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Learn how to check for work approval using the Banner system in order to hire student employees. Follow step-by-step instructions and use the RJASEAR form in Banner for work approval.
Research eligibility of applicants in Banner on RJASEAR. Step 3 Step 4 Conduct Interviews Determine your department’s needs and budget. Step 1 Step 2 “Post” your job opening. Select the student you want to hire & submit a “Student Worker Request.” Step 5 Check for work approval using the Banner system (job will be set-up on RJASEAR). Step 6 Step 7 Make sure the student completes, or has completed, an I9 form and a W4 form. Step 8 “Close” the job opening. Notify applicants not selected of hiring decision. Step 6 The basic steps for hiring a student employee are as follows: This section of the tutorial will walk you through Step 6: Check for work approval using the RJASEAR form in the Banner system.
Step 6 What is Banner? Banner is the software system that contains the database of student information. It’s a tool that will benefit you as you seek to hire and employ student workers. It gives you information at your fingertips. Rather than having to contact the Student Financial Aid Office (SFAO) to get information – along with every other person on campus trying to hire student employees – you can use Banner to get the information you need. How to learn to use Banner If you do not currently use Banner and are not familiar with it, you will need to take the “Mini-Banner: Accessing and Understanding” section of this tutorial. This will provide you with just the training necessary to get Banner access and to hire student employees. For more extensive training, please check with ITS for seminars. Want to know more? If you would like more extensive Banner training you may sign up for courses through the ITS website at http://its.baylor.edu/pod_reg/MyDev.aspx or by following this path: Baylor.edu Faculty/Staff Training & Development Professional Development Seminars
Step 6 What is “work approval”? When you decide which student you want to hire, you complete and submit a “student worker request” form. This signals the SFAO to begin the processing to (a) determine whether or not that student is eligible for work-study funds, and (b) to “create” your job in the Banner system. Job creation by SFAO may take a few days, so please plan accordingly. “Work approval”means that the student is eligible, and the processing is complete. Once the processing is complete, the student may begin working – but not before. You must check for work approval through the Banner system before allowing a student to begin work!
Step 6 What is RJASEAR? RJASEAR is the form, or screen, in Banner you will use to look up work approval information. Caution! Not all the information contained in Banner forms, including RJASEAR, is relevant to the work-study program. Don’t be confused by the extra information. Focus on the fields highlighted in this tutorial. Remember: Job creation by SFAO may take a few days, so please plan accordingly. You must check for work approval through the Banner system before allowing a student to begin work.
Step 6 What is RJASEAR? There are two main parts or “blocks” on the RJASEAR form that you will use when checking for work approval: the “top block” and the “authorizations block.” Top block – you will use the top block to pull up the record of the student whom you wish to hire. The authorizations block – This block contains the authorization information about all the work-study jobs the student in question has held on campus during the academic year you selected. If the student has held other work-study jobs before the one for which you are hiring, you may need to scroll within the authorizations block to find the information about your position. Tip: Use the scroll bar to see more jobs. Yours may not be first!
Step 6 • To check for work approval using the Banner system, you will do the following: • Log on to Banner • Go to the RJASEAR form • Pull up the record for the student you wish to hire • Locate your position in the “authorizations” block • Check the “status” field for the correct authorization code • Then, you may wish to exit RJASEAR. • This tutorial will walk you through this process.
Step 6 1. Log on to Banner 1 To log on to Banner: 1. Open your internet browser and type in www.baylor.edu/banner. Wait for the cover Screen of Java Microsystems to load. 2. Enter your USERNAME and password. (Remember: these are not the same as your Bear ID and password). Leave the “Database” field blank. 3. Click “Connect.” (Remember: the hourglass will display until you click connect.) www.baylor.edu/banner 2 3
Step 6 1. Log on to Banner When you log on to Banner, you will come to this screen.
Step 6 2. Go to the RJASEAR form. RJASEAR To get to the RJASEAR form: enter “RJASEAR” in the “Go” field and hit the enter key.
Step 6 3. Pull up the record for the student whom you wish to hire. Next block to populate form Enter the year when you will be employing the student. For example for 2010-2011, you would enter 1011 (no dashes, spaces, hyphens or slash marks). Be sure you have the correct year in this field. Enter the student’s ID number here: for example 888888888 (no dashes, spaces, hyphens or slash marks). Once you fill out the ID number, the student’s name will appear in this field. Be sure you have the correct student’s name in the field before you proceed. Hint:Once you enter the ID number it is not necessary to hit they “enter” key. The name field will populate automatically.
Step 6 4. Locate your position in the Authorizations block on the RJASEAR screen. Scroll down, if necessary, to locate your position. You will recognize your position by seeing your department number in the placement field. Department number – each department that has used student employees in the past has been assigned a department number. It is a truncated version of your TRAX account number. In the position field you will see the truncated version of your department number plus the letter F, T, C or U. WTE Queue number – If your department uses different approvers for different positions, you may need to find the approver’s queue number in the placement field instead of the department number. Placement field - look for department number or WTE queue number here. Position field – look for department number plus an F, T, C or U here. HINT: If you do not know your department number or queue number, call the Payroll Office (ext. 2217).
Step 6 5. Check the “status” field for the correct authorization code. Once you have located your position, you need to check the status field for authorization. If the student has been approved for work, the status field will contain one of the codes listed below. If this screen only show “AUTH” in the status field and dates in the “Authorization:” fields, this DOES NOT mean that the student is authorized to work. Acceptable Codes: Status Field: Check for authorization code here.
Step 6 5. Check the “status” field for the correct authorization code. Your department number in the placement field + one of the authorization codes in the status field = your student may begin work!
Step 6 6. Exit RJASEAR. Click here to exit RJASEAR and return to the main page of Banner. To exit RJASEAR and return to the main page, click on the “X” icon in the top right corner of the tool bar.
Step 6 Review Question • Which software program do you use to determine if a student is approved to work? • Microsoft PowerPoint • Adobe Acrobat • Blackboard • Banner
Step 6 Review Question • Which software program do you use to determine if a student is approved to work? • Microsoft PowerPoint • Adobe Acrobat • Blackboard • Banner Answer The correct answer isD. The Banner program is where you locate approval to work for a specific student.
Step 6 Review Question True or false? If you see “AUTH” in the status field, but no placement or position code, the student is authorized to work.
Step 6 Review Question True or false? If you see “AUTH” in the status field, but no placement or position code, the student is authorized to work. Answer False. The student is only authorized to work if there is a department number in the placement field + a proper authorization code in the status field.
Step 6 Review Question Which form do you use to determine a student’s work approval? A. RJASERF B. RJASEAR.
Answer The correct answer isB. The RJASEAR form shows a student’s work approval (if available). Step 6 Review Question Which form do you use to determine a student’s work approval? B. RJASEAR
Step 6 Review Question True or false?I should disregard the other information in Banner that was not specifically mentioned in this tutorial.
Step 6 Review Question True or false?I should disregard the other information in Banner that was not specifically mentioned in this tutorial. Answer True. While there may be other populated fields on the RJASERF form, the information may be incomplete. Pay attention only to the fields specified in this tutorial.
Step 6 Review Question True of false?I have submitted the “Student Worker Request,” but my job has not been created in Banner. I desperately need my student to begin working on data entry. It’s okay for him/her to begin work as long as he/she gets paid for the time they work.
Step 6 Review Question True of false?I have submitted the “Student Worker Request,” but my job has not been created in Banner. I desperately need my student to begin working on data entry. It’s okay for him/her to begin work as long as he/she gets paid for the time they work. Answer False. It can take several days for job creation in Banner. Please plan accordingly. Your student employee may not begin working until job approval is viewed in Banner.
Step 6 Review Question • I don’t remember my department account number or my WTE queue number. Who should I call? • Budget Office • Payroll Office • Student Financial Aid Office • Human Resources
Step 6 Review Question • I don’t remember my department account number or my WTE queue number. Who should I call? • Budget Office • Payroll Office • Student Financial Aid Office • Human Resources Answer The correct answer is B. If you have forgotten or misplaced these numbers, please call the Payroll Office at x2217.
Step 6 Review Question • What part of the RJASEAR screen do I look at for job approval? • Key block • Authorizations block • Chopping block • Corner block
Step 6 Review Question • What part of the RJASEAR screen do I look at for job approval? • Key block • Authorizations block • Chopping block • Corner block Answer The correct answer is B. Once you are in the RJASEAR form, enter the correct aid year and ID number. Next you will look to the “authorizations block” for job approval. Your department number in the placement field + one of the authorization codes in the status field = your student may begin work!
Step 6 End of Section. Click to return to the main menu.