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Transitioning Students with Hidden Disabilities into Postsecondary Institutions

Overview. Transitioning IEPVocational RehabilitationSelf-determination

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Transitioning Students with Hidden Disabilities into Postsecondary Institutions

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Candace Joles, EdD candace.joles@indstate.edu Autism Spectrum Disorder Series III Landsbaum Center for Health Education April 15, 2010 Transitioning Students with Hidden Disabilities into Postsecondary Institutions

    2. Overview Transitioning IEP Vocational Rehabilitation Self-determination & Self-advocating Accommodation/modification Assistive technology Federal and Indiana laws Disability Support Services

    3. Overview Transitioning IEP Vocational Rehabilitation Self-determination & Self-advocating Accommodation/modification Assistive technology Federal and Indiana laws Disability Support Services

    4. IDEAA – Transition Services A coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that is designed to be within a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation.

    5. Transition IEP Develop 14 years or 9th grade or earlier Student attends & involved Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals related to: training, education, employment, independent living skills Interagency collaboration needed to assist student Assessment & disability documentation How progress toward meeting postsecondary goals & annual goals will be measured Statement of special education & related services, supplementary aides & services to be provided to the student Courses of study to achieve postsecondary goals

    6. Educators, Counselors, Parents Assist with required postsecondary coursework Assist with financial aid opportunities Advise students of standardized tests Advise students of college majors, admission requirements, entrance exams Provide information on college fairs/tours Promote student self-advocacy skills

    7. Overview Transitioning IEP Vocational Rehabilitation Self-determination & Self-advocating Accommodation/modification Assistive technology Federal laws Disability Support Services

    8. Vocational Rehabilitation May attend Transition IEP meetings Assist in planning and providing transition services prior to completing high school Designed to help individuals with disabilities obtain the skills needed to gain and maintain employment Work with a VR counselor to devise a plan (Individualized Plan for Employment-IPE)

    9. Contacts

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