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The Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine. Your Meeting Title Goes Here. Your Name Goes Here. Initiative on the Future of Nursing. Recommendations for an action-oriented blueprint for the future of nursing. Why Now?.

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Your Meeting Title Goes Here

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine Your Meeting Title Goes Here Your Name Goes Here

  2. Initiative on the Future of Nursing • Recommendations for an action-oriented blueprint for the future of nursing

  3. Why Now?

  4. IFN Vision

  5. Nurses: Potential to Effect Wide-Reaching Changes!

  6. The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health

  7. Four Key Messages

  8. Four Key Messages

  9. Four Key Messages

  10. Four Key Messages

  11. Initiative on the Future of Nursing The Recommendations

  12. The Recommendations

  13. The Recommendations

  14. Recommendation #1

  15. #1) Remove Scope-of-Practice Barriers

  16. #1) Remove Scope-of-Practice Barriers

  17. #1) Remove Scope-of-Practice Barriers

  18. Recommendation #2

  19. #2) Expand Opportunities for Nurses to Lead

  20. #2) Expand Opportunities for Nurses to Lead

  21. Recommendation #3

  22. #3) Implement Nurse Residency Programs

  23. #3) Implement Nurse Residency Programs

  24. Recommendation #4

  25. #4) Increase Proportion of BSN-Degree Nurses to 80% by 2020

  26. #4) Increase Proportion of BSN-Degree Nurses to 80% by 2020

  27. #4) Increase Proportion of BSN-Degree Nurses to 80% by 2020

  28. Recommendation #5

  29. #5) Double Number of Nurses with Doctorate by 2020

  30. #5) Double Number of Nurses with Doctorate by 2020

  31. Recommendation #6

  32. #6) Ensure that Nurses Engage in Lifelong Learning

  33. #6) Ensure that Nurses Engage in Lifelong Learning

  34. #6) Ensure that Nurses Engage in Lifelong Learning Nursing simulation lab

  35. Recommendation #7

  36. #7) Prepare and Enable Nurses to Lead Change to Advance Health

  37. #7) Prepare and Enable Nurses to Lead Change to Advance Health

  38. Recommendation #8

  39. #8) Build Infrastructure to Collect, Analyze Workforce Data

  40. #8) Build Infrastructure to Collect, Analyze Workforce Data

  41. It Will Take All of Us!

  42. Implementation

  43. Implementation

  44. Implementation

  45. Implementation

  46. Implementation: Your Role

  47. Opportunity Of Our Lifetime

  48. IFN Resources • Visit us on the Web at: www.thefutureofnursing.org • Follow us on twitter at: www.twitter.com/futureofnursing • IFN Implementation Hashtag: #FutureRN • Join us on Facebook at: http://facebook.com/futureofnursing

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