protection Tejano-Mexican who claims Texas is his home
U Unalienable Rights-Right that cant be surrendered Utopia-Perfect society Unconstitutional-Going against constitution
V Veto-Reject Vaquero-Hispanic ranch hand Vigilantes-people who take the law into their own hands
W War-Break out of violence War Hawks-Reps during Madison's period of presidency Writ of Assistance-Allowed soldiers to search peoples homes
Y Yankee-Union soldier Yellow Journalism-Biased report Yeoman-Slave less farmer from south