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The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Once upon a time, there lived a shepherd boy in a village . He watched a flock of sheep near the village .
TheBoyWhoCriedWolf Once upon a time, therelived a shepherdboy in a village. He watched a flock of sheepnearthevillage. Oneday, he thoughtitwouldbefuntofoolthevillagers. So he climbed up a tree and cried, “Wolf! Wolf! A wolfiskilling my sheep! HELP! Hisneighboorscametohelphimbut he laughedat them. He keptfoolingthevillagersbycryingwolffor a few more days. Thewolf, however, didtruly come at last. Theshepherdboywasreallyscared and startedshoutingforhelp, “Please, do come and help me. Thewolfiskilling my sheep!” But no onepaidattentiontohisplea. Thewolf ate allhissheeponebyone and theshepherdboywashelpless. He learnt a valuablelesson and neverliedagain.