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DESCRIBING TEACHERS Presented by Şükran Tütengil. What is Teaching ? ( Describe what teachers do.). Teachers say they are like ;. Actors Orchestral conductors Gardeners. Characterise Teaching Styles and Characteristics. R elaxed Resourceful Innovative Hard- working
Teachers say theyarelike; Actors Orchestralconductors Gardeners
CharacteriseTeachingStylesandCharacteristics • Relaxed • Resourceful • Innovative • Hard-working • Authoritative • Space-giving • Well-informed • Patient • Attentive • Creative • Caring • Well- prepared • Flexible • Clear • Dynamic • Enthusiastic • Accurate • systematic
TheRoles of a Teacher Controller Prompter Participant Resource Tutor Organiser Performer
Controller • Teachersare in charge of theclassand of theactivitytakingplace. • Theytellstudentsthings, organisedrillsandreadaloud. • Teacher –frontedclassroom.
Prompter • Teachersaresometimesinvolved in a role playactivityforexample, studentslosethethread of what is going on, ortheyare ‘ lostforwords’. Whenteachersprompt, theyneedto: • Do it sensitivelyandencouragingly but, withdiscretion.
Prompter ( continued) Ifwearetooadamant, we risk takinginitiativeawayfromstudents. Ifwearetooretiring, wemay not supplytherightamount of encouragement.
Participant Teachersmightwanttojoin in an activity not only a teacher, but also as a participant in theirownright. Participating is oftenmoreenjoyablethanacting as a resourcefortheteacher. Studentsenjoyhavingtheteacherwiththem.
Resource Teachers can be one of themostimportantresourcesstudentshavebecause; Studentsmightneedto ask how to say orwritesomething. Theymightneedto ask what a wordorphrasemeans. Theymightwanttoknowinformationaboutwheretolookforsomethingsuch as a bookor a website. Teacherswantto be helpfulandavailable. No teacherknowseverythingaboutthelanguage.
Tutor Teachers can workwithindividualsorsmallgroups. Pointingthemin directionstheyhave not yet thought of taking. It is difficultto be a tutor in a verylargegroup since thetermimplies a moreintimaterelationshipthanthat of a controllerororganiser. Teachers can allowpersonalcontactandrealchancetofeelsupportedandhelped.
Organiser • Preparing for and organisingstudent variousactivities. • Explainingwhat to do, demonstrating. • Puttingstudents in pairs and groups. • Bringing activities to an end and giving feedback.
The Role of Organiser as follows: EngageInstructInitiateOrganisefeedback
Teacher as a Performer Differentteachersactdifferently. Eachteacher has manydifferentperformancestylesdepending on thesituation.
The Teacher as a Person Write twoandthreesentencesto describe your most memorable teacher:
My mostmemorableteacher was Ayhan Gürsel.He wasmy English teacherwhen I was 15.He was nice and friendly to his students. Hewantedtomakesure that everyone understoodwhat he wastalking about.He foundfun ways to learn things. That is why hewasmy favorite teacher.
SuccessfulInteractionwithStudentsDepends on FourKeyCharacteristics • Recognisingstudents • Listeningtostudents • Respectingstudents • Beingeven- handed
TheTeacher as TeachingAid Mime andGesture: aretheuse of movementtoconveymeaningandatmoshere. Theyworkbestwhentheyareexaggerated. AngryHappyHappy
TheTeacher as TeachingAid ( continued) Language Model: Reading passagesaloudtostudents can captureimaginationandmoodlikenothing else.
TheTeacher as TeachingAid (continued) Provider of ComprehensibleInput • Studentsshould be abletounderstandthemeaning of what is beingsaidorpresentedtothem. • Teachersshould be talk rightleveltotheirstudents.
References • Angry man. RetrievedMarch 14, 2014 from, http://www.featurepics.com/online/Angry-Man-2856462.aspx • Happygirl. RetrievedMarch 14, 2014 fromhttp://www.goodtoknow.co.uk/family/galleries/33918/10-ways-to-build-self-esteem-in-children • Harmer, J. (2007) The Practice of English Language Teaching (4th ed.). Cambridge: Longman. • Parrott, M.(1993). Tasks for Language Teachers: A Resource Book for Training and Development . Cambridge: CUP • Thepartsof a teacher.Retrieved March 15, 2014 from, http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/The-Parts-of-a-Teacher-Melonheadz-Clipart-Version-773926