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My Abc Book of History!

My Abc Book of History! . Raven Morris 2 nd Period May 17, 2011. Abigail Adams- the 2 nd first lady of the United states, she changed many things in the White House. Abolitionists- people who strongly favored doing away with slavery.

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My Abc Book of History!

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  1. My Abc Book of History! Raven Morris 2nd Period May 17, 2011

  2. Abigail Adams- the 2nd first lady of the United states, she changed many things in the White House Abolitionists- people who strongly favored doing away with slavery African Americans- most of them in America were slaves and were treated very badly Albany Plan of Union- called for one general government in the original 13 colonies

  3. Baltimore, Maryland- place where Northern troops were attacked by a mob isolating the capital from the rest of the North Benjamin Franklin- Founding Father of America and inventor Boston Massacre- event where civilians were attacked by armed British soldiers, the unofficial beginning of the Revolutionary War Bill of Rights- document that guarantees Americans individual rights

  4. Charter colony- colony established by settlers who were given written, formal documents allowing them to settle Civil War- conflict between opposing groups of the same country Charles Cornwallis- general of the British army during the American Revolution Clermont- the first steamboat in the United States

  5. Declaratory Act- stated that Parliament had the right to make decisions for the British colonies Democratic Party- people who supported states’ rights and mistrusted a strong central government Declaration of Independence- declared that the United States was an independent country Daughters of Liberty- group of women that advised Americans to make their own clothing and produce their own goods so they would be more independent

  6. Eighth Amendment- said that excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment could not be imposed Enlightment- the spread that knowledge, reason, and science could improve society Electoral College- a special group of elected officials who vote for president and vice president English Bill of Rights- influenced the creation of the American Bill of Rights

  7. Federalists Papers- series of essays explaining and defending the Constitution; written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton Free African Society- free African Americans had their own churches, institutions, and social-aid societies Fourth Amendment- the right to not have people search you or your belongings without a warrant Fort Sumpter- the sight of the first battle of the American Civil War

  8. Gettysburg Address- given by President Lincoln concerning the unity of the Confederate and Union states Gadsden Purchase- strip of land along the southern edge of Arizona and New Mexico, purchased from Mexico Gibbons v. Ogden- case where the court held that federal law takes precedence over state law and interstate transportation Guerilla warfare- tactics used to sneak attack British during the American Revolution

  9. Henry Hudson- explored America and discover what is now called the Hudson River and Hudson Bay Homestead Act- gave 160 free acres of land to any settlers who paid a filing fee and lived on the for five years House of Burgesses- the first representative government in the United States Harvard College- the first college founded in the United States

  10. Industrial Revolution- period of time when factories and manufacturing became a huge part of the American way of life Indian Removal Act- act where the federal government paid Native Americans to move off their land and further west Intolerable Acts- closed Boston Harbor until money could be paid back for the tea destroyed in the Boston Tea Party Indian Territory- area in present-day Oklahoma for Native Americans living in the south-east

  11. John Jay- chief justice of the Supreme Court during Washington’s presidency John Paul Jones- the creator of the navy Judiciary Act of 1801- set up regional courts in the United States with 16 judges and many other judicial officials Jamestown, Virginia- first permanent English settlement in America

  12. Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions- said that the Alien and Sedition Acts could not be put into action because they violated the Constitution Kansas- Nebraska Act- said that Kansas and Nebraska could be territories and would decide whether to be free or not by voting Know-Nothing Party- political party that called for stricter citizenship laws that extended the immigrants’ waiting period from 5 to 21 years, and they wanted to ban foreign-born citizens from holding office Ku Klux Klan- groups of whites who hated blacks

  13. Land of Law of 1851- set up a group of people to review the Californios land rights Lewis and Clark expedition- explored the western lands of America Lexington, Massachusetts- sight of the first battle the revolutionary war The Liberator- a book written by William Lloyd Garrison concerning slavery

  14. McCulloch v. Maryland- held that Congress can do more than the Constitution expressly authorizes it to Magna Carta- placed limits on the power of the monarch Mason-Dixon Line- line set up to separate Charles Mason’s land from Jeremiah Dixon’s Mayflower Compact- the first colonial government

  15. Norfolk, Virginia- place where Confederate soldiers seized the naval shipyard during the Civil War Ninth amendment- says that we have certain rights guaranteed to us through the Constitution New Jersey Plan- kept the Confederation’s one-house legislature with one vote for each state Nullification Act- said that South Carolina would not pay the “illegal” tariffs of 1828 and 1832

  16. Olive Branch Petition- petition that assured the King George III of the colonists’ desire for peace; he ignored it though Ordinance of 1785- Congress created a system of surveying and selling land Ohio River Valley- area of land that started the rivalry between England and France Oregon Trail- path to Oregon from Missouri

  17. Popular sovereignty- political theory that government is subject to the will of the people Parliament- the British government Patrick Henry- person who persuaded the Burgesses to take action against the Stamp Act Philadelphia, Pennsylvania- sight of the Constitutional Conventions and signing of the Constitution

  18. Quadruple Alliance- group of four countries; Russia, Prussia, France, and Austria; that Spain asked to help them with its fight against South America Quebec Act- act that set up a permanent government for Quebec and granted religious freedom to French and Catholics Quartering of troops- the right that British troops had to live in any colonial home they wanted to Quakers- Protestant group of citizens that opposed slavery

  19. Richmond, Virginia- sight where the North planned to attack Confederate forces Republic of Texas- area of land purchased from Revolutionary War- the war where America fought for independence from Britain and other countries Reconstruction- period of time after the Civil War when the South had to be rebuilt

  20. Sedition Act- act to try and weaken the established government Stamp Act- tax on all paper goods Shay’s Rebellion- event where Daniel Shays and a group of 1,000 farmers got guns and ammunition from an arsenal and attacked rebels because of the new government Sugar Act- lowered the tax on molasses imported by colonists

  21. Tea Act- act passed to help the British East India Company by giving them the right to ship tea without paying the taxes Three-Fifths Compromise- counted every slave as three-fifths of a person in the census Treaty of Ghent- treaty that ended the Revolutionary War Trail of Tears- extremely difficult journey that the Cherokee Indians took to the western territory

  22. Underground Railroad- series of paths used to help thousands of slaves escape slavery Utopia- the idea of a perfect society Uncle Tom’s Cabin- book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe concerning the harshness of slavery Union- the Northern states during the time of the Civil War

  23. Virginia- Union warship destroyed by Confederates, rebuilt, and covered with iron Vicksburg, Mississippi- the sight of one of the battles of the Civil War Virginia Plan- plan that called for a two house legislature, a chief elected by the legislature, and a court system Martin Van Buren- eighth president of the United States

  24. Whiskey Rebellion- armed protest where farmers opposed the tax on whiskey War Hawks- people who pressured President Madison to declare war against Britain Writs of assistance- allowed customs officers to enter any location in search of smuggled goods William Lloyd Garrison- famous abolitionist who worked hard to end slavery

  25. XYZ Affair- when John Adams wanted to avoid war with France, he arranged a meeting with the foreign minister, but instead of sending someone to meet with Adams, he sent three agents who demanded a bribe, John Adams labeled them X, Y, and Z.

  26. Brigham Young- head of the Mormons in 1844 Yorktown, Virginia- sight of the last battle of the American Revolution

  27. John Peter Zenger- man who faced charges of libel for printing a critical report about the royal governor of New York

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